Chapter 176

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Anxious he sat on his bed having not slept the entire night. It would not bode well for the festivities of the day or the long-awaited activities of the night. He rubbed at his face trying to summon the ability to sleep, but he knew now that the sun was going to rise soon he had lost his opportunity.

His feet did most of the thinking as they led him to the seashore. Breathing briskly he shed his clothes as he looked out onto the dawn drenched purple and pink sky.

The cold water hit his ankles and he flung off his clothes and went to dive in. As his body submerged his turned and let it wash over him entirely. The man he was would forever be altered by the events of this day. He would no longer be a man, bachelor, and scoundrel... he would be a husband and as such he wanted to wash all that from him. The past.

Emerging from that he did feel clean and cold. Shivering he stumbled into Trafalgar House and smiled to see Mary.

"Sidney, you should really still be sleeping." she smiled.

He shook his head. "I found myself restless."

She smiled. "Not having cold feet are you?"

He laughed and smiled brightly. "Not figuratively." he chuckled thinking of his frozen body.

She frowned. "Nervous?" she asked.

He rolled his eyes as he went to the fire by the breakfast table. It had not yet been laid on account of it still be quite early. He grunted. "I hope to be the husband she deserves."

Mary smiled. "Marriage is work, you understand?" she asked. "It will not always be like this, easy or exciting."

He laughed. "It has not been easy." he continued to warm himself. "But her heart has been worth it. Even when I did not think it possible."

Coming to the fireplace she sat. "Possible to love you?" she asked.

He nodded. "I was terribly rude to her upon our first meeting, and then that evening at the ball, and countless other times when I publically reprimanded her."

Mary quirked her brow. "I had heard." she chuckled. "I have a little confession. When Charlotte was brought here I had hoped you two would form an attachment. For many years I and Tom have voiced our wish that would settle and find joy again. But I knew better than to throw the girl at you, or give her false hopes." She smiled.

He sighed. "No, I did enough of that."

Mary nodded. "It was at the time quite unforgivable," she lectured. "but had you not I do believe young Mr. Stringer would have been more than eager."

He nodded. "Or some other man in London this past season." his hand went to his temple as if stressed. "I am so fortunate things happened as they did."

Mary smiled and looked at him until she caught his eye. "Never forget that, and you will always be the husband she deserves."
He smiled thoughtfully and looked down as he felt some of his anxiety lift and he yawned.

"You will be dead on your feet today and no good to your bride," she warned. "Best you go on up to sleep for at least four hours," she warned.

"But the wedding is at eleven," he said.

She smirked. "Well you are well enough washed by the sea, and I dare say you will need far less time than she."

He yawned again and his stomach growled.

"I will have your coffee brought up with your breakfast at nine. Sleep. Close your eyes." she patted him as he shuffled off to sleep. He was glad for it since he was seeing double.

Slumping into bed with his damp clothes still on he covered himself burrowing into the covers and fell into a more relaxed deep sleep as he still felt the sensation of being moved by the waves.

He did not hear the children wake as they ran and screamed in excitement as they went down to breakfast. Or Tom talking loudly and proudly about the forecasted events of the day.

Snoring through the morning he was not awakened until Tom shook his shoulder.

"Awaken brother, for on this very day you will make of yourself a husband take a bride." He said grandly as he went to the curtain and threw it open as he did with the shutter. "And what a grand day it is."

Sidney groaned and rolled over as he closed his eyes to the bright light that streamed in through the small window. He feared he would need heavier curtains in his own bedroom since those large widows faced full east like this spare room did.

"Come now Sidney, I know you are not an early riser, but it is late enough and your wedding day no less." Tom coaxed.

Sidney grunted as sleep still had a weak hold on him.

"Sidney!" Tom said harshly as he hit his head with a feather pillow. "Honestly brother, tis a wonder you get any work done with how late you insist on sleeping."

Sidney ignored him thinking another five minutes would not hurt.

"You would not wish to disappoint Miss Heywood would you?" his brother said again and hit him again on the head.

"Yes, yes," he sighed. "I would not want that." he groaned.

"What is with you?" Tom asked concerned. "Did you drink last night?" he said trying to see if he could see residual drunken evidence there and sniffed his breath.

"No Tom, I just could hardly sleep last night and swam the sea and fell asleep shortly after the sun rose," he explained.
"Cold feet?" Tom asked concerned.

Sidney shook his head. "No, just wishing I had been able to have a full night's sleep."

Once upright he felt the adrenalin course through him as he felt the excitement take over the sleep fogged mind.

"Not to worry Tom. I just need some of that coffee you have brought," he said sniffing and reaching for it.

"Capitol," He smiled. "I will trust you not to get back in that bed."

Sidney smiled and shook his head. "No, not a chance."

Going to the washbasin he went to shave and rushed to eat the food brought to him since he did not need hunger and fatigue dampen what he expected would be the happiest day of his life.

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