Chapter 49

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Lady Susan smiled at Charlotte. They had often made a routine of preparing themselves for social gatherings together. Charlotte thought Lady Susan enjoyed dressing her up far more than she ever likely playing with dolls as a child. As she did tonight.

"You can leave now," Susan said to the two maids.

Once they left she sighed. "Oh, Charlotte..." Susan said holding up a delicate rube drop necklace that shined in the light. It was far simpler than what other pieces she had held up against her decolletage. "I am going to miss you," she said wiping a tear. "I had every intention of keeping you here forever." she laughed. "You have become quite a little sister or niece for me to enjoy playing with."

Charlotte smiled and nodded. "You have been so wonderful to me. I can't even begin to imagine how to repay you."

Susan nodded. "You always talk of repayment but my dear you must know I am entirely selfish." she swallowed. "You see, when you met me last summer I was avoiding everyone. I was tired of the games of greed, and here you stood before me with a fire in your eyes. I found I was more interested in the games of love again." She smoothed the ruffle of her Charlotte's dress. "You look very fine in white, and this elegant ruby reminds one that you are ripe enough to pluck," she said fastening it around her.

Charlotte felt her hand go to the ruby. "It's far too fine for the likes of me," she whispered.

Lady Susan sighed and smiled. "This is the Theater Royal, you must wear jewels. And I have an abundance of them."

A knock sounded and the maid opened the door. "Captain Warrick has informed me to tell you the carriage is waiting."

Lady Susan laughed. "How like a man to hurry a woman at her mirror." her red lips pulled up in amusement. "Tonight you look like a walking temptation."

Charlotte shook her head. "Stop, you will make me nervous. I don't wish to tempt Mr. Parker or your cousin," she said reaching for a gold shawl and wrapped it around her as she went down.

Captain Warrick helped his cousin into her fur cape and Charlotte wore her jacket that had a fur collar.

"You both look bewitching," he said winking at Charlotte who smiled but rolled her eyes.

The carriage ride was uneventful and chilly since they were traveling such a short distance the foot warmer coal was not ignited.

Upon arrival, Charlotte could see the imposing columns of the building. Rising the steps both women on each arm Warrick held a satisfied expression.

"Well met Mr. Parker." Captain Warrick greeted.

Sidney turned and looked at Charlotte first of the group still bundled up in her warmer clothes.

"Ah, yes thank you very much for the invitation. Mrs. Campion was more than delighted with the prospect," he said tearing his eyes off her and redirecting them to his fiance.

Lady Susan smiled and her elegant brow rose. "But you too found delight in the prospect too, did you not?" she asked and watched Mr. Sidney Parker's cheeks darken.

Sidney glanced at Charlotte and then back to his fiance as if yanked on a leash like a wayward dog. "Of course. Comedies are better to watch than tragedies," he said without much cheer.

Captain Warrick laughed. "Considering your personal tragedies, that is understandable a comedy would be more to your taste."

"But the main play tonight is followed by three pantomimes." Lady Susan interrupted. "And those look to be tragedies." She said flipping the program she had been handed.

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