My Mate 3

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Marc sighed loudly, sitting on his chair, swaying back and forth. Everything was so stressful at the moment. He didn't know what to do. His life had changed in so little time.

"Are you okay ? " Melissa asked

"No I'm not okay."

"What's wrong?"

"Everything.. Everything is wrong.. I'm going to be a father and I don't know shit about how to be a good dad.. What if I'm no good? What if I am a terrible-"

"Marc.. Calm down will ya? You'll be okay. You're a man.. You can't be having second thoughts about this. Think about Leo... He's so young and probably just as anxious and nervous as you but he won't back down.  You two are in this together."

"Leo seems to be so much more sure than I am. I know I'm supposed to be the strong one.. But I didn't ask for this.. I didn't ask for a kid so early!" Marc growls in frustration

"Ah.. Umm.. Sorry,"

Marc and Melissa turn to see a slightly hurt Lionel standing by the door. Marc sighs. He didn't mean for it to come out like that.


"I'll go.. Sorry.. Bye,"

"Leo! Wait!!"

Lionel runs out the room, tears falling down his cheeks. He runs into his room and tries to close the door but Marc is right behind him.

"Stop running will ya?"

"Go away, Marc!"

"No. Leo stop it. I didn't mean it like that okay? I'm just so fucking scared.. We're gonna be Parents and We know nothing about what it's like to raise a child.. It's only natural for me to be scared. "

"Marc.. You don't have to be part of this.. If you're not ready-"

"It's not about me being ready. I love you and I want to do this with you.. But please understand  that there will be times where my nerves are gonna get the best of me.. Help me.." Marc begs

"Marc.. It's okay.. I'm scared too," Leo whispers


"Stop running from me!!" Neymar growls, digging his nails into the wall he has the smaller man against

"I'm not running from anyone."

"Why.. Why are you hurting me?" Neymar asks with a grimace

"I'm not.. I'm sorry.. I didn't know I was hurting you. I told you from the start to forget me. You keep chasing after me," Antoine says

"I can't let go of you so easily. You're my mate. your rightful place is with ME!!" Neymar growls

He might be an alpha but that doesn't seem to Phase Antoine at all. Neymar is so frustrated with the younger man. He doesn't know how to make Antoine see things clearly.

"You belong to me."

"I belong to no one," Antoine says, struggling against the older's grip

"Antoine.. Fuck! Stop being so difficult.. Doesn't it hurt you? Doesn't a part of you want to be with me?" Neymar asks desperately

"No. So let me go!"

"Are you sure?" Neymar asks, his voice falling quiet and broken


And Neymar lets him go. And Antoine really wishes he didn't but he will not turn around. Why isn't Neymar coming after him? Why isn't Neymar pinning him up against a wall already? Has he truly given up?

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