Chapter 122

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Sidney held charlotte's hand in his. He wanted her at his side while they looked for Esther and Babington.

"People are whispering," Charlotte said as she and he weaved through the throng.

He turned to look at her softly. "Whispering?" he looked around. He had entirely not paid anyone else hardly even a passing glance besides Charlotte.

She nodded. "They are talking of us, and Mrs. Campion." she blushed.

Sidney smiled. "Afraid your reputation is ruined?" he asked.

Charlotte nodded. "Well, I suppose you should be too."

Sidney shrugged. "I have suffered a tattered reputation before. I am sure I will survive another scandal."

She pulled back but noticing their friends they went to them Sidney still had not let go of her hand.

"Are congratulations in order?" Lord Babington asked seriously.

Sidney looked down at his hand gripping Charlotte's and he dropped it suddenly. "Oh no, apologies," he said to Charlotte.

Esther frowned her brow furrowed seriously and fanned at herself.

"We need to talk," Sidney said looking at the crowd.

Esther passed a glance back and forth. "Come through here." she led them all up to the balcony that Sidney and Charlotte had frequented.

"Yes?" Esther asked.

Sidney sighed and looked down. "I need to know...Is Lady Denham well?" he asked.

Lord Babington looked to his wife and she to him.

"We must tell them, my dear," he said.

Esther turned and looked at the gathering below. "We were going to wait until morning. It had been her idea." she closed her eyes then looked back to Sidney and Charlotte. "Really, we must hold off on the announcement." her eyes were serious.

Sidney's eyes fell and he looked to Charlotte who's eyes gathered tears.

"You don't mean-" Charlotte choked and her eyes were wide.

Sidney looked at the other two and found their faces spoke without words. "She isn't..." he was breathless.

Lord Babington nodded his expression grave and somber. "It was peaceful."

"No, it cannot be." Charlotte felt the world spin a little. It's my fault." Charlotte wept. "I should not have-"

Sidney held her steady in the shadows of the curtains.

"No it is not your fault, it is that bitch Clara Brereton who has stricken her to her grave much earlier than any of us would wish." Esther pulled out her handkerchief and offered it to Charlotte. "You are entirely without fault in all of this."

Sidney felt his mind reel. He could see now why Tom was all concerned just a short while ago. It turned out the entire venture could be in very real trouble.

"We must keep it a secret," Esther said a moment later. "Just for tonight, we can announce it tomorrow afternoon after most of the guests have started packing and leaving. It will reduce gossip and be less endangering to the project."

Charlotte shook her head. "When did it happen?"

Lord Babington cleared his throat. "Day before yesterday. In the evening."

Sidney looked at his friend. "Where is she?" He asked.

"Still in her room," he said.

Charlotte looked horrified. "She has not had proper preparation?" she asked.

Esther nodded. "Dr. Fuchs has prepared her to a degree, and she has been placed on a sheeted platform. We shall prepare her for burial tomorrow. Dr. Fuchs has been helping to prepare her final resting place without alerting anyone."

Charlotte frowned. "Why all the secrecy?"

"Her estate could be in question. I don't want Edward or Clara to come and demand entrance and start snooping or pilfering. My aunt's memory has been disrespected enough. I want to be sure it is not again." Esther explained.

Charlotte nodded and looked down at the dancers below them. They smiled and spun as partners bounced in ignorance of the loss Charlotte felt. The pain in her chest that she had not been able to say goodbye to someone who had come to mean so much to her.

"I need some air," Charlotte said pulling from Sidney and her friends and stumbled down the steps to the patio terrace that looked out on to the sandy beach. The air assaulted her with the salt and sea breeze. She felt chilled as she looked up to the moon.

Tears streamed down her face. Her hopes of a meaningful future in Sanditon helping Lady Denham build a future for this town were all but dashed now.

"Charlotte," Sidney said coming for her. "Are you well?" he asked.

She turned and shook her head. "No."

His eyes held hers as he pulled her to him in a tight hug as he held his face to the top of her head. "All will be alright," he whispered. "She led a good life, and in the end, she was deeply loved and respected. And not just for her title or money."

Charlotte nodded clinging to him for a moment. "You are right. I just didn't have a proper goodbye."

Staring down he tilted her face up and he looked at her tenderly. She looked lost and so hurt. It reminded him of when he had seen her cry after Mrs. Campion had used his words against her at the regatta and just like then he felt so sorry. For the loss of Lady Denham, for the year they had lost that could have been together.

Slowly lowered his own head to hers and pressed his mouth tenderly against her lips. The act was not demanding or greedy though he wished to savor it. Passion was not the order of the day but restraint and comfort was. The sound of the music in the reception all sounded so far and the crashing waves filled their ears as their kiss deepened.

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