It Started With A Scary Friend

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Antoine knocked on the door lightly. He didn't want to bother his teammate. He smiled when the doorknob turned. But soon changed his features when the one who came out was a very mean looking guy.

"Hi, there.. You're a cutie," he says closing the door behind him and getting extremely close to Antoine

"Ah.. Is Fernando home?" He asks a little nervous

"Yeah.. But he's busy.. We should leave him alone.. Let's grab a drink," the boy winks

"Ah.. N-no thanks,"

"You have a really nice body.. Such a smile waist for a guy.. "

Antoine feels his hands wrapping around his waist and tries to pull away from the other boy's hold. But the older teen holds him tightly, pulling them impossibly close.

His phone rings, making him grown and letting his grip on Antoine go. Antoine runs into the house immediately.

"Oh.. Hi Antoine! It was open?"

"Yup. Sorry.. I didn't know you had company," he says

"No it's fine.. Cris was just leaving.. I'll be back. I'll go get the things we need."

Antoine nods. Cristiano gives him a small, eyeing him up and down.

"Torres doesn't have bad taste," he winks as he walks off, leaving Antoine a blushing mess

"All your friends as so weird and scary," Antoine says, making Torres chuckle

"They're nice," he simply say

"Whatever helps you sleep at night dude."

"Whatever.. So... Did you talk to him yet?"

"eh? Umm.. Well.. I talk to him.. But like.. I didn't tell him .. "

"Boo!! Cmon Grizi.. Be a man!"

"Aish.. It's hard to be a man who's in love with another man.."


"Hey cutie,"

"H-hi.. Do you need anything?" Antoine asks

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.. So.. We should go on a date."

"Huh? "

"Yup. I think you're cute so I want to take you out on a date," the guy says

"Umm.. I don't even know you,"

"That's the point. Let me take you out on a date so that we can get to know each other better," the guy smiles



And that's how Antoine got stuck in this crazy position. Antoine had said that he wanted it to be a group thing to feel much more comfortable. But he should've kept his mouth shut.

He sat across an angry looking Torres and his date. And Cristiano and a smaller guy who looked way too cute and innocent to be with someone like him.

"So.. How did you two meet?" Torres asks with a slightly annoyed tone

"He was coming over to your house one day.. And I saw him.. So.. I asked him out because I thought he was really cute," the guy says, smiling at griezmann

"Awe.. Sergio.. I never thought you to be the type to do those things," the smaller boy gushes

"Well.. Antoine is an exception," Sergio winks

Antoine blushes and smiles. He's never had someone care for him so much. Sergio was pretty scary at first but he was being so sweet and kind.

"So.. You two are gonna be a thing now or...?" Cristiano asks

"Well.. We'll see where things go," Sergio simply says

The day goes by pretty well. Antoine learns that Cristiano and his boyfriend, Lionel, have been together for almost 3 years now. The guy is extremely sweet and is a couple of years younger than Cristiano.

Torres gives him a cold stare throughout the day. He didn't want Fernando to be mad at him. He was In love with him for god's sake.


"What the fuck are you doing huh?!?" Torres screams pushing him up against the wall

"Calm down," Sergio groans

"No!! No! You know God damn well I like him so why the fuck are you asking him out on dates?! What the fuck Sergio!"

"What? You were taking too long and he's a cutie," Sergio winks

It drives Torres crazy.

"He's MINE! So stay away!" Torres growls


Torres and Grizi
Or Grizi and Ramos


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