Chapter 104

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"What is it, Esther." Lady Denham said weakly from her bed which she had taken to a day and a half before. There had been no word and no sign of either Charlotte or Miss Lambe and the town of Sanditon was abuzz with the rumors circulating caused by Clara the very first day.

"That hussy still causing havoc?" The feeble voice rose from the bead with labored breath.

Esther sighed and nodded. "Clara has been silenced for the time being by a most unadvantageous proposal of marriage by Mr. Crowe. An eligible fiance has lightened the disapproval of the town folk and we can no longer order her away without also ordering Crowe to leave and he is a prime investor and landholder on one of the apartments that is unfinished I am hesitant to demand that at this time without your preference being known."

Lady Denham shook her head. "Her social circle will be limited for she will never darken my door while I live, which will be of short duration if Clara got her way. That viper wants to see me into my grave as you all once did." she shook her head.

"There is other news Aunt," Esther said quietly. "I have word from Charlotte."

Lady Denham sat up with a cough. "Why didn't you say it first girl!" She scrambled to come to an upright position which Esther assisted in with the ladies maids help. "Is she well?"

Esther nodded pulling the letter out to read. "She scribbled a hasty note and it said "Clara to blame, drugged and stuffed in a trunk, Warrick claims ignorance. Going after Georgiana. She is eloping with Mr. Molyneux. Tell Mr. Parker I did not know."

Lady Denham was silent a long moment as the contents of the letter soaked into her mind. Her face moved as if tremored. "Alone? Or with the Captain?" Lady Denham asked. "Tell me she has proper accompaniment?"

Esther shook her head. "It is not addressed in the contents."

"A journey of such lengths!" Lady Denham said shrilly. "Alone and at the mercy of anyone."

Esther patted her hand. "Let us not forget how resourceful our friend can be aunt. She probably took a ladies' maid from Pessham house and hired a coach."

Lady Denham shook her head. "With what funds?" she asked. "The girl could not have left the house with more than two shillings and the clothes on her back. Oh, the poor girl. How can we be of any use to her!" she leaned back. "I am very glad for news but this is still so much the more upsetting. Scotland! What a wet and dismal place."

Esther nodded and patted her hand. "She will be well. Sidney is riding after her as we speak and has likely already caught up with her or very soon will."

Lady Denham shook her head. "My medicine. I need to sleep for perhaps once I wake up this nightmare will be over."

Esther nodded as the maid measured out the concoction.

"The Prince Regent finally showed up, I hear," Lady Denham said. "How are the entertainments for his comfort been handled?"

Esther sighed. "Lady Worcester has been a godsend in all of this. She has, with your generous contributions and her own has managed well without Charlotte. The remaining apartments have been sold, as have some building permits for shops and the expansion of the town's city limits."

"Has the Prince also invested?" Lady Denham asked.

Esther shook her head. "No, his mere presence was all that is needed for it to all come together."

Lady Denham sighed. "So the venture is saved?" she asked.

Esther nodded. "Not entirely, but it very soon will be. There is a bidding war and many are willing to pay double to replace other buyers, but Sidney being absent Lord Babington is hesitant to make such a statement when regarding wealthy members of the peerage."

Lady Denham shook her head. "What about Mrs. Campion? I hear she has her bags packed but keeps unpacking them only to start again hours later. Whatever is that about?"

Esther smiled. "She has been the brunt of some gossip that Sidney has run off after the rival. But we are ever correcting that narrative that he is chasing his wealthy ward from an imprudent match. Unfortunately, it is doing nothing for Miss Lambe's reputation."

Lady Denham finally took the offered medication. "If Mrs. Campion leaves and pulls her support she could upset the apple cart could she not?" asking after drinking the fluid down.

Esther sighed. "I suppose she could, but perhaps you could grant Sidney the time to pay it back without her support. Surely he has shown himself to be worthy of the task?"

Lady Denham sighed. "I suppose you are right. I just fear Sanditon and its future will be lost if I don't guide it," she said as the medication started to take effect.

"That all depends on your chosen heir," Esther said with a slight smile.

Lady Denham laughed. "Well I have already told you it is not you, nor is it Clara or Edward I can promise you that. And my will is secure with my solicitor in London so as to not allow a repeat of historic events."

Esther smiled relieved. "Oh you do give me some peace aunt," she whispered and kissed her hand.

Lady Denham laughed as she lazily closed her eyes. "Do you think you will mourn me now dear Esther?" she asked.

With a sad smile and a tear, she gripped the woman's hand tightly. "More than you could imagine." she smoothed the woman's brow. "Underneath your prickly words, and domineering personality lies a wonderful person that I wish I had known before. You are responsible for my happiness, aunt. I could never repay you for that."

Lady Denham grunted. "Oh Esther, do hush I am trying to sleep," she said weakly.

Smiling Esther noticed the tear that fell from the corner of her eye and she knew the woman was not dismissive or unfeeling she just didn't like to show her heart to anyone.

"Of course aunt. I shall not disturb you unless there is any urgent news."

The woman grunted and turned as she tried to get more comfortable and Esther went back to the gathering below to carry on as if the whole thing wasn't a drama and life was carrying on as normal.

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