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It had been James first game against Barcelona. A game against his boyfriend. And what does he do?

"Oh folks! It looks like James Rodriguez has just slapped neymar! What is this? The two of them were heard to be good friends but this says other wise."

Neymar had been very touchy and friendly with Messi and James didn't like that. He had tripped neymar a couple of times. It had gone unnoticed by many but neymar knew that James had done it on purpose. The game ended pretty badly for Real Madrid. But it would end worst for James. He decided to wait for neymar. Everyone was gone but he knew that neymar would come looking for him.

"Care to explain my sweet honey?" Neymar asked as he slammed James against one of the lockers

"N-neymar.. I'm sorry.."

"Don't fucking bother! What the fuck man?!?!"

"You were touching him!!"

"I don't give a flying fuck James! For fuck's sake he's my teammate! Don't you think I get jealous when Cristiano is all over you? But I gotta suck it up! And you have to do it too!"

"It's not that easy.." James said quietly

"No one told you to go and join that team," neymar said as he let go of James

He was about to exit the room when he felt smaller arms wrapped around his torso.

"Don't go," James begged

Neymar turned around and kissed James roughly. Their lips molded together perfectly. and neymar knew that James always knew how to make things right.

"Take off your clothes,"

"But neymar-"

"I said take them off James!"

James nodded and began to push his shorts down along with his boxers. He then got rid of his shirt. Which was a weird habit of his. He always took off everything else before his shirt. Neymar smiled down and his prize.

"Barcelona won today, James..." Neymar said proudly

"Don't rub it in.."

"I'm not.. I'm just letting you know.. And for winning.. I deserve a prize.. Don't you think?" He said as he kissed James's neck slowly and teasingly


Neymar pulled James up and James wrapped his legs around Neymar's waist. His back hit the wall and neymar wasted no time. He pushed into James with no warning.

"Ah! Fuck!"

"Shut up! You get punished. You heard? This is a punishment."

James nodded as he he held tightly on neymar. Neymar smirked as he felt James's hands press harshly on his shoulder blade. James let out soft moans. Out of pain or pleasure, neymar didn't care. With every thrust James would bounce a little. His eyes were closed and he didn't want to let go of neymar.

"Ah! Neymar! Slow down.. "

"No. You don't get to tell me what to do!"

But neymar slowed down nonetheless. James smiled a little. Neymar was still being kind to him after everything that had happened. He had a small bruise on his cheek. James kissed the part softy and that made neymar very content.

"You shouldn't get so jealous James.. I love you. You're the one I want to be with." Neymar said as he leaned down and kissed the smaller man on the lips

"James where were you man?" Cristiano asked

"And why are you walking funny?" Sergio followed

"I apologized to pretty boy and he got his revenge on me.." James said

"He raped you???" Di Maria asked

"No! Idiot!!! He hit him back.. Badly.." Marcelo said

Cristiano didn't look very convinced but let it go either way. He had no time to worry About James. Although James slapping neymar did make him think that Neymar's payback to James was pleasurable for both of them. He smiled at it though. At least now someone else would know how it feels to love someone that makes your job a little more difficult. He laughed to himself

"Thinking of Messi now are we?" Marcelo asked

"Shut up!" Cristiano blushed

"I caught him staring at you a lot today.. I'm sure he'll dress up like a sexy girl and let you fuck him till daylight of the next day in order to make you feel better about today's lost." Marcelo laughed

"That's actually very tempting." Cristiano laughed

He knew that Messi would definitely be home waiting for him though. Maybe not dressed as a girl, but something a lot better.




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