You're Too Cute

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Verratti and Leo bugging me rm.. If you follow me on tumblr you know what I'm talking about lol
Anyway .. Why not make them fuck to make myself feel better? Right?


Marco sat quietly outside the locker rooms. He wasn't even sure why he was still waiting for the man. He just felt the need to apologize. It would help him sleep better.

He smiled at everyone who walked out. Lionel seemed to be the last one because everyone else was already gone. He sighed and yawned, it was late and he just wanted to crash.

Finally, the last man walked out. Verratti held his breath and got up. His deep ocean blue eyes staring up at soft chocolate brown ones.

"Oh.. It's you," Leo says

It's not mean. But it makes Verratti feel unwanted.

"Umm.. Yeah.. I- I wanted to apologize for today.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean-"

"It's fine. It happens."

Lionel looked very uncomfortable, and Marco wondered why. He had never done anything to harm him. He admired Lionel. Maybe Lionel had found out about his crush on the Argentinian. He was so stupid! David Luiz had probably told Neymar and Neymar Told Leo. Great.

"Do you hate me?" Marco spills without even thinking twice about it

"what? No. Marco.. I don't hate you.. But please.. Stay away from me.."

"Is it because of my crush? I promise it's not that big of a deal.. I don't even like you that much.." Verratti says closing his eyes in anticipation

"wait what? You like me?"

Marco opens his eyes with a dreaded stare. He bites his bottom lip nervously.

"Oh.. So you weren't talking about that..."

"Answer me!"

Marco swallows hard. Lionel looks hot angry, but also very scary.

"Y-yeah.. I- I'm sorry.."

"You make my life so difficult, Verratti."

Lionel pushes him against the wall. Marco looks up at him with slight confusion. Lionel smiles fondly down at him. Verratti looks down, blushing, trying to avoid Lionel's stare.

"God you're so goddamn cute. I can't wait to destroy you,"

"L-Leo!"'Marco blushes even more

His face is completely red and won't even dare to look up at the taller man.

"Hey.. Look at me.. Marco.."

Lionel takes his chin between his thumb and index finger, forcing the younger man to look up at him with those orbs that swallow him like a black hole.

"You're so beautiful,"


"Ive been waiting to make you mine for so long. And now I have you.. And I'm not letting you go. You're mine."


"I want that to be clear. Mine. No one else's. You belong to me now. And forever."


Marco is at a loss for words. Lionel Messi is claiming him.

'What even is life right now'

That's probably the only thing going through his head. He feels like a silly little girl for getting so hyped up about a fling that won't last more than a month or so.

"I'm taking you home okay?"

"Oh.. I live-"

"My home."

"Oh... But.."

"I wanna spend the night with you, Marco.. I know I won't see you in a while.. I want to have something to remember you by,"

Marco smiles and nods. He'll go anywhere with Lionel.

"Ah~ Leo~"

"We haven't even started and you're already so responsive and bothered.. How cute.. I'm glad I've got this effect on you.. Only I can touch you like this.. I want you to understand.. That when I say you're mine, you're mine for life."


Verratti didn't expect Lionel to truly mean things. But 2 years later and a drunk man on the floor for trying to grab his butt while Lionel was buying them drinks made him see things clearer.

"Mine.. Mine... All mine," Lionel says as he buries himself deep into the sweet Italian

"Ah~ Leo! Oh god.. Leo.. Harder!"

"You belong to me Marco.. Forever.. I love you,"

"I love you too! Leo.. Oh my god!! Please.. Please.. "

"Anything for you,"

Lionel knows that this young boy will be the death of him. He knows it. He looks at the drawer and smiles, knowing that a small box in there holds a promise unknown to the Italian.

Marriage. What a joke, he would've said. But not anymore. Not when he want Marco to belong to him forever.

Soccer one-shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ