Chapter 124

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Stumbling into the Crown hotel Edward's arm was now covered in blood he went to a benched seat. The Ordinary space was not as filled as it normally was and he was glad for it.

"Seems a mighty terrible bleeder Sir Denham." the hotel keeper said. "Want me to fetch the doctor for you?"

Edward frowned and smiled. "Yes, I suppose that is a capital idea. Is it Dr. Fughs still?"

The hotel keeper did not answer him but came to his side and bound up Edward's arm to slow the blood. He was unsure if it was on account of the man's drunken state or blood loss for he swayed to and frow where he sat and smelled like a distillery.

"The boy has gone to fetch the man. But you need to try to sit up sir."

Edward shoved him off. "Stop manhandling me, sir. I have had enough of it for one lifetime. Do not forget I am Sir Denham." he said haughtily as he brushed his hair back putting an angry red smear from his eyes through the light-colored curls of his hair. He had no notion of how much that diminished his lofty countenance.

"How about a drink," Edward said once he was feeling composed.

"none more for you until the doctor clears you. I'll no' have your death on my hands." he said. His wide frame clothed in a dirtied used apron giving away the rigors of his day already and the nuisance of Edward Denham's injury and attitude were tedious in the extreme.

Edward glowered drunkenly at the men back as he walked away.

The disrespect of the people of Sanditon against him would end soon. He would have his fortune presently. No matter that the irksome Miss Heywood claimed there was a new will. He could easily challenge both his loathsome aunt's company and state of mind when it was writ. Plus, he owed the local judge some money, and it would be easy enough to sway the magistrates and lawyers to his cause when they knew they would be paid.

Even if there was another will, he still had time to find it. Tomorrow he would demand entrance inside Sanditon house to see his aunt in her state of ill health and to poke about.

"Oh, I see the patient." Dr. Fughs said upon entering. "What a messy cut we have Sir Denham."

Edward nodded and held out his hand and wrist. "Will it need stitching?"

"Stitching, oh yes, but the bleeding must stop. I am afraid you have cut something more serious." Dr. Fughs said pulling out linen and cloth materials and yanking Edwards arm close to inspect. "There is glass in here sir!" he said. "It will take much longer to clean and prepare for closure. Here, drink this."

Edward took the mind-numbing bottle and downed it excitedly. Blissful abandon was more than tempting.

Dr. Fughs went to the wound and was cleaning it and deciding to try to stitch it while it bled and hoped to move fast enough but Sir Edward kept winning and moving to make the entire procedure far more difficult.

"Honestly Sir, you are going to make me give you a poor stitch like battlefield doctors. If you wish I could just lop your hand off right now. It would be easier by far." his German accent was thick.

Edward laughed. "You wouldn't dare talk to Lady Denham like that now would you?" he asked still in his senses for the moment.

The demeanor of the Doctor changed and his face grew serious.

"You are just a fraud are you not? Can't even handle a simple scratch. No doubt you have done your level best to help Lady Denham to ground." he smirked.

"Now." Doctor Fuchs said calmly not replying to Edwards's offensive questions. "I suppose you could use some more." The doctor reached into his bag and fetched a second bottle. "Just use the rest in there. That should make you still and silent." his last statement harshly as he pressed harder on the wound, both to stem the flow of blood and hurt the fool just a little.

"She is nearly dead isn't she?" Edward said snatching the bottle eagerly and swaying on the bench so much so that Dr. Fuchs had to grab him by the collar so that he did not fall back. Drugged, and clearly deep in his cups with blood loss had him seeing double now.

Dr. Fughs shook his head impatiently. "Never mind Lady Denham. It is you who requires my attention."

Edward scoffed and slumped over but was still fighting to remain conscious.

"I need to speak with her." He muttered and moaned.

The doctor shook his head. "What you actually need is this bloody wound closed and a long sleep to combat that headache you will have."

The doctor leaned forward and noted a slight snore come from the patient's mouth and he smiled and went to work to clean and close the opened and impacted flesh.

He would be unable to use his right hand for some time.

The hotelkeeper came and started to right the room. "Man is a nuisance. I don't care if he is a gentleman he is trouble."

Dr. Fuchs pulled off his glasses and rubbed them. "I quite agree." he looked back in his bag. "Perhaps I could trust you to add some of this to his morning drink. It should sedate him for the entire day."

The man looked down and raised his eyebrow skeptically. "Without his knowledge?" he asked. "I strive to be an honest man."

The doctor shrugged. "It is your choice, but this man is not the sort to sit still, you would be doing him a favor. That nasty wound could reopen and bleed out like he very nearly did here. For his own good, and everyone else he should sleep for a day... or two."

The hotel keeper took the bottle and sighed. "I will think on it. Maybe suggest that you recommended it. But I'll not be sly about it."

Dr. Fuchs nodded. "I suppose I can be satisfied with that. Make sure he has a hearty breakfast before it is taken if he chooses. I hope he is not sick tonight. Perhaps a pail would be helpful to him but also for yourself." He put his had on. "I bid you goodnight."

The man grunted as he swept. "Thought it was going to be a quiet night what with the ball and all. Figures."

Dr. Fughs shook his head. "It is likely never going to be quiet again in Sanditon. We should be glad for it too. Will fill everyone's pockets."

"Not if this man inherits. He wants to see Sanditon fall." he poked him as Sir Edward Denham moaned.

Dr. Fuchs shook his head. "Oh he may try, but Sanditon is built on a tougher foundation z'is time."

With that parting statement, he left Sir Edward slumped over a table bandaged and medicated into a deep sleep and the hotel keeper to his chore.

He had just come from Sanditon's house when he was called from his office to tend to Sir Edward. He had spent the last hour tending to and arranging the movement of a coffin to be carted to Sanditon House under the cover of darkness and was relieved that none had seen him for all he knew.

Too many servants in the house were now aware of the dire situation of their employer, and now a few village laborers were aware that a coffin was delivered to Sanditon House. Within hours of the morning, the entire town would know.

Crossing the street he noted Mr. and Mrs. Parker walking home with the two hypochondriac siblings behind them. He touched his hat as he passed.

"Oh Dr. Fuchs, you were not at the ball tonight," Tom asked. "You must have been with Lady Denham. Is she well?"

Stopping mid-stride he nodded. "I did visit Sanditon house, but it was actually Sir Denham who I was tending to this night."

Tom frowned with Mary at his side. "Oh, is he unwell?"

Dr. Fuchs nodded. "He will be fine. You look very well, Mrs. Parker." Changing the subject he turned to Mary his eyes glowed upon seeing the woman. "I hope you enjoyed yourself."

She nodded. "As well as I could," she answered.

He nodded and touched his hat again. "If you will excuse me, I must be getting on. it is very late for me."

Tom stepped aside and nodded. "Of course. You will give our good wishes and regards to Lady Denham when you see her next, won't you?"

Turning he nodded. "Of Course. Good Night Mr. Parker."

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