Chapter 170

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"So it was a wasted trip?" Eliza asked with an angry tone.

Warrick smiled. "Yes I suppose if you were coming for the hot air contraption it was, however, I was here for more than that," he said throwing his hat down with some fatigue.

Travel and the long walk along the sea had made Warrick long for the quiet sound of waves against the hull of his ship. The gentle slapping at the base, and the constant sway of all that rode the waves reminding him of a mother rocking her child.

She unbuttoned her pink jacket and he turned observing her sour expression. "This one must have been one of Tom Parker's creations," she said with disgust at the interior of their apartments. "It's just too much." she waved in front of her gesturing to the moldings and the elaborate paintings that adorned the walls.

Captain Warrick nodded. "Yes, the man does seem to be steered by his whims especially in decoration and design." looking about he thought of his actions in the past and being steered by his own whims. Not anymore.

That was the reason he had not pursued Charlotte. He had decided to marry for money when the time came. So when Eliza became with child he felt the time had come as opposed to ruining her so that Mr. Sidney Parker did not need to marry her which had been his original intention.

Another bastard brought him more shame than he could endure especially considering who the mother was. No, Eliza brought a fortune. A fortune that he did not truly need with his skill at acquiring money.

With a side gaze, he took in his new wife's profile and nodded. She was handsome. Perhaps more so since she carried a child. It softened her features even if it sharpened her tongue. Her bosom was fuller and that he had always found pleasing.

"What is it?" she asked suddenly.

Warrick shrugged and poured himself a drink where it already sat at the ready. "I was just wishing for you to say something that would make me want to throttle you," he said brightly. "I feel like a good tupping and a hot temper would warm my loins."

She looked him up and down. "Miss Heywood has stirred your blood. You just wish to slate your lust upon me since you cannot have her." Eliza rolled her eyes having no desire to be intimate at present.

He smiled and laughed. "That's the ticket wife." he crossed the space and groaned as he pulled her to him in a harsh kiss that rendered Eliza speechless momentarily but still she cooly pushed at his front.

"You imply that you will leave soon. You would not leave me entangled with this place would you?" she asked pouting as she tried to manipulate him.

"Your pathetic attempts at manipulation do not work on me my dear wife." he chuckled. "In five years you will be often wanting to come here. Society is a fickle mistress, she blows this way and that way. Sanditon is a coming place. Brighton has gotten overrun for our elevated society, so has Bath. The future is Sanditon, and fortunes are made in the early days of a new hot spot."
He let his wife go disappointed at her lack of response to his heated kiss and rubbed at the space between his eyes.

Eliza straightened herself as she regained her composure. "How would you know so much of these things? Last ten years you have mostly been at sea."

He shook his head. "Eliza don't pretend that you understand business or commerce. You prefer the scandals, and the fripperies of society, not what that world is built upon." he took a drink of his brandy.

She rolled her eyes. "You sound like Sidney." she acted disgusted.

He chuckled. "I shall take that as a compliment he is after-all the better man." he rubbed at his jaw.

Eliza let off an exasperated sound akin to an animalistic noise.

"I need a lie-down. I am suddenly struck with a headache," she said. "I will have dinner in my rooms."

He laughed. "Perfect. I will be dining with the Prince Regent, I already have the calling card here. It was left on the table. You were too taken with the decor to see it."

She gasped. "Well of course I must attend as well."

He shook his head. "No, you most certainly will not. After-all you have a splitting headache," he said with a biting tone.

Truth was the Prince found her company tedious as did he.

Eliza again made that animalistic sound. "I could take some tea and rest a moment and be ready before dark." she protested.

He shook his head. "No my dear. He will be disappointed for coming here since my promised event has fallen through. I need to soften the blow and you will just agree with him entirely that the town is and that will not help Sanditon."

Eliza smiled. "Why not throw a ball?" she smiled. "The assembly rooms here are quite striking even if it had been done by Mr. Tom Parker. Perhaps a Masked one?"

He nodded. "It is a fine notion. Perhaps we could host it?"

Smiling Eliza did now feel in her element to be planning a ball that would be attended by the best society even if it was in Sanditon and not London. She smiled and looked to her husband with interest.

"Can I not go with you now?" she batted her eyelashes.

He shook his head. "No wife, but I appreciate your willingness to rest that sharp tongue of yours."

She stomped her foot and huffed as she stormed up the stairs.

Throwing the rest of his drink to the back of his throat he put the glass onto the mantle of the fireplace which was warming him.

Eliza Warrick was a handful to manage.

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