Chapter 138

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Sidney stood in the parlor of the townhouse his former fiance and her husband Captain Warrick had taken for their short honeymoon.

"I had intended on going to you next week," Warrick said walking in casually. "Come have a drink, we have much to discuss." in a tone that did not imply that he had broken his nose two weeks prior.

Sidney followed and looked around. "Mrs. Warrick not around?"

Warrick turned and smirked. "she is angry at me and out shopping to make me pay for the wrongs I do her." he shrugged. "it gets her out of the house for hours. I can't complain."

Sidney frowned. "So you are not suited well?" he asked curiously.

Warrick laughed. "On the contrary. The conflict is stimulating, but I will be at sea soon, and then it will be suited well enough for us both." he poured Sidney a glass. "So what do I owe this unexpected trip? There must be a reason."

Sidney nodded. "Lady Worcester said you were coming to Sanditon in about a week's time, and well I needed to determine where we stood in the face of your wife's investment in the building there. Will you be making demands that I pay you back immediately?" he asked simply as he recalled the nose bleed he had given him and wondered if he would bear a grudge like Sir Edward has.

Warrick laughed. "I certainly would accept full payment plus the promised interest." he went to sit. "But I would not demand it." he chuckled. "Mr. Parker, I am a reasonable man and I am glad to know you are too."

Sidney shook his head. "Forgive me but how would you know that?" he asked.

Captain Warrick scratched his brow. "Mr. Parker one of the first things I did as a new husband was demand all the necessary papers of finance and when poured over in study I found you to be a shrewd and fair businessman. I don't normally invest in residential projects, I like quicker returns on investment but I can say I feel the money is well spent," he said and saluted. "But I hope you know I have thought to invest further there."

Sidney blinked and let out a heavy sigh.

"I see my stance comes as a relief to you." Warrick's brows rose. "Something prompted your mad dash to Brighton, am I correct to assume that Lady Denham has died?"

Sidney nodded, "Yes, and her nephew means to discredit the standing will or destroy it."

"Ah, Sir Denham." he looked to be thinking deeply. "The man has accumulated a vast debt. Though not to the monumental level your brother did, but significant."

Sidney inwardly winced at the mention of his brother's folly.

"That is what I have heard from your cousin," Sidney answered seriously.

"How is our dear Miss Heywood?" he asked. "Have the banns been read yet?" he asked.

Sidney shook his head. "I wanted to come to her without an ax at my back. And your position calms the situation greatly," he confessed.

A commotion sounded in the foyer and he could see Eliza throwing her bonnet at her maid and ripping her spencer off.
Sidney was relieved that she had not noticed them.

Warrick shook his head. "You could take me through the courts for what I have done." he offered.

Sidney shook his head and scoffed, "And that would be entirely unfair. From where I am sitting you have done me a favor many times over." the confession pulled from his mouth with difficulty. The memory of Warrick insisting that he was not an enemy echoed through his mind. He had not believed it then but he could see now the truth the Captain had told him man times.

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