Chapter 137

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Sidney had woken early with a burning in his chest. It seemed to him the roads from London would be washed out, but the roads to Brighton might fare better, and all he needed was a little assurance from Captain Warrick about what would be done in regards to Eliza's investment.

He simply did not have the luxury or the patience to wait a full length of a week to get answers to that part of his tangled knot. Not when the waiting here and doing nothing in regards to the desires of his heart was a kind of agony that he felt he must have better control of, and soon.

Dressing hastily he gathered his things for overnight for the journey could take that long. If he could only be assured that Eliza and her new husband would not put immediate demands on his return of their investment it would give him more freedom to act.

Going down the stairs he ran into Esther.

"Oh Sidney," she said surprised. "Where are you off to in such a rush?"

He stopped, his hand still on the banister and the other clutching his saddlebag. "Brighton," he answered.

Lord Babington entered. "Sidney, off in a hurry as usual."

He nodded. "Yes, I can't wait around here for the rug to be pulled out from under me..." he said his voice a low pitched gravel. "I intend to meet it head-on at least on some points of attack."

"Does this mean you are not going to wait for Captain Warrick to come here?" he asked.

Sidney nodded. "I need more time if he is going to cause trouble,"

Esther nodded. "You do what you must. Lord Babington and I are going to be quitting the house the day after the funeral," she said. "You will return to attend won't you?" she asked suddenly concerned.

Sidney nodded. "Yes, that is I intend on it." he sighed heavily. "I will stay with my brother in Sanditon."

Lord Babington nodded. "You could stay with us."

Sidney nodded. "My thanks, but Charlotte will be there and it would be inappropriate at this time."

Lord Babington smirked. "I wish you luck my friend.

Sidney looked around. "Is Charlotte around?"

Esther nodded. "I believe she is wandering the park now that the rain has abated. She might have gone on a walk along the cliffs. She enjoys that."

Sidney smiled recalling their walk along the cliffs the year before. He hoped that was where she was.

"I will find her before I go," he said nodding to them both. "I will return soon. My things, you can have sent to my brothers," he said to them as he exited to go to the stables.

There he found Mabbin had readied Sir for him. The black beast threw his head around chidingly.

"Hey, hey," he whispered to the animal. "I am sorry I ignored you." he patted the animal. "The weather was dismal anyway." he comforted.

Mabbin handed off the reigns. "What will happen to me now that Lady Denham has died?" he asked abruptly.

Sidney winced. "Well, for now, you will stay with Tom and Mary. They are good to you, are they not?"

Mabbin nodded. "But I am not their own. I need to work, Mr. Parker."

Sidney turned and put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Mabbin, I promised you work and you will have it. I have a lot to manage and my ability to find you a job are wrapped up in that."

The boy looked around. "I like it here. I don't want to leave."

Sidney looked around. "You like horses and stables. I do believe we will require stable masters here and the more people come, the more stables will be needed. Just be patient, young man. I will be sure you are well cared for till then." he promised.

Mabbin nodded and turned as he put his hat back on. "I hope so," he said without much enthusiasm or confidence. The young lad must have been let down many times in his short life to have such a resigned and somber attitude.

Mounting Sir he raced for the cliffs and found in the distance the dark outline of Charlotte.

Trotting nearer she stopped and he smiled and nodded. "Charlotte," he said as he dismounted.

"Mr. Parker," she said seriously as her brow furrowed confused.

Sidney walked up to her and looked into her dark brown eyes like reflective pools. He could get lost in them.

"Charlotte, I am-" he struggled to find the words. "I am off to Brighton, I should return in a day, perhaps two," he said and swallowed with difficulty. "I did not want to leave without some words," he said nervously.

She looked around then back up at him her eyes wide and full of wonder and curiosity. "Yes," she whispered.

He leaned down as he took her hands. "Do you remember the last walk we had along the cliffs?" he asked nervously.

She blushed and looked down. "A girl does not easily forget her first kiss. But a man cannot step into the same river twice." she eyed him skeptically.

"I never stepped out of your river, I was caught in it's current and it has never let me go," he said softly as his hand cupped at her cheek and looked down into her eyes tenderly.

"Charlotte," his voice whispered as he pulled her to him and their mouths met and he knew her answer would be yes. He basked in the moment with their mixed breath and desperate hold on one another. It felt like it had the first time. The same spinning coiled inside his head as he fell into the shared act of their mutual kiss. Things could not be settled quickly enough for him.

Sanditon Season 2: The River and the ManDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora