Chapter 54

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Charlotte came down the grand stair after Bell had helped her dress out of her travel clothes. Her maid had also fixed her hair to look more relaxed and curls escaped the soft updo she wore. Shocked a moment she found herself fussing over how she looked more than she would have many months before. Looking at her reflection again she found she hardly recognized herself and she longed to pull the pins out of her hair and run through the wet grass along the beach in her bare feet.

Pulling her red shawl over her shoulders she finished readying herself to join the others downstairs for a formal luncheon that Esther had prepared for the small gathering. She waited a moment and sat on the bed as she thought of the last two weeks and how Sidney had come back into her life and she was grateful to have escaped him for the moment but wondered when she was again going to need to socialize with him? She expected that she would have little occasion being with Lady Denham even if he was in Sanditon and that was a relief.

Unlike when she had stayed with his brother and she frequently ran into him quite literally at times.

Standing she sighed and smoothed her dress as she left the room. Charlotte meandered down the hall as she looked at carvings and curiosities that were on either side of the wing. She then heard a throat clear and decided to stop her slow process and hurried.

Lady Denham was already at the bottom sitting in a large chair silent and appraising as she watched her descend the steps.

"Well met my dear Miss Heywood. I do see how fine you look. Esther I suppose has not been telling me lies about the polish that you have received at the hand of Lady Worcester." her gaze flitted to the captain. "You have even brought someone of influence to tour Sanditon, and I do hope he intends on investing." she shot the man a stern look.

He dropped his chin in a nod. "I do intend on exploring that possibility, ma'am."

She smiled and looked to Charlotte. "I do expect Miss Heywood will do all she can to convince you to." she smiled and looked her over again.

"Quite elegant..." she whispered taking in the changes. "Come now Miss Heywood, have you changed ever so much since your last visit to Sanditon?" Lady Denham asked.

"Aye, Lady Denham. I have seen a great many things and met an even greater many people," she said swallowing nervously. Even being in the presence of the Prince Regent wasn't nearly as overwhelming as the piercing inquisitive eyes of Lady Denham.

"I have heard you have made an impression with the Prince Regent now, and many of the Dukes and Duchesses of the Beau Monde. However you managed that climb with your status as a mere landowner's daughter, I will never know..." she flitted her hand. "Do they look to you as friend or pet?" she asked seriously.

Charlotte at a loss for words for a moment hesitated in answer.

But Captain Warrick stepped forward and offered his hand to bring Charlotte closer to the woman. "Miss Heywood has managed to seduce the aristocracy with her wit Lady Denham, along with her honesty." Captain Warrick said coming to her aid. "She is no pet."

Lady Denham looked him over, her eyes keen. "I suppose she must have seduced you too, for you have followed her out to this place in such weather. I do hope you are not a puppy Captain Warrick, a dog would be worse I think." she dismissed him lightly and turned back to Charlotte. "I am sure you are wondering Miss Heywood why I have asked you to come? Besides the amusement you shall bring me." she laughed a weak chuckle.

Coughing slightly she had to stop for a moment before continuing. "There is much to be managed in the correspondence with Mr. Sidney Parker and my solicitors. You are also quite adept at event planning and it has come to my attention that I will need more entertainment to help draw people to Sanditon. I hope to count on you to help keep me unburied in paper or drowning in ink. I heard you managed Tom's tossed office for a few weeks and managed it nicely." she looked on her and sighed.

Captain Warrick nodded. "Charlotte has even done well to help my cousin Lady Worcester with her own correspondence and ladies business. She is very organized."

She took a shallow weak breath and nodded. "That is very good to have yet another endorsement to your credit. You see, my health at the moment is not at peak, but I should recover once the weather turns," she said brightly. "I thought it to be a nice interlude for you as well if the London season was tedious but I am starting to think it was not." she looked to Captain Warrick her eyes soaking in every detail. "I hope this arrangement to be agreeable to you?' she asked.

Charlotte smiled and nodded. "It is Lady Denham. The society there had become difficult for my background is much more limited in my associations."

Lady Denham struggled to rise and leaned on Lord Babington for support. "As I have learned from Lord Babington that you have earned the respect of the highest rungs of our society, perhaps you could work a miracle here in Sanditon and convince them to come," she said half to herself as a hope.

Charlotte's brows raised surprised. "Indeed, Lady Denham. I will do all in my power to ensure Sanditon thrives."

"You have brought a servant with you. A fine ladies maid I hear." Lady Denham continued with her questioning. However, have you managed that expense?" she asked.

Charlotte blushed. "I am quite undeserving of the kindness of Lady Worcester. She insisted she come with me."

Lady Denham frowned. "Very strange."

Lady Denham turned and looked at her seriously and nodded. "Come, Captain Warrick escort me to my seat while Lord Babington leads Lady Babington.

Charlotte followed behind.

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