Chapter 36

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Barging into the house Georgiana felt sweat run down her back despite the extreme cold temperatures. She allowed the servants to take her bonnet and jacket but wasted no time in rushing to the privacy of her room. Going to the desk she opened a drawer and ruffled in the papers till she found the little locket with a picture of her beloved. The one she tried to forget about but could not.

Gazing at his handsome features she felt tears run down her cheeks and she wiped them away.

Shakily she takes to her desk with the intention of writing a letter to him but her mind is a jumble of what to say.

"Where have you been all day?" Mrs. Griffiths chided moments later when she came to check on her after her return. "I asked the maid and she said Mrs. Worcesters house, but I know she has good fires, and you look like you have been outside all day. Your cheeks are positively indescribable with your complexion." she chided turning her face up to her as she grasped the young woman's face.

Georgiana tried to keep writing and shrugged her off. "Go away," she said.
Mrs. Griffith did not listen and touched her head then cheek. "Too chilled I think, you feel hot." she clucked her tongue. "I will have a bath drawn and won't hear a complaint from you," she told her and went to set that to the task.

Georgiana did not hear her. She needed to get her heart out. It was a full half an hour when her maid fetched some clean linens and she was tore from her project.

"Just a moment, please," she begged as sweat dropped from her face.
It was only when she finished and folded it did she feel faint.

"Miss. You look frightful." came the quiet voice of her maid.

Mrs. Griffith's entered and looked stricken. "Oh my Georgiana, you are very ill," she said. "To the bed instead. For now... Jenny, go fetch a doctor." she ordered as they helped her to the bed.

Mrs. Griffith's tried to help her charge unbutton her dress and relieve her of it but the girl was now failing fast and had grown entirely limp.

"Too much society perhaps," she whispered. "We shall have you right in no time." she smoothed her brow. But her face fell feeling how hot she burned a sob erupted from her.

Georgiana was feeling feverish and rolled her eyes back feeling the pounding in her head increased. The light from the window burned and she moaned but Mrs. Griffiths didn't understand her primitive communication.

"It will be alright Miss. Lambe. The doctor is coming and you will be feeling better in no time." she whispered. "Oh, where is that infernal Mr. Parker. He should have been back by now," she said looking out the window.

Georgiana wanted to shout at the silly governess but could only manage a groan and tried to squeeze her eyes against the insufferable pain she was in.

"Otis," she whispered.

Mrs. Griffiths came close. "What is it, Miss Lambe?"

She shook her head. "Charlotte."

A servant came to the door. "Mrs. Campion is in the parlor, she has asked for Mr. Parker."

Mrs. Griffiths frowned. "I will see her. Come, do not leave Miss Lambe's side."

The girl came close and sat on the narrow bed and tucked her into it. "Of course Mrs. Griffiths."

She smiled tensely. "There is a good girl. The doctor is coming, we must keep her comfortable till he does."

She nodded putting a cool cloth on her head.

Upon entering the parlor Mrs. Griffith found Mrs. Campion looked poorly as well.

"Oh Mrs. Campion, you do not look your normal robust self, are you also unwell?" she asked.

Mrs. Campion looked at her as if her temper was a pile of embers and the governess's words were the billow of air fanning it into flame.

"I am very well," she snapped. "What meaning is this? Who is unwell?" she asked thinking of Sidney.

Mrs. Griffith sighed. "It's Miss Lambe, she went out to visit Miss Heywood and came back in a state and now has a fearfully hot fever."

It was not Sidney, Mrs. Campion thought relieved. But the mention of Miss Heywood was enough to elicit a frustrated sigh. "I wish your charge a speedy recovery," she said recalling her own manners.

Mrs. Griffith nodded politely. "I am just waiting on the doctor. He should know what to do."

"Indeed." Mrs. Campion said uncomfortably. "I came to call on Mr. Parker, he seems to be out. Do you know where he has gone?" she asked.

Mrs. Griffith shook her head. "He did not return home last night."

A fearful frown crossed Mrs. Campion's face. "Where could he have gone to be out all night?" she asked thinking of Miss Heywood.

Mrs. Griffith shrugged. "Normally he is out into the early morning. But we usually see him home before the calling hours. I confess-"

The door knocked and Mrs. Griffith's moved to the doorway to see who had come.

"Ah, Lord Babington." Mrs. Griffith's said seeing him out the front window.
"I am sorry for the inconvenience but I came with word." He said entering without a formal announcement. Upon noticing Mrs. Campion and he inclined his head. "Mrs. Campion. I have ill news of Sidney," he said. "He is alive, just got into some trouble last evening and has somewhat of a head injury. He is now recovering with my dear wife tending to him."

Sighing relieved Mrs. Campion stepped forward. "I must see him," she said seriously.

Lord Babington sighed. "You, of course, can see him, but he needs his rest."

She shot her nose up. "I am his intended, he has need of my tender care, not your wife's," she said taking her bag and smashed her bonnet on her head.

"Uh, Lord Babington Miss Lambe has fallen into a hot fever. Surely you will tell Mr. Parker if he is able to hear it." Mrs. Griffith's added. Her face looked quite overwhelmed.

She sat down and sighed anxiously as they left her without a simple by your leave.

Moments later another knock came and she stood up and hurriedly met the Doctor and led him up to the poor girls' room.

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