Chapter 74

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Warrick regarded the gathering with a sly smile. It had gone perfectly. He had fueled the jealousy of Mrs. Campion faster than he had thought he could. A little too fast he reflected.

The gentle attentions usually were not nearly as successful as his more overt ones saved for women he actually had stirrings of affection for, but Mrs. Campion melted like butter at the smallest touch. He could sense her breath hitch as his elbow bump at her side earlier that day, brushing the swell there.

Now that the party was all reassembled in the Drawing room for the evening with tempers more cooled.

He had encouraged Sidney to relent and fetch Mrs. Campion back to have a proper resolution to the evening. The man had been hesitant but eventually found agreement to the notion.

The gentlemen had stood aloof as Mrs. Campion tried to convey proper remorse for her ill worded inquiry and statement. He almost believed it but not for Charlotte's sake. Mrs. Campion was only apologetic as far as it affected her but it was convincing enough for Charlotte to quietly accept.

Charlotte decided to take to a corner by a bright candelabra and read tried to read a book while she tried to keep to herself. The book she seemed to cling to as her original excuse to retire from dinner, she now was not eager to let it go held in her hand.

Looking around those in the room he hoped his bet was right. If it was off even by a hair Charlotte's world would come crashing down and possibly many others in the process. He would suffer little in comparison if he was wrong but many could be hurt.

Soon a servant came in suddenly drawing all of their attention away from their activities. "A carriage approaches."

The Captain sat up straight from his card game with Lady Babington and Mrs. Campion. He laid down his cards so that they were covered just in case they got back to it.

Esther frowned. "Really? No one was expected tonight," she said and stood.

Charlotte stood as well and linked her arm in Esthers as they both went with Lord Babington to greet the possible wayward traveler, her book still in hand.

Upon seeing the bright green carriage Charlotte smiled. "Lady Worcester has arrived."

Esther frowned but then turned and smiled. "A day early. Most interesting. It is a very good thing her chambers were fully prepared for her."

Charlotte slipped out of her arm and went to the Lady as Babington helped her out.

"Lady Susan!" Charlotte said with a gleeful smile. "I am so glad you are here."

Lady Susan smiled and patted her. "I have missed your society keenly, so much so that I could not wait the extra day. I was so impatient that I resolved to leave almost an entire day early." she smiled. "So here I am..." She gestured to herself.

"How is Lord Feathersly?" Charlotte asked. "I have so missed sharing tea with him," she said taking the woman's hands in hers.

Susan laughed a sweet trill. "He keeps saying your name and looking for you." she looked Lord and Lady Babington and curtsied and took Esther's hands. "I have two silver cups and spoons for your new additions. I even had them engraved with the Babington crest," she said. "I can't wait to give them to you."

Esther smiled. "And I cannot wait to show you them." she grasped the woman's hands warmly. "Indeed you have come at a very good time. The events of the evening have been bumpy."

Lady Susan looked overhead at the rain that was about to start again. "I should think so. The weather its self seems in an uproar," she said as she was ushered in out of the weather.

Their other company came out and Captin Warrick smiled. "Cousin, well met," he said taking her coat for her.

"Yes, and you... Somehow got yourself out of the crown hotel and invited here?" she asked. "You are a sly dog," she muttered.

She looked to the group. "Well are we a dreary party tonight?" she asked.

Esther rolled her eyes in good humor and nodded. "I am afraid you are right, the mood of the weather has rubbed off on our happy party. But you are here now, I am sure it will much improve with your cherished company."

Lady Susan smiled and the looked to the luggage that was being offloaded in two places. "These are Charlottes Spring and summer wardrobe." She pointed to the three large trunks. "Could they be taken to her room?"

Esther nodded. "We shall have them taken presently after your things are put in your chambers. Come, I will show you the way."

She said leading her up the stairs.

Mrs. Campion leaned towards Captain Warrick. "Why does your cousin so dote on Miss Heywood so? A wardrobe like that should have dozens of dresses and petticoats inside," she said in awe. "One dress alone is a servant's yearly salary," she said with curiosity and even jealousy to be so cared for.

Warrick smiled noting the jealousy. "Charlotte gathers loyal admirers everywhere she goes."

Mrs. Campion frowned. "But so high a sum?"

Warrick shrugged. "My cousin is excentric. She finds value in strange things and people. I only occasionally question it. Miss Heywood is...disireable. One cannot discount that."

He watched as her face dropped a few shades as her own self-doubt came in. She was the type of person to immediately compare herself to every woman in the room, and judge the others less. And if they were not it bothered her terribly.

In society, if a woman had more connections she would tell herself she had more money and beauty, but seeing Charlotte being lavished with friendship and presents was hard to swallow and Warrick could clearly see how she thought about it. She preferred to be the most admired woman in the room, and when it was Lady Worcester that was acceptable, but when it was Miss Heywood it was a hard thing for a woman like Eliza Campion to bear.

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