Chapter 158

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Charlotte had slept so little with how often she was awakened in the night with happy marital giggles in the chamber beside her own.

When the birds sang was when she lifted her head from her pillow only to be greeted by the bright orange sun. With groggy eyes, she washed her face and put on the same dress she had worn the day before. Brown and not looking fine at all but she did not mind. It had once been her dress two years before and managed to still fit. But only barely. Her bonnet was simple straw again and she decided to forgo it this day. She wanted her hair down and the wind blowing in it again.

They were not terribly far from Sanditon House and she would walk the path along the sea instead of the main road from Sanditon.

The walk was refreshing as she crossed the same way she once passed Mr. Stringer on the arm of Georgiana. Instead of going to the beach, she went the direction of Sanditon House by way of the park.

There through the meandering forest, with a few lovely weeping willows, she came by the small stock pond Lady Denham's husband once enjoyed fishing from. She could hear the frogs as she approached the pillared round building. There she found the placard with her name and the date of her birth as well as that of her death.

Tears fell from her eyes and Charlotte wondered what people said of her at her funeral. Did they speak of her love of Sanditon? Or her great dislike of all that was viewed as foolish?

Esther would have been unable to speak and hated to show great emotion in public Charlotte concluded, and others did not know the woman as they had. How she was as tender inside as she was sharp and hard. Like a crab or a lobster. She could lash out and hurt, but inside was all softness. Perhaps a layer carefully cultivated to protect from further hurt.

Her hand pressed against the great solid door and she whispered. "I hope you are at peace." she wondered about the great house she saw across the wide lawn with the stock pond between. It looked quiet there, and not like any servants were bustling about. She could not help but wonder what would become of this place that Lady Denham loved so much.

The only thing Charlotte knew about the will was Edward would not receive anything, and that the future of Sanditon and the fortune would be secure so long as her will was actually read and not destroyed first. Which drew her attention on the stable.

It was gone. Running to it she looked on the burnt cinders of the great stable in horror. What had happened?

Her grief interrupted by the horror of another burnt building. She prayed no one was hurt in the blaze and she rushed on to Sanditon for answers.

She first ran to the apartments she knew the Babington's had taken and went to ring. "There nobody answered and she turned from the stoop in frustration and ran down the muddy road. No one had seemed to recognize her. Her hair was down and her clothes threadbare they just went on with their business.

Catching her breath at Trafalgar House she found 'Sir' tied up and saddled. Seemingly awaiting his master.

A lump caught in her throat as she realized Sidney was there and she summoned the courage to knock. Butterflies were flying nearly up to her throat and only stuck there on account of the lump.

Paralyzed she could not yet knock.

Turning two times away from the door she came back as she closed her eyes and raised her fist to rap her knuckles against the wood. Only it opened while her eyes were closed and her fist hit nothing but empty air.

"Charlotte?" she heard his voice and she opened her eyes in shock.

"Mr. Parker!" she said startled. "Please excuse me. I have already been to the Babington's apartments and no one answered, and so here I am." she shrugged nervously. She could read the shock in his face, and the almost fear in his eyes.

"No, of course," he said his voice barely there.

Charlotte was still standing on the stoop and she had to ask. "May I come in?"

Sidney stood to the side still unable to process. "Forgive me..." he said his eyes not falling from her for even a moment.

She squinted at him confused. She had expected something more than shock from him at this point. It greatly reminded her of the look on his face when they had run into each other in London after her attack.

"Have things changed so much in a week?" she asked seeing something in his eyes which brought her doubt again. Had he changed his mind about her?

He softened and laughed. "I don't even know where to begin." he looked her over. "You look more like the young girl come to Sanditon from Willingden."

She nodded nervously. "I am come from Willingden to Sanditon, but this time I intend to stay." looking through the foyer where they stood she tried to stretch her senses through the house. "I have just come from Sandtion House too. I saw there was a fire. Is everyone well?"

Sidney winced. "I do believe we have a good deal to talk of." His mind was running miles a second and he needed to process that she was here. She did not know of her fortune.

Charlotte shook her head. "We can start with the stable."

Sidney nodded. "It was not my best hour,"

Charlotte scoffed and noted the faded bruise.

"It was right after Lady Denham had been interred," he explained. "I had just learned that Edward had done something to make your father take you."

Charlotte blushed. "So you fought him again?" she asked recalling the night of the last ball.

He nodded. "Yes, Edward knocked over a lamp and the place caught light quickly. We all tried to save it. Even Edward..."

She shook her head. "Anyone hurt?" she asked hopefully.

Sidney shook his head. "No, just the entire loss of the stable. The coaches were all able to be pulled, so not too heavy a loss."

Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief. "So then where are Mary and Tom? The hour is early enough for them to still be at their breakfast."

Sidney nodded. "Yes, well... Perhaps I can explain that after a little walk?" he asked. "Miss Heywood, Charlotte... Would you please join me? I have something I wish to show you." he asked offering her his arm as he opened the door.

Sanditon Season 2: The River and the ManDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora