I Want To See Your Face

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"Okay.. There we go. Are you okay? Are you cold, Marc?" Gerard asks with a soft smile

"Ah, yes. Thank you. It's so warm. I love it," Marc says closing his eyes and enjoying the warmth of the apartment

"Good. I'm glad you're comfortable. We should go to sleep, tomorrow is a big day," Gerard says happily

"I.. I can't wait to finally see your face," Marc says with a grin appearing on his delicate face

"Haha! It's nothing special.. I hope you still like me," Gerard laughs nervously

"I don't see why I wouldn't.. Looks are just a plus.. And I know you've got them," Marc says searching for his hand

Gerard immediately grabs it and squeezes the other's slightly rough hand. Marc smiles.

"You'll finally be able to see how gorgeous you are, Marc. You have the prettiest of eyes,"

"You think so?"


The fact that Marc was blind never stood between the two. Gerard was helplessly in love with him. And Marc was too, in love with Gerard. It was an innocent love based purely on feelings. Marc couldn't judge Gerard on his looks because he could not see him. And the thought that maybe Marc wouldn't like him anymore drove Gerard slightly crazy.


"Is he gonna be okay? " Gerard asks the doctor

"Yes. Don't worry. He's in good hands. "

Gerard sighs and nods. Marc was going to finally be Able to see. He would see Gerard.. Everything.

He decided to walk out and buy some food. It would help him keep his mind off things. As soon as he walked out, he was smothered by many people.

"Pique ?? Pique!! Is your boyfriend going to be okay ? How do you feel?"

"Are you worried that he won't like you anymore?!"

"Was the surgery a success?!"

He sighs. He will never be able to keep his life to himself.

"Thank you for your concern but I know nothing as of now," he says flashing them a small smile

"Are you worried about what he will think of you once he finally sees you?"

"Ah.. I'd like to not think negative things.. Love isn't physical.. And I know he loves me just as much as I love him. "

He spent time answering many questions. He was glad to finally sit down in a small coffee shop and enjoy the silence. He didn't stay too long since he knew that Marc would be nervous if he didn't see him waiting for him.
"Sir? You're Marc-"

"Is he okay ???"

"Ah.. Yes.. He will have to wear bandages for a while just so make sure nothing happens.. He will be staying here so you don't have to worry about anything,"

"Can I please see him ?"

"Yes. Of course."

Pique enters the room quietly. Marc is sitting up. Is he asleep? It's really hard to tell.


"Marc.. How do you feel?"

"The same."

"The doctor says that you'll be able to take off the bandages soon," pique says taking his hand in his

"H-hey.. What if it didn't work?"

"Marc.. Don't say that. It did. I know it did."



Pique's heart was pounding. He paced back and forth.

"Pique.. You're getting me dizzy," Marc sighs

"I'm sorry. I'm so nervous."

The doctor walks in and doesn't say anything. He simply smiles at pique and turns to Marc.

"Okay, Marc are you ready? It'll take a few minutes to adjust your eyes to the lighting.. So that it doesn't damage your eyesight, we've dimmed the lights a little,"

"Ah.. Alright,"

Pique bits down on his bottom lip as the cloth falls slowly off the man's face. Marc squints first. He blinks a couple of times. He smiles.

And pique's heart pounds in his chest. Marc's eyes are on him, directly.

"You're so handsome,"


Part 2?

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