Chapter 24

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Eliza watched as her maid pinned her hair in place and took one last look at her visage before adding a touch of perfume.

A knock sounded and she turned.

"Ah Georgiana, come let me see you." she tried sweetly. Eliza felt they had gotten off on the wrong foot and wished to get them back on track now Sidney was back. She longed for things to return to normal in London.

Georgiana rolled her eyes. "The Gentlemen are at their brandy and drinks, they just suggested I come up and check on you," she said coming into her own bedroom which Eliza was using to ready herself for the ball. "Now you have been checked I will go sit down in the parlor and try not to choke on their smoke," she said huffing out and turning on her heel with a swiftness that bordered on abrupt.

"Wait, my dear," Eliza said calling her back.

Georgiana popped her head in. "What?" impatient as always.

Eliza smiled self consciously. "How do I look?" she asked.

Georgiana's eyes were wide and looked her up and down. "Old," she said thinking her eyes looked tight and crows feet bloomed at the wide eyes and not caring if it stung. She asked how she looked and Georgiana did not often lie.

Eliza frowned and looked back at her face and thought originally that she looked lovely. Enough so that maybe Sidney would look at her like he once did but now looking closer she saw the girl was right.

The latest fashion of tight curls did not make her face look well indeed, and she tried to fluff and loosen them but her maid just took over and she pushed at her.

"You made me look old you old spinster." she snapped at her maid. "I can't even begin to fix this wretched hair," she said as tears started to come but she just took deep shaking breaths and focused on her eyes in the looking glass.

"Breath Eliza," she coaxed herself. "You are beauty, grace, men have fallen at your feet in love. Sidney may again fall. But it's the Beau Monde I want." she said her voice shaking.

Her maid again tried to tend to her hair but she was afraid of her mistress's volatile mood.

Sidney smiled with friends down in the parlor where they shared a drink and smoke.

"How have you been old boy?" Crowe said not yet deep in his cups. "Been held hostage somewhere?"

Sidney smiled tensely. "I have been well enough. Hate to say it, but since he is on the mend I will...Tom's attack could not come at a better time." he sipped his drink and smoked. "So much got done without him meddling or arguing with carpenters. The original pavilion apartments will be complete by spring with the second circular pavilion to be finished by autumn."

Lord Babington nodded. "More apartments?"

Sidney took a long drag of his smoke and nodded. "In ways, it is a finer building with a unique view of the sea. I let Mr. Stringer take the lead on its design. Better situated at least. They are not on a busy street." 

Babington put his own smoke in his mouth and held it there waiting to light it. "Is Eliza's fortune spent?" He worried because the investment was overstretched as it was.

Sidney shook his head. "Just enough to keep creditors at bay, workmen paid, and insurance covering the duration of the project." he looked down. "I have used about half her fortune, but with luck, It will still greatly profit with the second round pavilion and the venture can be saved."

Lord Babington nodded. "I heard you were intending on taking apartments there. Are you still thinking of doing that?"

Sidney frowned. "I think it prudent to have a Sanditon house. I cannot keep relying on the hospitality of Mary. And Tom makes business dealings, a round the clock occasion when I stay there." he smiled slightly. "And the crown hotel beds are lumpy."

"And Eliza will be willing to live in Sanditon?" Babington asked his brows raised.

Sidney shrugged. "I care not where she lives, if she wishes to stay here I will not stop her." he clenched his jaw. "I would be happier if we but saw each other infrequently."

Mr. Crowe threw back his drink and poured another. "You poor man, you will be needing a mistress before long," he said drinking the next one with gusto.

Sidney sighed. "I don't intend on it," he answered and his mind drifted to Charlotte. He would never imagine taking her as anything but wife. Anything else would be disrespect and he had enough to feel shame over.

Babington nodded. "I am sure you will need to at some point. Or try with Eliza. A child might warm her up." he smiled thinking of Esther. "Although that theory varies among ladies. My Esther is pretty sharp right now. But then she always has been."

"Is she coming tonight?" Sidney asked.

Lord Babington nodded. "Ah yes, she is traveling with friends, we will converge with her there."

Sidney smiled and took another drink.

"About the investment Sidney." Babington started. "You should be cheerful of this. I have managed to secure some interested parties for Sanditon. They will of course first want a view of the apartments on offer, but they are willing to show us their accounts and means if they can but have a tour first."

Sidney perked. "How many?" he asked.

Babington frowned and sighed pouring himself a glass. The crystal sparkled in the firelight. "Five consequential parties, and another four that could go either way."

Sidney smiled. "That is very good." he sighed.

Mr. Crowe who was now a little unsteady from drink scoffed. "What, will there be another summer regatta to tempt the Beau Monde or the newly minted wealthy?

Sidney sighed. "I confess I have no idea right now. I suppose events are just the ticked to promoting Sanditon, but I have no head for parties."

Mr. Crowe nodded. "If only Miss Heywood were to put her mind to the task." he rolled his eyes. "She would think of something."

Sidney looked up and nodded. Her name startled him and it took him a moment to process what his increasingly inebriated friend was saying.

Lord Babington swallowed at the mention of Miss Heywood and looked to Sidney to gauge reaction. Had his friend accepted his choice and moved on, or was he still sickly and heart broke over it all? Before him, Sidney Parker stood straight and his attitude sober. His look was better than before Tom's attack.

"I hear she is in London," he said after a moment of hesitation.

Lord Babington quite lost his voice and looked shocked. How had he found out?"

"Mary told me when I was in Sanditon," Sidney said seeing his two friends speechless before him.

Mr. Crowe smiled and his brow raised. "Interesting. Do you know anything else?"

Sidney cleared his throat and blew out smoke. "She is being hosted by Lady Worcester."

Outside the room sat Georgiana waiting impatiently and overhearing the conversation in the other room and frowned. Her friend's secret had been found out long before and still, he had not seen her. The ways of the English were infuriating. If he really loved her would he not run to be by her side? Men... terribly unreliable. She glared at the floor and waited.

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