Chapter 166

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Her hand took his more confidently than it had the previous year. Brown hair blew wildly in the light wind just like it had in his memory.

"Come," he smiled. "After all we never got out of that river now did we?"

She blushed and looked back at her family picnicking on the banks of the water pond that attached to the river at the mouth. "My father will see," she whispered.

He smiled and nodded. "I suppose they all will." he encouraged. "Don't let that stop you." he smiled at her and she took the small step that was in truth a leap. If she lost her balance they both would be flung into the muddy bank.

Taking her briefly in his grasp to keep her steady they both balanced themselves down while bracing the other.

"Do you remember how?" she asked with a smile eyeing the oars.

He smirked and smiled with a knowing thought. "It has been a while, but I am sure I can remember how," he said moving the oars in a circle that moved his body forward to her and then back.

Smiling she shook her head.

"Do you remember what I taught you?" he asked as he slowed seriously. The implication was more than rowing.

She blushed and looked away. "I am sure I can remember, but in truth, I had not tried it since."

He chuckled and leaned forward teasingly and whispered. "I should hope not."

Charlotte swallowed hard as a lump formed in her throat. "I saw you were speaking to my father this morning, and he has avoided me since." she started.

He smiled and looked up at the picnicking party and smiled. "I should think he is a little upset."

Charlotte looked at him confused. "Did you have ill words with him?" she asked and then looked at her father who sat under a tree alone smoking his pipe with a somber expression.

Sidney shook his head. "No, nothing like that. He just loves his clever eldest daughter and has been forced to realize that she has grown up and has no need for his consent to her choice of partner." Sidney noted the crushed face and stopped his rowing and took her hand. "Despite all that he has given me consent," he said softly. "If you will still have me Charlotte?"

She looked at him surprised and then to her father who tipped his hat to her from across the pond and stood turning from them.

Her mouth opened surprised and Sidney leaned forward and caught her eyes with hope and need. "Charlotte have you changed your mind?" he asked worriedly.

She shook her head. "No of course. I would have no other."

The wind blew her hair and he wound his fingers in it and leaned forward pressing their foreheads to come together. A kiss was far too exposed and unseemly even in the intimate company of family.

Breathing deeply he smiled. "Then we can properly announce it now among family and friends." he said with feeling, "Tomorrow the first Banns can be read," he answered.

Distracted they felt their eyes pull to children running down the hillside and their eyes lighted on Captain Warrick and Eliza led by Lady Worcester.

"Captain Warrick?" Charlotte blushed. Last she saw of him she had punched him rather hard.

Sidney sighed. "I expected him in a few days."

"And the new Mrs. Warrick." she frowned. "This has suddenly become rather awkward."

Sidney scoffed and nodded. "Best have us stay out here as long as possible," he said rowing down the way to where a few willows would give them some privacy though not much.


Warrick wandered the lane up to the house in serious contemplation. The Denham fortune had fallen to Charlotte and had he known that compelling revelation he wondered if he would have been so magnanimous in his actions towards her and Mr. Parker's tragic love story. He would tell himself he would have even if he questioned his own honesty on the matter.

Recalling the vision of her in her bedroom with hair down and relaxed around her shoulders he groaned quietly as he swung his cane at some tall grass and cursed.

Both ladies turned and frowned at him before resuming their meager attempts at polite conversation. He could hear the barbs his cousin flung at his new wife. She deserved every one he thought with a smirk. Putting her in her place had been amusing but he did not appreciate public humiliation.

Two times now she had been cutting to someone she should not have and he had been only barely able to recuperate the connections she was hedging on ruining. He was not sure if she was stupid, mean, or just inexperienced.

Eliza had a habit of saying anything that came into her head which would either be assuming or judgemental.

Coming to the hedge which led to the forested park the kids spread out and started grabbing sticks to fight each other with pretend swords.

"The pond is beautiful today, I think I see Charlotte and Mr. Parker on the water." Lady Susan observed as they had reached the view of the group but were still a long-distance away.

Warrick's eyes flew up and watched as Mr. Parker and Miss Heywood looked near enough to be kissing but he was sure neither would be so. Squinting he could make out that they were just very close.

"Oh, a boat ride. Do you think we should try?" Eliza asked with a sour sickened look on her face. It was no wonder, she was with child, but the timing was impeccable.

He scoffed and looked down at her. "I think not, I do not intend on you going on the water."

She shook her head. "But I am the wife of a Captain. Or Admiral. I know you have a fleet."
He shrugged. "Yes, I have my profession. And this is my domestic life. I prefer to keep the two separate."

She frowned as did his cousin at that suddenly sharp comment. He had been in good cheer all day but one look at Charlotte happy and his mood suddenly soured a notch.

Sanditon Season 2: The River and the ManWhere stories live. Discover now