Chapter 43

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Sidney cursed after a long moment. He was still standing at the door Charlotte and Captain Warrick had exited through.

This infernal ache would never leave him. He cracked his neck and snarled. Looking to his study he went to the door and looked into the shadowed interior. He could still see her slumped oversleeping in the chair. Her hair spilling over her shoulders. Much longer than it had been last summer. He could see her muslin dress was unbuttoned and untied at the top giving her a relaxed and casually sensual look. He did not think her real when he had seen her. Thinking his head injury more severe he rubbed at his eyes twice blinking. But she had remained.

Sidney had been scared to venture forward. To end whatever spell he was under. He could not even remember what he said. But she had woken and finally had her alone to try to- he didn't know what to say.

Her hand covered his mouth mere moments before he was about to drop his head and touch his lips to hers once again. To feel her bare fingers against his lips was like a kick in the gut. He could not act that way with her. She would not cross that line, and he should never want that of her.

Mrs. Griffith came in on account of the sound of his voice and their moment was interrupted.

Leaning against the door frame he tried to hold himself up. It was a lot of effort to come home and had taxed his aching body. Lord and Lady Babington had been hesitant to let him go but seeing them so sickeningly happy made him want to bash his head into one of the many white marble pillars in their foyer.

"Can I get you anything, Mr. Parker?" Mrs. Griffith's asked seeing him halfway in his study and half out.

He sighed. "No, Mrs. Griffith's." he stood tall and groaned. "Was Mrs. Lambe truly in grave danger?"

The old governess nodded and swallowed. "I thought she was on death's door, then Miss Heywood came in like an angel and knew just what to do." she smiled sweetly. "Oh Mr. Parker, I know you warned me that she was a bad influence on Miss Lambe but truly I think it was the other way around," she said thinking of how they were alone in the study.

He clenched his jaw. "Miss Heywood has a superior character and heart. I have no problem with Georgiana being close to her. In fact, I encourage it." he scratched his jaw. "Georgiana...Is she in a state that I can visit?" he asked.

Mrs. Griffith's nodded and stepped aside. "Of course. She was sitting up when I left her."

Walking up the stairs he thought of following Charlotte and how he had grabbed her forearm and pulled her to him.

He managed with a heavy sigh to stand tall bracing himself for what he knew would be a difficult conversation.

"Oh, Mr. Sidney Parker..." Georgiana said with a mocking tone. "Where were you?" she shouted with a weak voice but a fiercely angry in spirit.

"Any why do you look like a beaten dog?"

He closed the door and smiled slightly at her choice of words. Would she always see him so transparently?

"It is a long story that I only half remember from my injury." he pointed to his temple which had taken a very hard right hook. "I was recovering at Babington's place and only just found out about your condition today. I came home to check on you," he said finding the chair and wanting to sit because he felt dizzy but chose not to look too weak.

"I saw, Cha- Miss Heywood before she left." he broached gently.

Georgiana nodded. "She was here for me." she threw the blanket back and wrapped her shawl around herself. "You were fighting again weren't you?" she accused and looked at his face closer. The bruising was significant.

Sidney looked away and sighed.

"My father always said you had a death wish." She frowned.

He nodded. "Mrs. Campion set the date." he tried to explain his mental state.

Georgiana looked at him as her expression relaxed understanding now why. 'When?"

He swallowed. "July. But she could almost demand anything."

Georgiana let out a shuddering breath. "Were you hoping for a solution?" she asked.

He nodded. "One that would not hurt any involved. The scandal would ruin Sanditon and all of my family."

"I hate this stupid country." Georgiana huffed. "In Antigua, it would be simple."

He shook his head. "It would not have been any easier. It is not so very different there. You were just young, and had not known adult conflicts."

She sat on the bed. "So why did you leave me behind at the ball?" she asked getting him back on topic.

He looked at her surprised as if he had not even realized he had. "I um... I did not know you were left. You had your carriage." he said dismissively.

Georgiana narrowed her gaze. "You could have told me. I searched for you and Mrs. Campion for well over an hour. Not even the Lord and Lady Babington stayed." she crossed her arms hugging her shawl around her tighter.

He nodded. "I should have spared a thought for you, but I caused an inadvertent scene dancing with Miss Heywood. Mrs. Campion saw me falling all over myself..." he said looking away ashamed.

Georgiana rolled her eyes. "She has that dashing Captain Warrick around her a lot. I notice his looks. He wants her." she watched the flash of anger cross his face.

"Captain Warrick is a rake. He will lay with any woman that takes a fancy to him but he marries none. Most are like Charlotte. Young, beautiful, and full of potential. He is a poacher." he looked at her. "Please help steer her away from him?" he asked her.

Georgiana laughed. "Sidney, if she wanted to marry she would have accepted the rich men that have already asked for her. I think she knows her heart well enough for me not to interfere."

Sidney's heart pounded. "She has been asked?"

Georgiana nodded. "I don't know the names, but I do know one was a lord and both very rich." she smiled. "You know Charlotte will only marry for love."

He nodded and tried to swallow though the lump that formed made it difficult. "She is lucky to still be free to." he cleared his throat. "I will, -" he paused processing the conversation. "I will let you rest." he tried patting her arm but it just felt uncomfortable and he smiled apologetically. "I am sorry for how poor of a guardian I have been."

She rolled her eyes. "Right, you will do better. I have heard it before," she said disbelievingly.

He nodded and scratched his mouth. "I will see you later. I am glad you are better," he said seeing her still pale face betraying the recent illness.
She nodded and frowned at him. "I'm still going to see Charlotte," she said as he left.

Licking his lips he paused and looked away. "I would not have it otherwise. Please feel free to continue your friendship unfettered."
"Good," she said closing the door on him.

He stood a moment and sighed. Stumbling to his room he fell on his bed and groaned.

Sanditon Season 2: The River and the ManWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu