Chapter 92

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Lady Denham managed to put herself together enough for tea with her fallen relation Clara Brereton. She would never have invited her had it not been for the noted attachment Charlotte had once exhibited towards her one-time companion and the fact it would cause more gossip if she were to not receive her for the connections were well known about the town and it did not need to become common knowledge of the Beau Monde.

She could not manage sitting in her normal receiving clothes this day and opted for a comfortable day dress without her stays. She did, however, have her maid dress her hair, needing to look robust, for she did not want this vulture to circle too close. Clara was not to receive a single thing from her estate in the eventual event of her looming demise and she had made that clear in two copies. One that resided in the house, and another with a noted solicitor in London.

It had not shocked her in the least that the girl would venture near now that Sanditon was on the verge of thriving, and gossip circulating that she was unwell.

Charlotte was late from her trip into town but Miss Brereton had come early and she was forced to play hostess and it was vexing her in the extreme. If it wasn't for the fact that Miss Heywood was out on business she would have been angry at her.

"How have you managed to survive in the harsh streets of London?" Lady Denham started as her ladies maid poured the tea.

Clara smiled. "I saved some from your generosity over the many months I stayed here and I lived on that for a time."

Lady Denham scoffed. "I did not give you much in the way of liquid finances. You must have sold off jewelry and dresses, but here I see you dressed every inch a lady of standing." she frowned. "How could that be unless you found work on your back?"

Clara dropped her head. "I would not stoop-"

Lady Denham laughed. "See this room?" she gestured to the floor. "I chose to receive you here for a reason. Maybe if you look close enough you will see the stains from your last job here," she said with a menacing chill and pointed to her marble tile. "I had it cleaned a hundred times, but I can still see it as if I had been here myself."

Clara blushed and looked down ashamed.

"My will burned in that very fireplace with me dying in bed with not a single friend at my side," she said gesturing with her head. "Did you think my fop of a nephew would share with you?" she asked. "He would not have even shared it with Esther." she shook her head.

Clara looked at her wide-eyed not knowing how to defend herself.

"I never intended any of you to have my estate or wealth. None of you deserve it." Lady Denham said loudly.

Clara ashamed looked away and wiped an imaginary tear.

"I but only wish to be of use to you again," Clara said with a small voice she hoped would be pathetic and compelling.

Rolling her eyes lady Denham coughed. "My dear, you were never much use to me. Or company. You are boring and disingenuous." she shook her head. "I was taken for a fool's ride when I let you stay with me." she scoffed. "A knew what a pineapple was." she huffed. "I just tried to see the good for I wanted to think well of you."

Clara blinked back fake tears and shook her head. "Upon my word Lady Denham, I was ever your faithful-"

Lady Denham put up her hand. "One more lie and I will blacken your name from here to Edinburgh. You are fortunate it is not common knowledge what you did here on my floor," she said icily. "You will stay for tea, come to the play tonight, and then never darken my door again. And for your compliance, I will provide for you five hundred pounds."

Clara looked up surprised. "One thousand." she tried to bargain.

Lady Denham smiled gratified that she now knew clearly the girl wanted money. "Six hundred and that is my final offer."

Clara dabbed at her face and nodded. "Agreed," she said with a sigh.

Just as the agreement was met Lady Worcester and Charlotte entered.

"I am so sorry we are late." Charlotte apologized. "The carriage got stuck in the mud on our way back from town."

Lady Denham waved her off. "It is quite alright. You both look well enough."

Mrs. Campion entered with Captain Warrick just moments later.

"Ah, Miss Brereton." He said with a smile.

"You know Clara?" Charlotte asked.

He looked between the two. "I was at the Crown Inn the night she arrived," he explained telling a half-truth.

"Will you stay for the play tonight?" Mrs. Campion asked.

Clara looked at Lady Denham. "Why yes. I was invited. What will it be, a comedy?"

Mrs. Campion shook her head. "It is a play of our own design called Cursed Desire," she said looking to the Captain. "Inspired by the Gothic plays we could not decide upon. If it does well perhaps we will run a second time for the Prince Regent," she said hopefully to the Captain.

Lady Worcester shook her head. "He would find it tedious unless it is shocking."

The captain smiled. "Well, it is that."

Clara noted the glances between Mrs. Campion and her lover. Perhaps he had taken another... But she was Mr. Sidney Parker's fiance she thought as she observed under her fringed eyes.

Under the agreement she would leave too soon for answers, she thought to herself. How could she stay and not tempt Lady Denham to follow through on her threats?

The ladies all joined her for tea and conversation fluttered around her as she observed it all. Including Lady, Denhams winces.

Charlotte noticed too.

"Lady Denham, can I get you anything?" Charlotte asked coming to her side quietly whispering but Clara who had good hearing could still make out the words.

"No my dear Miss Heywood, I am just tired." she stood shakily. "I shall retire." she addressed the group. "The activities of yesterday and today quite exhausted me. If I am to enjoy the drama tonight I will need my rest."

She turned and looked at Clara. "Tomorrow morning I will see you," she said seriously. "After the breakfast hour," she said leaving the others who had stood with respect to her.

Charlotte followed but Lady Denham waved her off. "No my dear, I have servants. Please enjoy your friends and Miss Brereton. She will not be staying long."

Leaving them Lady Denham felt heavy. Haw had she failed the girl she had taken in. Why hadn't she been able to extinguish the venom she had suspected resided in her. Clara had been given more chances than Esther. But yet it was Esther who had been more capable of softening.

The clever girl had kept to her rooms with her children rather than share tea and she did not blame her.


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