Chapter 114

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Tom knocked on the large door of Sanditon House with a dour look on his face. Bracing himself for what he imagined to be a most disagreeable visit he had to try,

Sidney did not know he was without a wealthy fiance which meant Tom still had time to save Sanditon himself and redeem his tarnished image in everyone's eyes. At this point, he was not averse to begging, but he did hope that it would not come to that.

Coming to the door in a rush he found a breathless Esther. "Oh, Mr. Parker, I thought it was-" she said her eyes puffy and she looked around him.

"I am here for an audience with Lady Denham. I am afraid I know she is unwell but I must insist," he said barging in.

Esther rolled her eyes frustratedly.

"You simply cannot come here at this time. She does not wish to have visitors." Esther said wringing her hands and looking out the door.

Tom looked around. "Why does it feel like a wake here? House is silent. Normally Sefrige opens the door." he muttered as he scratched his jaw nervously.

Esther shook her head. "Sefrige is attending to important business. What can I do for you and make it fast."

Tom shook his head and cleared his throat. "Sidney is ruined and he does not even know," he said choked with emotion. "Losing Eliza will-"

"Will what? Free him from the bondage you threw him into?" she asked.

Esther scoffed and laughed. "You are not worried about Sidney. The debts were in your name initially. Your megalomaniacal tendencies dragged everyone down with you." she stepped close her angry temper flaring to life. "You dare to come here and demand to see my aunt in her state? Demand mercy from her?" she asked.

Tom sputtered and shook his head. "I just-"

"Dearest." Lord Babington entered and interrupted a hot conversation that was best not. "Mr. Parker, this is about the worst time for Lady Denham to be disturbed," he said gravely.

Tom looked up and tried to think of a pressing excuse to push but he just looked at them and frowned as he put his hat to his head and nodded to them as he left both embarrassed and confused.

Passing the steps he spied Dr. Fuchs and he looked back to the house and a wave of foreboding washed over him. It was likely not Lady Denham that he would need to fix this with but her heir, Sir Edward Denham.

Steeling himself he went to the new target. The crown while he noted the grave expression on Dr. Fuchs's face.

The doctor entered the house and he noted the tears falling from Esther's eyes.

"I am too late." Dr. Fuchs lamented. "She is gone?" he said quietly in his thick German accent.
Lord Babington nodded. "Just moments ago."

"I should have been with her." Esther sniffed and cried as she tried to hold herself but her husband just wrapped his arms around her.

Dr. Fuchs fished into his pocket and pulled out a flask and saluted. "To a grand Lady of both beauty and wit," he said taking a long pull from the silver container. "May you rest in eternal peace."

"It was her wish to keep it secret," Esther said grasping her husband. "She wanted the Ball to go as planned."

Dr. Fuchs nodded. "Yes, and it will give you time to locate a will."

She looked at the man seriously. "I already know where the will is, but I cannot get to it without the help of her solicitor."

Dr. Fuchs sighed. "I am sorry to be indelicate but I should see her and officially pronounce the state for the record."

Esther cringed and nodded. "Of course. We can count on your silence can we not?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yes, my lady."

Esther followed up to the room and she could feel the chill already in the air and she stifled a cry. Hesitantly she looked to the bed and could see she looked to be sleeping as Dr. Fuchs placed a mirror under her nose and then touched her neck.

"Very recent, yes," he whispered sadly. "But peaceful."

Esther looked to the table and the box that resided there and went to it. Picking it up she smiled. "Dearest, we must hide this until the solicitor has come," she said.

Babington shook his head confused. "Why not just break into it?"

Esther shook her head. "Last time she nearly died she suffered the most horrid disrespect. I will not allow another thing to happen to tarnish her last will and testament." she looked up into his eyes pained. "I must keep it safe from either Edward or Clara."

Her husband smiled at her endearingly. "I know just the place," he said taking it from her arms.

Sparing the last look at her aunt she wiped a tear and followed after her husband while Dr. Fuchs covered her with the linen and prepped her to her last rest.

"I will stay here until you return," he said. "Best to stop your tears if you are to conceal this sad event," he said to her.

Esther nodded and wiped her face and joined her husband and followed him to the stables and climbed the hayloft and then placed the box down and moved hay to cover it.

"We only need it hidden for a while. The Hay up here is not even being used. We can hide the ladder too for extra assurance." he said seriously.

She nodded. "Yes, perhaps hide it in the woods?" she asked.

He nodded and smiled tenderly. "Yes, just what I was thinking." he took her hand once it was well and covered. "I am so sorry my dear," he whispered.

She nodded and the tears fell from her eyes in rivets. "Yes, I wish I had more time to really know her."

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her tenderly on the head and they embraced for a moment and then went to the last of their task of hiding the ladder.

After they went to swear a few servants to silence who were obliged. But they knew that the secret could not be kept for very long. Hopefully, just a handful of days until the solicitor could be sent for.

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