You Drive Me Crazy

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Lionel smiled as he saw the man he was undoubtedly in love with signing his beautiful signature on the front page of the brand new book. Just standing there, watching him see his dream come true was so fulfilling for Lionel. He didn't want anything else but that.

Seeing Marc so happy made his own heart jump with so much joy. Every now and then, Marc would steal a few glances and it still made Lionel's heart jump out of his chest just like in college.

"hey," he whispers against Lionel's lips


They share a very small peck before heading out to eat lunch like Marc had promised him. Their relationship wasn't very "exciting". Even though Marc was a very famous author, his fame did not bring any trouble for their relationship. It was a very quiet but open one as well.

Lionel was known as Marc's muse. The reason for the great love stories that everyone could not get over. Lionel should never break Marc's heart, because what would happen if he did? What would Marc write of next? He'd have no love left to write of.

It almost felt like too much to handle. But it didn't bother Lionel when the thought came to mind. He knew that he would never stop loving Marc. And if their love wasn't meant to be he knew that Marc would still be as amazing as he is now. He is a natural amazing and talented writer. He doesn't need Lionel to write of love and acceptance.

"Hey loser! Stop thinking too much. It's hurting my brain!" Marc says looking at him sternly

"Oh shut up," Leo sighs

"Leo.. You're always overthinking every little step you take and breath you exhale.. What's wrong ? "

"Nothing. You know how I am," Leo says smiling warmly at him

"Don't let your pretty little head wander," he says grabbing his hand

Marc smiles when he grazes his finger over the ring on Lionel's finger.

"I can't wait for you to be my husband."

"Marc," Lionel blushes

"I'm so in love with you, Leo."


"Why.. I'm in love with you. And I want you to know it. I love you. I love you with everything that I am,"


Marc gently pushes him down on the bed. Lionel's naked form is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. The small blush spread across his face makes Marc see the innocent human being that is laying beneath him.

"I love you, leo,"

"I love you too."

His voice is quiet and almost inaudible. Marc smiles before kissing his soft lips.

"I'm so obsessed with these lips. "

"I'm so in love with you.

With your smile

With your beautiful brown eyes

With your voice

Your hair




I am completely and utterly in love with you "

Their lips move together perfectly. It's like they were made for each other. And maybe it's because they were. This was written a million years ago. This love story, it was meant to happen. They were meant to meet and fall in love. They were meant to be together.

Marc was meant to be crazily in love with Lionel. Lionel was meant to love Marc, to keep
Him sane, to be his muse.


That's what they were. And they knew it.

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