Chapter 48

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Sidney walked up to the steps to Mrs. Campions London house with flowers. He wanted to be in good standing with her if they were about to attend a social gathering together so he tried more than he normally would.

"Why Sidney did you even bother?" she asked taking them from him. Her face was not cold just ambivalent.

He shrugged. "I haven't been as I ought," he said simply. "They are a means of apology."

She nodded. "Yes, well no matter, I suppose we both have our fair share of regretful behavior. No point apologizing about it now." she cocked her head. "You have not completely healed," she observed the swelling and bruising. The cuts still on his face.

He touched his split on his lip. "Ugh, yes, I am still recovering." he took a shaking breath. "I came to tell you of an invitation we have tonight, and I would very much like us to attend. I believe it will help Sanditon," he said explaining.

She frowned and smiled liking social activities. "What is it?'

Sidney pulled out a flier. "A comedy, you and I have been invited by Captain Warrick to be guests in Lady Worcesters box."

She stood and took it with a smile. "This is agreeable to me. Is there any planned assembly after?" she asked.

Sidney shook his head. "I have no notion but I think this rather a good thing for your concerns about being cut by society."

Eliza smiled. "I made peace with Lady Worcester the other night. I went to apologize to Miss Heywood. Perhaps some good has come of it."

Sidney frowned. "You did?"

Eliza nodded. "Tomorrow will be perfect to be seen and in such company. It should help my standing among the Beau Monde more secure," she said looking at the paper. "It looks like they believe the Prince Regent might be in attendance." she gasped. "Oh Sidney, Lady Worcesters box is right next to his."

She smiled and nodded. "We can do this, can we not?" she asked.

Sidney frowned confused. "I don't know what you mean, we are invited."

Eliza shook her head. "You can handle a closer acquaintance without putting reputations in danger. There will be no dances with Miss Heywood again?" she asked directly.

Sidney scoffed. "It is the theater. There is no dancing."

Eliza nodded and sighed. "You know what I mean."

He nodded and tensed his jaw. "You have my word."

Looking around on the settee he found samples of fabrics. "What are you doing?"

She looked at what he was referring to. "Oh, I was simply looking at some fabrics for the wedding dress."

Sidney felt a stab in his gut and he nodded and looked away. "Oh, well I suppose I should let you prepare for this evening."

She nodded. "You should also too, you look like you have not shaved in a week."

He nodded. "I haven't in nearly that." he sighed.

"Stay for tea." she offered politely. "I think we should try to get on better should we not?"

Sidney ground his jaw tightly it ached but he nodded. "Yes, of course."

Eliza directed her servant to go fetch the tea.

"How is Miss Lambe?" she asked.

Sidney sat across from her. "She is doing better." he sighed. "You should know, somehow Charlotte came to nurse Georgiana back from near-death I hear."
Eliza was astonished on both counts. "She was at your home," she stated.

Sidney nodded. "Indeed, but I was still recovering at the Babington's, so never fear I only ran into her perhaps for five minutes."

Nodding agreeably she smiled. "I suppose that is not a scandal." she smiled slightly.

Sidney nodded. "No, Captain Warrick also helped nurse Georgiana. I suppose I owe him to a degree."

Eliza cocked her head. "What do you know of Captain Warrick?"

Scratching his chin he sat up as the servant brought the tray. "He is a man adept at attaining whatever he wants, be it money or women. He is a shrewd businessman, and I in the past had business dealings with or through him on occasion."

She nodded. "So he is very rich?"

He chuckled. "Well, the Prince Regent himself is in debt to the tune a few tens of thousands. Lady Worcester as well." he sighed. "He owns no land-based property besides his warehouse, but he does have a few ships under his ownership and they make fair investments often.'

She smiled and looked at Sidney. "Interesting man he is. I knew little of him before since we never moved in the same circles."

Sidney nodded. "He likes to move through many circles, but ladies of marriageable means are not often what he is interested in."

Eliza frowned at this and chewed on her inner lip slightly. "I think perhaps he is interested in Miss Heywood. I had thought he might make an offer of marriage to her at some point."

Taking a drink of his hot tea and shook his head. "The man will never marry, he likes women for sport."

Eliza looked up with a slight smile. "And does that bother you? Miss Heywood could be ruined or broken-hearted."

Looking down Sidney placed his cup aside. "No I don't like it but it must be born, does it not?" he sighed. "She has recovered from a broken heart before."

Stirring her tea thoughtfully she smiled. "I think perhaps she is a strong character... But if he ruins her she will need to leave London."

Sidney shook his head. "Char- Miss Heywood has an irreproachable character. I do not see her allowing any liberties that could compromise her."

"Is not his reputation enough to stain her?" she asked.

Sidney shook his head. "No, I do not believe anyone who truly knows her would think that her capable of such a miss-step." Not when she did everything to maintain decorum between them.

Laughing Eliza set her undrunk tea aside. "You have such faith in such a young naive girl."

He cleared his throat and finished his tea off though it was hot. "She is far more experienced in life than I originally believed. I don't underestimate her near as much as I did when we first met."

She smiled but it did not reach her eyes. "It is a wonder the high opinion she has earned in your eyes." she sighed. "I wonder if you ever had such an opinion of me."

He shrugged. "To be honest I quite forget. It was such a long time ago." He stood. "Please excuse me. I know you must ready yourself I will be here to pick you up at seven."

She nodded but stayed seated and watched him leave. Her mind turning.

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