Chapter 55

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Charlotte rushed to fetch her fur-lined coat and warmest bonnet and hurried back down to the grand foyer. Lunch had comfortably concluded and Lady Denham wanted to rest a few hours before she required her. On account of the free afternoon, she decided to follow Captain Warrick into town with her maid as a chaperone.

As the wheels rolled over the hill the sun came out upon the town and she opened the window.

"Dear Charlotte you will catch your death," Warrick said cautiously.

Charlotte did not care to listen to his concerns. She craned her neck out to see Sanditon in all of its burgeoning glory.

"They added on a wing to the Pavilion!" she said with a bright smile on her face. "It looks very large."

"Get back in girl so that I can see." Warrick finally managed to pull her in. "What has gotten into you? Something wild I imagine."

She smiled and her eyes turned up.

"You know I have never seen you so happy," he said looking at her face.

"Nothing is more exciting to me that the sound of hammers and the hum of the sea in the distance." she grinned. "That sea salt air. I am quite converted as Mr. Tom Parker would say."

Warrick nodded. "It is a shame that the family quit Sanditon."

Charlotte shook her head. "It is only for a few more weeks. They will return."

Warrick nodded. "Yes, but I likely won't stay here the entire time. After all, what is here to divert me, besides your company which I fear you will not allow to grow."

She shook her head. "Really Aiden, you tease me too much."

He laughed. "Who is that strapping fellow that seems to have dropped his hat," Warrick said looking out the window.

Charlotte followed his gaze and her smile brightened more. "Stop the coach."

Warrick did and Charlotte got out without assistance.

"Mr. Stringer." she bounded up to him brightly. "I thought you would come call on me in London."

He looked at her gaping and his eyes traveled up her form. "Miss," his gaze went to Warrick and he looked disappointed. "Or are you a Mrs now?"

She looked to Warrick and shook her head. "Good heavens no."

Stringer nodded and a smile came to his mouth. "Ah, yes, Miss Heywood I planned on going to London, but with all the building happening here I decided to stay and see it through carefully. Don't want another accident or get off schedule."

She shook her head. "It is no matter, I am here till spring as Lady Denham's guest." she stopped shocked a moment. "Excuse me, apologies, I quite forgot myself for a moment. Mr. Stringer, this is Captain Aiden Warrick. He is Lady Worcester's cousin and is interested in the project."

Mr. Stringer went to shake the man's hand and Warrick could see how the man measured him up. Seemed Miss Heywood had yet another besotted beau.

"And this is Bell Gibson, she is my....maid," she said nervously unsure how Mr. Stringer would see her having a maid.

Nodding he tipped his hat which he had picked up off the ground right before Charlotte stood before him.

"Will ye be staying in the Crown Hotel Captain Warrick?" Mr. Stringer asked.

Warrick nodded and looked up and down the street. "I am, I suppose that building is the place," he said looking at the entrance.

Mr. Stringer nodded. "It is."

"How is Waterloo Terrace coming along?" she asked.

Mr. Stringer smiled. "The original apartments are near finished and should able to take residents in about two months," he said.

She looked down the lane. "So quickly." she marveled to see that the frontages were being scrubbed.

"Once the weather holds it will be painted a fine white," he said. "Mr. Sidney Parker thought it would gleam nicely in the sun."

She looked around and smiled. "I suppose he is right. And so it will."

"How did you find London?" Mr. Stringer asked again glancing at Captain Warrick.

The Captain smiled to himself and looked to Charlotte to read her own body language. Was she as smitten with this man as he was of her?

"I found it very well. Much better than my first time." she smiled brightly. "It is so good to see you again Mr. Stringer," she said warmly.

Warrick could see hope blossoming in the man's eyes but he was unsure Charlotte carried the same torch for him.

Hanging back Warrick assessed the buildings while glancing at the two in conversation him taking the back with Bell.

Nearly thirty minutes later he and Charlotte were again alone, other than Bell who followed dutifully behind.

"That Stringer fellow, you offer too much encouragement if your feelings do not match his," he said looking around the windy beach.

Charlotte looked at him shocked. "I do not understand, he is my friend."

Warrick smiled and looked down at her naivete, "My dear Charlotte, it is not an easy path for two persons of the opposite sex to share a friendship."

She cocked her head. "Well, we are friends, are we not?" she asked.

He smiled. "Well...Yes, granted it is not an entirely suitable friendship." he gave her a sideways smile. "I can't offer you marriage so all I can offer is friendship since you are of such impeccable character."

She blushed. "I think you say these things just to shock me."

He nodded. "Ah yes, I have always loved a deep natural blush on a female. Most becoming," he said as he walked with his cane. "Just, if you do not intend to give the poor Stringer man hope you should make that very clear to him," he said seriously. "For I do think his feelings to be very much engaged to you."

Charlotte frowned and nodded. "I suppose you are right. I had not thought I gave encouragement," she said disappointedly. "I just have tried to be his friend, I was once interested in Mr. Stringer but then Mr. Sidney Parker quite encompassed my mind. I fear I cannot just end those inclinations of my heart."

Captain Warrick shook his head. "No indeed."

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