Chapter 169

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Sidney sat on a boulder deep in thought. He and Eliza had been able to speak and she had apologized for her actions the last year. She knew he did not love her, but she thought she had been doing the right thing for him.

He had graciously forgiven her and he asked her to do the same.

She shook her head. "There is nothing to forgive." she had told him. "I did you a great wrong once upon a time." she winced. "And again when I dallied with Captain Warrick."

He had smiled at her acknowledgment of that misaction but her husband and Captain stepped in before more could be said. Now he was left alone on the beach alone with his thoughts.

"Tom said he left you at the cove." Charlotte's voice came over the crashing waves.

Turning he smiled as he saw her and stood. "Ah, at last." he looked out to the water. "I was just thinking it was a nice afternoon for a swim," he said almost suggesting it. "But then I knew you would be coming soon."

Charlotte blushed.

"Don't worry. I'll not traumatize you again," he smirked.

Charlotte frowned. "Who said I was traumatized."

He smiled and laughed. "You weren't?" he asked bashfully his stomach jumping at the prospects between them.

She smiled and bit her lip as she blushed. "Well, were not the first man I have seen in a state of undress. I am the eldest of many brothers," she said looking to the side embarrassed.

He looked away amused but tense. Very tight inside. "You certainly avoided me."

Charlotte turned to face the sea. "I thought it was you avoiding me." she smiled.

He sighed and nodded. "Yes, I do believe I was,"

She frowned looking at him sideways. "Why do you think I was avoiding you?"

He chuckles. "You hid under a desk."

She laughed. "Ah, yes. I do believe I was looking for something." recalling the very time he was referencing.

He shook his head. "No, there is no need for decency between us anymore."

She turned and rolled her eyes. "Alright. I was hiding under that desk."

He sighed seriously. "I was avoiding you because I thought I might have trapped myself. The only honorable thing would have been to ask for your hand but If you should know I am sometimes less than honorable."

She nodded. "Yes, and it seems I am not entirely a proper gentleman's daughter."

He laughed. "Of course you are." he smiled. "Perhaps not a traditional or common Gentleman's daughter, but you have always tried to do the right thing even when it bucked at society and it's norms." He reached for her hand and looked down into her dark brown eyes. "It's what I love most about you."

She looked up at him astonished. "Love?" she asked in a whisper.

He felt his mouth go dry. "Love, yes, don't you know I am crazy for you?" he asked as he tucked her wild hair behind her ear.

Charlotte felt chilled and she wore a heavy wood coat and he wore his usual black overcoat. He took off his hat and leaned down to her awaiting mouth.

The wind blew hard at them forcing them to cling together for both warmth and a lingering kiss.

"So did you discuss the exhibition?" she asked as he pressed his forehead against hers shakily. He controlled a mighty beast within him.

He laughed trying to ease the tension. "Yes, seems our gales and stormy weather is not to the scientist's taste. He refuses to try here. He wants to try again in the summer." he held her still in his arms. "Tom is overjoyed at the prospect of the Prince Regent coming to Sanditon a total of three times but I wonder if the Prince will be induced again to come," he said seriously. "Not unless we put on a rather good party in less than two days. Some entertainments and such."

"What about Captain Warrick?" Charlotte asked.

Sidney frowned. "What about him?" he asked.

Blinking nervously she opened her mouth to speak. "I don't want him in the investment."

He let her go confused. "Why?" he asked coldly nervous she would say she had feelings for the man and a connection would be unwise because of those feelings.

"Eliza," she whispered. "Is it not better to keep the number of those impacted less if it were to fail?" she asked.

"So, you wish me to take Mr. Molyneux up on his offer?" Sidney asked feeling momentarily relieved. "I can't do that," he said frustratedly.

Charlotte stopped him and touched his shoulder. "No Mr. Parker," she said forgetting briefly their familiarity of being engaged. "I but wish it to just be a Parker enterprise," she said tentatively. "I have done the math, I can pay back what it owed to Eliza, and forgive the Denham debt that your brother owes, and in time it will earn a fortune. Along with my school, we could be profitable in just a few years."

He searched her eyes and shook his head. "But your fortune," he whispered. "Why would you just forgive my brother's debt?" he asked. "My love, that is yours."

She nodded. "Yes, and as my husband, you could be sure I get a proper return," she sighed. "I want to have money issues as simple as possible. The more people involved the more confusing it is."

He smiled and nodded. "You are quite right. I will think about it." coming to her he shook his head. "I confess it does relieve me, the idea of not doing business with Captain Warrick or Eliza. We will discuss this again after the wedding." he kissed her head and turned her to walk alongside him.

He grew very serious as they walked.

"What, what is it?" she asked worried at how serious he had become.

He looked around and then down to her reluctantly. "I was just thinking about how you would give up so much of your fortune just to make it simpler here in Sanditon. Redeem my brother financially. It made me think back to the beautiful young girl I was seated next to through a Pineapple luncheon and she declared upon great pressure by the host that she would not marry for money." he shook his head. "That was the moment that I knew you were different. That was the moment when I knew I had made a terrible mistake."

"Mistake?" she asked confused at exactly what he was referencing.

He chuckled. "Yes, one of many. Shall I name the ones I can recall?"

She shook her head. "No, I have had my fill of mistakes and misunderstandings."

He nodded with a happy smile. "I too. But soon all those little bumps will lead to a church."

She smiled. "Yes, It will. After when we are basking in the afterglow of marital bliss you can elaborate on mistakes. I may be of a mind to hear them."

He found his mouth had gone inexplicably dry and he found her last statement more tantalizing than anything he had ever heard in a house of ill repute.

Sanditon Season 2: The River and the ManKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat