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There was a knock on his door. He thought that it would be Kun or Di Maria.

"Come in!"

It wasn't. It was the person he wanted to see least right now. Oh how he despised this man at the very moment.


"what do you want?" Leo spat bitterly

"Leo.. I'm sorry.. I wanted to know if you were okay.."

"I'm fine. You can leave now. Go celebrate."

"I don't want to.. Messi.. What's wrong? We promised-"

"I kept my promise. I didn't score. But I'm wishing I had.. we lost,"

"I know. And I'm sorry.. This is was supposed to be a friendly game.. So please don't take it seriously.. I kept my promise to you as well.. Aren't you glad?"

"Glad? Why would I be glad? Quit being such a helpless romantic Ney! I wish I had not made that promise in the first place!"

"Quit taking this out on me! You lost!! Get over it!!!!" Neymar screamed

"Shut up!!!! Get out!!!" Messi screamed

"This is about Kun isn't?! You like him!!! Leo! You like him! Why don't you go take this out on your new lover you little piece of shit!" Neymar growled

Messi was out of bed by now. He was inching closer to Neymar, readying himself to pounce at him if the wrong words slipped from his venomous tongue. Neymar was a little scared of Leo, but he wouldn't back down.

"No Neymar I don't like Kun. But you really need to shut up before I hurt you!"

"What was all that talk about then huh? That promise about not scoring on each other.. That thing where it didn't matter who won or lost?! Did you say it because you thought that I would lose!?! Huh?! Did you think that it would be me crying!? Leo, even if it would've been me the one who lost... I would've never taken it out on you."

Leo couldn't look Neymar in the eye. He felt ashamed and childish. Neymar was hurt and at the verge of tears. He was sensitive, Leo knew. He was also insecure. Leo knew that too. He was always asking about Leo's relationship with his fellow teammates, especially Kun. Kun and Leo had a special relationship, and Neymar feared that.

"You know what? Forget it. I came to cheer you up but I won't stand for this"

"Stay." Messi said immediately.

Neymar looked back at him with a slightly shocked expression. Messi looked sorry, upset by his small outrage.

"Don't go yeah? I'm sorry. I'm being so childish by taking this out on you. Ney.. Trust me when I say that I don't like Kun. Why do you-"

"I'm jealous of your friendship. Leo.. He makes you so happy.. Even when you lost.. He stood beside you.. I wanted that to be me. He gets to go places with you.. As your friend.. And I as your rival.. I'm scared that you'll one day realize that he's Better for you. That maybe he makes you happier than I ever could and I'm just simply scared to lose you. Can't you see? I love you. I'm scared, I'm so scared because I love you so much. So much that I even scare myself at times."

Neymar was open with his feelings. He was the one who made a move on Leo. And it took sometime for Leo to get on board. So it's Normal for neymar to panic.

"Ney.. You don't seem to understand this.. Come,"

Neymar walks up to him. His watery eyes staring at Messi curiously. Messi grabs his hand and places it against his chest, where neymar could feel his beating heart.

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