Chapter 91

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Clara watched from a distance for a long while and was able to hide among the crowd. She would not have been able to once upon a time. For the streets were once less trodden.

She noted Charlotte on Captain Warrick's arm as if they were familiar. The scoundrel had not told her he knew Miss Heywood so well. But it all made better sense now that she recalled all the questions he had asked her while tangled in bed during the winter season after he had returned from his long journey.

They had met in a card house on the third day of his return. Women of only the most scandalous reputations could be found there. She had been on the arm of an elderly duke who was at the time her benefactor but he was growing bored. He liked younger women, and she according to him was too old to stir him to hardness.

Because Warrick was so new back to England she was sure he would not have any prior knowledge of her.

It was through Warrick that she learned of Esther and her pregnancy. Had she not rid herself of Edwards welp she would at this moment be a mother of Sir Edward Denham's bastard herself.

It had hardly been an inconvenience to rid herself of his seed, she had done the deed before, but this time it had left her bitter. Had that old miserly woman died she might have been married to him, living in Sanditon house now with her child. Not that she wanted the child but the security that a good marriage and a fine house would provide. Children in that scope were inevitable and she expected one day to have some.

She had told him her aunt was Lady Denham and of her fortune. She had no shame in admitting that she led him to believe she was the heir of the entire lot. This had perked his interest and she thought perhaps he thought to marry her but instead he dangled her and made no promises, just illusions.

Little did she know that Lady Worcester was his cousin, or that he resided with her and Miss Heywood over the entire course of their liaison. That was then. She had come to Sanditon shortly after learning all the connections.

As the carriage carrying Lady Denham drew near she stepped forward and smiled brightly. "Lady Denham." her voice with a tone of desperation.

The old woman looked at her in shock and she clutched at her chest.

Miss Heywood turned and directed the carriage driver to stop the barouche.

"Well, Miss Clara Brereton." Lady Denham said sternly as Clara ran to catch up to where it finally stopped. "I see you have braved a return to Sanditon, though you have not been missed." she glared. "You know I still have not ripped out that floor?" she said with a raised voice. "Thanks to you I can no longer enjoy my drawing-room." She shook her head. "Why have you come back?" she made a smacking sound with her lips. "I heard I was ailing?" she asked.

Clara dropped her head in mocked shame. "I did hear you were ill, but I am gratified to so you seem much recovered. My prayers have been answered for I still have a chance to mend our rift." she ventured a lookup to see if her words could penetrate her tough exterior. She had to convince her to allow her close.

Lady Denham looked her up and down. "You look frocked too well to be living an honest life," she said seriously after she observed the fine clothes Clara was wearing.

Perhaps she should have tried to look more desperate? Clara felt the silence span since she had no answer to the insightful observation.

"Lady Worcester, this is my most unfortunate relation Miss Clara Brereton, I sent her away last summer and has now deigned to try to re curry favor," she said clipped with almost a mocking tone.

Lady Worcester looked the girl over and her brow shot up. She looked classically beautiful, with plump bow-shaped lips. But it was easy enough to see that the innocence she wore like a veil hid something conniving, dark and misshapen. Not in a playful way her and her cousin dabbled.

This woman who stood below them would stoop to any level to get what she wanted.

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Brereton," she said pleasantly and looked to Charlotte who looked at her kindly.

"It is good to see you again," Charlotte said welcomingly.

"You are too kind Miss Heywood. I know I don't deserve it." she smiled sweetly at the girl she had seemingly befriended last summer. She held no dislike of Charlotte, just no real friendship either. She had never had a real friend or wanted one.

"It's just Charlotte to you. Remember?" she asked.

Clara nodded and smiled. "Of Course, yes Charlotte. I do." she smiled.

Lady Denham looked to Charlotte and frowned. "If it would please you, my dear Miss Heywood, I would have Clara come to tea tomorrow."

Charlotte looked to Lady Denham and shook her head. "Only if it pleased you, Lady Denham. It is your home."

The old woman rolled her eyes. "I know I would rather not, but if she was so very dear a friend I feel obligated to on your behalf."

Clara shook her head. "Oh no, I do not wish to beg an invitation. Merely seeing you well and outside in the fresh spring air brings warmth to my heart." She gushed. "I should get back to London, I do not wish to upset anything."

Charlotte leaned forward. "Oh no you mustn't," she said. "It is believed the Prince Regent will come. You would not wish to miss that if he were to really come."

Lady Worcester smiled and nodded. "Indeed, he may be here in a matter of days," she said verifying Charlotte's words.

Clara smiled brightly. "Oh, that will be such a boon to Sanditon. I am very happy for you Lady Denham," she said looking to the old woman who looked pale from agitation and pain.

Lady Denham nodded. "Do you agree to come to tea tomorrow Miss Brereton?" she asked coming back to the topic impatient to finally return back to the comfort of her bed.

Clara nodded and smiled. "I would be honored to again be welcomed back to Sanditon House."

Lady Denham eyed her seriously again. "We shall see about that." she looked ahead. "Drive on."

Clara smiled thinking to herself that she was one step closer to her goals.

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