Chapter 88

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Sidney found himself in the crown hotel sharing a few rounds with the men. The events of the day had been stirring in the extreme. Who would have thought the men to lose entirely to the women and that they would be laughing and cheering about it?

"Did you see Lady Babington trip on her hem!" Crowe laughed uproariously.

Baber's frowned. "Can we not discuss the color of my wife's petticoats if you please?

Sidney laughed at that.

"What do you think of your Mrs. Campion nearly losing it for them?" Crowe asked. "I heard a few betting men that you told her to throw the game in our favor."

Sidney shook his head. "I swear on my honor that I did not even know that it was them we were playing till they strolled out onto the field and took their bonnets off."

"Stirring sight indeed, all of London is sure to be talking about it," Crowe said and looked to the door that had just opened. "Oh hello," he stood. "Speaking of stirring, I spy the elusive Miss Brereton."

Warrick looked over and then away suddenly hiding his face for but a moment.

"Mr. Crowe." she smiled. Her porcelain skin shining brightly in the light. "Hello gentlemen." she smiled brightly as she was known to.

"Miss Brereton," Sidney said knowing somehow the banishment of Edward and Clara were connected. "What brings you back to Sanditon?"

She smiled and blushed as her eyes coyly fanned about the gentlemen present. "I but heard about all the fun happening here and I just had to see what it was all about."

Mr. Crowe smiled and leaned on the wooden pillar. "So do you looking for a room here?" he asked.

She nodded. "But it does look fearfully full here tonight. I don't suppose there is a room."

Crowe smiled and winked. "I will see to the inquiry and allow me to fetch you a drink," he said solicitously.

She smiled her eyes falling on Captain Warrick but then lighted on the others. "Delighted to see so many familiar faces," she said clutching her bag.

Sidney nodded. "And you Miss Brereton. Have you seen Lady D. Yet?" he asked.

She shook her head. "I hoped to try to beg an audience with her tomorrow alas I hear she is unwell," she said looking terribly saddened but Sidney could sense dishonesty but did not challenge it.

"Terrible luck, the innkeeper says there are no more available rooms, but I know my old friend Sidney will let me bunk up with him at Sanditon house, I will have your things moved up and you can take my room," he said with a smile.

She grinned and blushed most prettily. "Oh, Mr. Crowe you are far too kind." she giggled. "I am tired and need my rest after such a tiring journey," she said standing and only briefly glancing at Warrick, he still had not spoken.

"Allow me to show you to the room, and the footman will follow," he said snapping his finger for the man to fetch the trunk.

Sidney blew out smoke. Miss Brereton's return meant that London knew Lady Denham was not well, and the vultures would be circling.

Concern over the fate of Lady Denham and her fortune was paramount for whoever inherited could call in the debt instantly and that just would not do for him now he had gone in deeper. The Sanditon venture had just started making progress and it was beginning to become likely the old woman would not be making it long enough to break even. Such an event could threaten the venture all over again. Mrs. Campion's money could not be used to the point of exhaustion.

Lord Babington had remained silent and sipped his drink as he smoked but with a sigh, he let it out slowly. "Vultures circling," he muttered. "I wonder how much longer before Lord Denham arrives."

Sidney shook his head. "No, he knows while she lives he is not to set foot here. I made that abundantly clear to him the night of the midsummer ball." he puffed his smoke out.

"If she does die, what will happen?" Babington asked. "Lady Denham informed me before the wedding that Esther may not inherit. That leaves Lord Denham, and Miss Brereton," he said tapping his smoke on the plate shedding its ash. "Who do you think she will favor?"

Captain Warrick who had been silent for a long while spoke up. "Neither," he said simply.

Sidney and Babington looked at him and frowned. "Who else then?"

Captain Warrick smiled and his brows bounced. "Who knows. Wasn't there a burned will I heard about?" he asked.

Sidney scoffed. "Rumor," he said taking a long drink.

Babington shook his head. "No rumor... It was true," he confessed to the gentlemen. "Clara and Edward burned it."

Sidney sat up straighter and Warrick also leaned in. "Who was the beneficiary?" Warrick asked.

Babington shook his head. "Esther didn't know. Neither Miss Brereton or Lord Denham told her, but it wasn't any of them. That is why it was burned. With no will, it would automatically go to him and there was a deal struck. When Lady Denham recovered she learned of the fate of her will and their connections were severed."

Sidney frowned. "Why would Miss Brereton return after such a betrayal?"

Lord Babington shrugged. "Probably trying one last attempt at the woman's fortune which is formidable." he smiled.

Sidney cleared his throat. "Most of it is wrapped up in this venture. If the heir demanded full payment plus promised interest the venture would be in a very difficult position," he told the men.

Warrick shook his head. "You still have Mrs. Campion." he smiled sideways.
Sidney scoffed. "Yes, but I promised her I would not use all of her money to rebuild or keep the bailiffs in London at bay. So far I have managed to keep that promise."

Warrick drank and slammed his cup down. "I wouldn't worry about it, my friend." He laughed. "You have more cards at play than you know," he said cryptically and went for his coat. "I will see you, gentlemen, tomorrow," he said bidding them goodnight.

Sidney was silent for a long moment with Babington both mulling over his words.

"That entire family talks in metaphor," Babington said drinking again.

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