Too Cute To Say No

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I love me some Piquessiiiiiiiii


Gerard sighed. It was that time of the year again. The leaves were changing colors and falling to the ground. The air was getting a little colder and the days were becoming awfully shorter.

It was mid October and it was far too cold for his liking. He despised the cold with so much passion.

"Ah.. The leaves look so pretty, Gerri"

"It's cold. "

"But it's not too cold.. I like this weather," the younger one says

"Hmm.. I really don't," Gerard says

"We should head back then," the smaller says a little sad

Gerard looks down at him and shakes his head. He's just too cute for his own good.

"I don't mind walking a little bit more.. Let's go to your favorite bakery and then head home okay? I know they have their Halloween specials out already," Gerard says

"Ah.. Thank you so much," the younger smiles

They have been dating for a few months now. The younger one still uses formal language with Gerard and it drives him crazy. It's not that he hates how respectful his lover is. It's just that it makes him feel old and like he's his father, not his boyfriend.

"Leo.. Don't run," Gerard chuckles

"Sorry," Leo blushes, walking back to his side

Sometimes Gerard feels dirty and disgusting. He's 30 and he's dating a barely legal teenager. Well, Leo isn't a teenager anymore. He recently turned 21. But his small frame makes him look like he's barely 17, often confusing the two for brothers or even father and son.

"Are we still going to Cristiano's party?" He asks

"Leo.. That's silly.. Isn't it weird?"

"I think it's fun."

"Adults dressing up and pretending to be 20 years younger is fun to you? Gerard chuckles

"Why not?"

"You're so strange."

"You need to learn to live life Gerard.. Do something exciting once in a while," Leo sighs

The conversation dies off there. And they are reminded of the age gap that becomes a barrier for the two of them. It makes them question if being with each other is actually the right thing to do.

And it's not that Lionel is immature or that Gerard acts like a 90 year old already. It's the fact that Lionel hasn't lived certain parts of his life yet. And Gerard already lived them. That's what sucks about the age gap. Lionel will never be able to catch up to Gerard and Gerard doesn't want the young man to miss out on the good things in life.

It's not fair for him. And no relationship is worth not being able to experience the good things in life to the fullest. Gerard sometimes felt like letting go off the young man. But he couldn't. And he knew that maybe that was extremely selfish from his part but he was in love.

He was too in love to let go off him so easily. He cursed the day they met. He knew then that no one else would live in his heart. He was around 24 when they met. He had just started working and his partner was Lionel's father.

They had worked together for a while and Gerard once found himself in the man's house, going over some important information. A young boy had come rushing into the room with pink cheeks and a kitty costume.

Soccer one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora