Chapter 125

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The hard rains came much later that evening and Sidney was glad for it. They were able to stay relatively dry the entire night. But by the end of the ball, the rain was falling in sheets and there was nothing for it but to get wet no matter how short the duration of exposure.

It had not been the sort of night he had expected between Charlotte and himself. Sir Denham had interrupted his moment with Charlotte but he knew it was not the moment for the question he wished to ask her. Now was not the time for that conversation.

Soon though he had promised himself as he looked to her across from him in the coach that night on the way back to Sandiotn house. This knot needed untangling first.

Her hair hung down having fallen from its elaborate updo she had been wearing and hung damply down her shoulders. Her cheeks pink from the chill and her lips red from their kiss. The sobering news had done its work to dash his wandering mind from carnal thoughts though he knew them to be there. The state of things brought more sobering thoughts to mind.

"You both seem a dreary sort, what has happened?" Lady Susan asked breaking the silence and stolen glances.

Charlotte looked at her friend and shook her head. "Nothing, I am just tired."

Susan rolled her eyes. "Oh tosh, that is a poor attempt to put me off." she chided. "What is it Charlotte?"

Sidney sighed heavily. "No point keeping the news from a trusted friend." he offered Charlotte an out to tell her.

Lady Susan frowned. "Yes, I am." she looked to her friend who still sat silent. "You are engaged?" she asked hopefully.

Charlotte cringed a little and blinked uncomfortably. "No, it's not that-"

"Lady Denham has died," Sidney said coldly. "It was a shock for us both to hear."

Lady Susan's hand flew to her mouth. "Oh good gracious." she shook her head. "I knew she was unwell, but last I saw of her she spoke most passionately about Sanditon's future."

Charlotte's eyes again gathered in tears. "Sir Edward Denham means to cause trouble."

Lady Susan scoffed. "That lout?" she frowned. "It is widely known through London that he is deeply in debt." she sighed. "Word is he has been offered to credit the last few months on the understanding that he will inherit. He sold Denham Place to stave off his creditors, but it is not enough."

Sidney frowned. "How do you know all this?"

Lady Susan smiled. "I know a lot about the people I associate with. I make it my business to know."

Sidney looked down in thought.

"If he is here then you are right. He means trouble." Lady Susan sighed.

Sidney's mouth was tight and he nodded. "And if what you say is true he is desperate. More so than ever." he looked to Charlotte. "Best to be on our guard."

Lady Susan squinted. "Lady Denham's will... Do we know where it is?"

Sidney shook his head. "Esther claims a copy is hidden and safe, but there is an official copy with the solicitor which I am sure has already been sent for."

"I would imagine that it was the first thing done." Lady Susan shook her head. "What a pity." she looked out. "I know she wasn't young, but it seemed she had so much life yet."

"I quite agree," Sidney said as their eyes met in the dim light of the carriage. "I can hardly believe it myself."

Charlotte shook her head. "Last year she rallied. Why not this time?"

Lady Susan frowned. "It was perhaps her time. She was no spring chicken despite her fast and sharp mind."

Sidney nodded and looked out to the raging weather. "Mabbin said the roads would be entirely washed out from the rain. It will pose a challenge for the London Solicitor to arrive in haste."

Charlotte shook her head. "The roads were bad enough today."

Sidney shook his head frustrated. "Let us pray this man can sit astride a horse."

Lady Susan scoffed. "I don't know many a man that would sit a horse in this weather." she listened to the heavy fall as they rolled down their precarious way to Sanditon House.

Charlotte's eyes were wide and full of emotion as she looked to the brightly framed lights of Sanditon House's windows. It seemed even the weather mourned Lady Denham's departure from this world.

"Who is Mabbin?" Lady Susan asked breaking the silence and confusing them both.

Sidney cleared his throat. "Excuse me?" he frowned.

"You mentioned that Mabbin said the roads would be washed out. I simply wondered who that is," she said curiously.

"Mabbin is a young man that Mr. Parker has brought to Sanditon. He promised work." Charlotte answered.

Sidney sighed. "Now I feel a fool. I am not sure I could promise the lad anything."

Lady Susan frowned. "What is his skill?"

Sidney looked at her and then down. "Seems gifted with horses. I thought to find him a position in Lady Denham's stables."

She smiled. "I have always fancied a man good with horses."

Sidney scoffed. "He is hardly a man. A boy of maybe eleven or twelve. It doesn't look like he has eaten well his entire life."

"Well, if things don't work out I have my stables near London." she smiled. "Horse racing is a small hobby of mine. Perhaps I could use his expertise."

Sidney nodded and his brows raised surprised. "Very kind of you. I will mention it to him if you like."

Susan waved him off. "Wait and see what the future holds first. Sanditon is a wonderful place to come to manhood I believe. Better than London." She said as the carriage pulled up. "Ah, here we are. I can get dried off and quiet so as to digest this new situation that seems to be evolving by the minute."

Charlotte nodded in agreement as Sidney stepped out first to help the ladies down and to the door.

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