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"Hey," antoine says quietly as he takes his seat

Torres only makes a soft noise and continues watching. Griezmann looks at him intensely and bites his lip. Is Torres angry at him?

The last few minutes of the game go on like that. They don't share a word and Griezmann isn't okay with it. But he knows that Torres is probably frustrated and chooses to leave him be for a while.

"Grizi! Wait up!" Koke calls out

Griezmann stops his tracks and looks back. He smiles at his teammate and waits for him to catch up. Torres is walking in front of them but stops to look back. He rolls his eyes and continues walking.

"You were good today," he says hugging Antoine tightly.

Something that makes Fernando's discomfort grow even more.

"T-thanks," Griezmann smiles

Torres chuckles a little. He can see the blush spread across Antoine's face. He doesn't need to turn around to make sure that it's there. He simply knows That it is.

"God, you're so cute, Grizi."

Torres stops walking.

"O-oh.. T-thank you," Griezmann says looking down

Torres turns around. They haven't noticed him. But Griezmann can feel someone's cold eyes on him. He looks up and finds Torres glaring at him with so much force and hate that makes him wince in slight pain.

"What'd you say to him?" He asks angrily approaching them

"Excuse me?" Koke asks a little confused

"Repeat it."

"I didn't say anything,"

Torres is now in front of him. He's getting all over Koke's personal space but Koke is a little too scared to say anything.

"Say anything like that to him again and I will kill you,"

"Stop getting so jealous.. You don't own him.. No one does.. And you don't even like him so why are you stressing over it so much?"

"That's none of your business.. Just stay away from him."

"No.. It is my business. I fancy Griezmann.. So the one who needs to back off is you,"

"You like him?" Torres asks slightly shocked


"We're leaving!" Torres says pulling Antoine by his hand

"F-Fernando... Stop! You're hurting me."

"Why are you hanging out with him? He's a bad influence on you.. Who knows what he'll try to do to you.."

"Why do you care? All you've been doing is giving me the cold shoulder lately.. And I don't understand what I did," Griezmann says with a sad tone evident in his words

"Ugh. You're such a naive boy," Torres says

He pushes Griezmann up against the wall and looks all ways to make sure no one is watching them.

"You're my new addiction. And I can't stand watching other people wanting you the way I do.. You understand ? It angers me when someone else has your attention.. You're mine. You belong to me.. Only me.. "


Griezmann's words are swallowed by Torres. Griezmann opens his mouth for the older man and closes his eyes happily. He can feel the dominance coming for the other man. The way Torres has him pressed tightly against the wall and kisses him roughly. Everything about his is screaming dominance and Antoine can't say that he minds.

"I wanna take you here and now.. But I can't risk having anyone catch us," Torres breathes out against Griezmann's slightly bruised lips


"Ah~ Fernando!!"

"Shh.. Don't worry.. Daddy's gonna make you feel good soon,"

Griezmann bites his lip harshly. This is something that he's never think of doing. But here he is. Hands tied to the header of the bed and blindfolded.

"T-Torres.. This is uncomfortable," he says ever so quietly

"You'll love it soon,"

Torres kisses down Griezmann's already bruised body. There's many red, big love bites. Torres is proud of them. especially the ones around his neck. That will show everyone who Antoine belongs to. Yeah, he likes that.

He gently spreads Antoine's legs and wraps them around his waist so that he can happily get between them.

Torres can't say that he's on the romantic side. He just loves to fuck. But Antoine makes him want to be gentle, makes him wanna kiss slowly and passionately.

"Okay, babe.. Breathe..."

"Ah~ T-Torres!" Antoine screams in pain

Torres feels the warm and tight insides of the French football player and groans at the great feeling. He continues to thrust roughly into him despite the small protests of the smaller man.

"S-slow down!" Griezmann says trying to grab something but failing as his hands have been tied up

He feels the handcuffs bruising his wrists and groans painfully. He can't see Torres. And that's a little scary. What if Torres isn't enjoying himself. Griezmann feels good. But not too good.

He is in between pleasure and pain. But how is Torres feeling ? Is he liking it? Does he like Griezmann now that he has seem him fully naked ?

"Stop thinking so much," Torres says almost out of breath

He's holding Griezmann's hips tightly, leaving his hand marks on him. His thrusts get faster and rougher as Griezmann starts to moan uncontrollably.

"Ah~ d-daddy!!"

Griezmann feels a little weird letting the word roll out of his tongue. But he knows Torres likes it because he's immediately groaning at the word.

"Fuck Grizi! you're so tight!"

"Ah~ fuck! I'm gonna cum!! I'm gonna cum!! Daddy!! Daddy I'm coming!!"

"Ah~ shit! Antoine! You feel so good.. Fuck.. Daddy loves you, baby."

Griezmann feels his body completely stop. His heart is racing more than ever. Torres just said he loves him.


What is love ?

Griezmann has suddenly lost all train of thought. Torres brings his back to reality with his lips. Griezmann kisses back and he wants to so badly wrap his arms around Torres' neck.

"I love you, Antoine,"

"I-I love you too," Griezmann sobs slightly


"Where the heck is Antoine ?? "

"He's sick sir.. " Torres says

"He didn't even call.."

"He's staying with me.. I don't think that he will be coming around for a while," Torres can't help but to have a smug look

"Tell him that I hope he feels better,"

"Will do,"


"Coach says he hopes you feel better."

"Really? You told them I was sick?" Antoine asks

"Yup. He'll excuse you until you feel better.. Sorry for being so rough," Torres says kissing his forehead

"It's fine.. I'm fine. Just sore.. "

"Koke seemed to have an idea of what had happened.. Couldn't help but smile.. Now he knows who you belong to,"

"You're so possessive."

"Can't ever lose you,"

"You never will."

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