Chapter 90

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Georgiana looked about the room and searched for anything else she would need with her on the journey. She would not need money for the post because she would not be traveling by post.

She held the last letter in her hand that Charlotte had brought and held it to her chest as she heard movement on the other side of the door.

"Georgiana!" came the combined voices of the Beaufort sisters.

She rushed and shoved her bag under her bed and stood up hastily.

"What were you doing?" the younger asked.

Georgiana rolled her eyes. "Can't you knock?" She chided. "Honestly I am supposed to grow up a lady when I can't even be given the respect of a knock?"

The girls rolled their eyes. "We just had to tell you!" the squealed. "Lady Denham is in town in her Barouche!"

She frowned. "And I care why?"

They tittered and giggled.

Julia grinned. "Well that handsome Captain Warrick and Mr. Sidney parker are also in town as is Mr. Stringer." both of them squealed from this,

Phillida continued. "And Mrs. Griffiths will only allow us to go out if you come to. Mr. Hankins has called and they are talking scripture."

Georgiana sighed and rolled her eyes. "You could have still knocked." she reminded them.

They looked at each other. "I was sure we knocked."

She went to her table to fetch her bonnet with a sigh. "Alright, I suppose I will go. But I wish you would knock next time," she said and herded them out and shut the door behind her.

Down the steps, she passed the parlor where Mrs. Griffiths and Mr. Hankins were leaning awful close together as they poured over a book. But when she heard the words salacious, and robust she wondered if that was really something found in the bible. But she didn't care to hover and determine the nature of their discussion.

Outside the spring sunshine shone brightly as it had the last two weeks. She looked up and down the busy street and looked about her.

"It is so much busier this year!" Phillida said and she ran up to a merchants cart that sold shining wares.

"Best powders for the face, and creams for the complexion made by a countess from France. Now she has brought the latest fashions with her from Paris," he said opening a little box. "This powder will make your skin glow," he said offering it to Phillida.

She smiled and glanced at Georgiana who was only vaguely paying attention.

"And you, fetching young negress," he said and her eyes flashed to his face disliking the term. "I have a cream that will lighten your skin." her frown morphed into a harsh glare.

"This is my skin, and I do not wish to be pasty white like yourself." she opened her parasol and looked away from him imperiously.

He studdered and blustered. "Apologies miss, I just thought most women want lighter skin. Deepest apologies for any offense," he said.

She rolled her eyes and then curtsied politely and looked down at the wharf. "Good day."

He took off his hat and looked apologetic as he lost potential business.

"He didn't mean anything by it," Julia said running to her side.

Georgiana nodded and swallowed. "I know. It is just so hard being here among people that are not my own. And when I am, they are still not my equal." she closed her eyes and reached into her reticule and gave the girl a tidy sum. "Buy whatever you like from him," she said handing the sum off to the girls who took it from her with thanks.

Standing off to the side she noted the merchant smiled and lifted his hat off to her.

Once the girls were at her side they handed her a little wrapped gift.

It was a small pendant with a little gold pineapple.

"He said he hoped it would remind you of home," Julia said as she looked at it.

She looked up to the man and a smile came to her face and she simply gave him a small nod in thanks.

He had not meant her any offense and she could see a grand gesture when she saw one.

Coming up the street she spotted Sidney walking with Mrs. Campion. Captain Warrick was directly behind with both Charlotte and Lady Worcester on his arm.

Sidney smiled in greeting.

"Afternoon Georgiana, well met," he said with his normal guarded smile.

Georgiana nodded her head politely. "Mr. Parker, Mrs. Campion, Warrick, Lady Susan," she said familiarly. "Charlotte," she said lastly with a smile.

"Come out to see the trade?" Mrs. Campion asked brightly.

Georgiana nodded. "The girls coaxed me out," she said looking to them who stood a little behind her smiling and blushing and adoring.

Warrick nodded and winked to the girls which caused Phillida to fan herself.

Lady Worcester went to the carriage that just pulled up and Warrick assisted her up to join Lady Denham in the comfort of a seated perch.

"I think I am off with Lady Denham." Lady Susan said. "I am tired from all the walking. I wish to have a nice cup of tea."

Lady Denham nodded to Georgiana. "Good to see you looking so well, Miss Lambe. Still no husband I see." she smiled.

Georgiana looked down and blushed. "No your ladyship." she felt a knot fill her belly and she looked to her guardian and he just nodded.

"Charlotte, come with us back to the house." Lady Denham said and Lady Worcester went to scoot.

Charlotte looked to both Georgiana and Sidney and nodded and smiled lastly at Georgiana.

"Of course Lady Denham," she said feeling Sidney's hand shoot out this time instead of Warrick's hand.

She turned and looked at him surprised and she noted the tender smile of his face as did Georgiana.

"Thank you, Mr. Parker," she whispered and took her place by Lady Susan.

Warrick sidled up to Georgiana and whispered. "Dawn, day after tomorrow."

She looked at him and nodded seriously and then looked back at her friend and waved with a secret smile.


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