Chapter 119

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Esther embraced Charlotte. "Oh, my dear friend I am so relieved to see you well."

Stepping out stiffly from the discomfort she hugged Esther who was crying.

"Are these tears for me?" Charlotte said surprised. "Lady Babington, what is it?"

Esther hugged her tightly. "Things have just gone ever so wrong since you were taken from us." she sobbed. "It is good to have you back," she whispered.

Lord Babington nodded and smiled. "Yes, Miss Heywood. I am sure you wish to rest but I am afraid there will be little time."

Charlotte nodded. "I supposed as much. I tried to sleep on the way but it was ever so difficult with getting stuck so many times. I would sometimes just drift off only to lurch to a stop and need to get out."

"You should have a bath straight away then perhaps a small nap before your hair is dressed. Unfortunately, you will need to skip washing it. It simply will not dry enough in time." Esther commented.

Charlotte smiled. "First I must go see Lady Denham," she said heading inside to go herself. She was not in the habit of asking permission since her intimacy with the house and the lady herself allowed it.

"Oh now? I am afraid you cannot. Just get ready for the ball." Esther said seriously.

Charlotte felt a chill go through her. "Is she very disappointed in me for not coming back here after getting to London?" she asked.

Esther smiled sadly. "Oh no, she-" the smile was tense on her face but she nodded. "You will have a chance to see her tomorrow."

Charlotte smiled. "I suppose that is for the best. I am a mess and I feel terrible." she looked to them confused. "How are the preparations for the ball?"

Esther smiled at that. "All in order I imagine. The entire town is excited. The Prince Regent was here earlier in the week and gave his blessing for the society and building. The streets swelled with his attendance. Most have not left although the Prince Regent did. He complained that the business of the country tore him away."

Nibbling her lip she signed. "Oh, I am very sorry I missed it."

"Charlotte!" Lady Worcester raced down the stair and went to hug her. "Oh, my dearest Charlotte! I am so sorry about my conniving cousin!"

Charlotte hugged her friend back and shook her head. "I think he had little to do with my actual kidnapping, but it turned out for the best. Georgiana is married to her love."

Susan smiled and laughed. "So I suppose you and Mr. Parker were unable to catch up?"

Shaking her head she laughed. "No, we both stood as witness."

Taking her arm she turned. "You will need to tell me all about it as you wash. You smell of the road and other sents that I cannot identify. A bath will need to be ordered." she laughed. "You and Mr. Parker will probably be the talk of the night after your adventure."

Esther rolled her eyes and recalled Sidney wanting to tell Charlotte about his broken engagement and laughed. An emotion which surprised her.

"What is it my dearest?" Lord Babington asked.

She waved him off. "Just something Sidney asked. He didn't want me to tell Charlotte he was free of Mrs. Campion. Not just yet."

"Why is that funny?" he asked.

She turned. "Lady Worcester is going to tell her. Two peas in a pod when they are together."

"Is Sidney hoping to ask her tonight?" he looked surprised.

Esther sighed and shook her head. "I think he was, but without some assurances from Lady Denham, I believe he may put an official request off. A gentleman would never allow his daughter to marry someone buried in debt without assurances of a positive outcome."

Babington sighed. "No indeed." he reflected himself on if he would agree to marriage to such a man saddled with the kind of debt Sidney carried. Only because he knew the kind of man he was that he would ever consent. But Mr. Heywood did not know Sidney and would probably reject his suit outright. Especially in light of the most recent scandals of Mrs. Campion and his twice run away ward.

He cleared his throat and whispered. "You sure you don't want to open that chest and see what the future holds?"

Esther lifted her chin defiantly. "No, I wish to do it according to my aunt's wishes, to the letter," she whispered. "I owe her that much. We shall wait for the key to be brought. I do not wish the will challenged in any way."

Lord Babington put his arm around her. "Come, my love. You need to rest in your condition. Tonight will be taxing."

She looked up at him. Her lashes framing her eyes as the sheen of tears made them sparkle.

"You know?" she asked.

He touched her cheek delicately. "You are not usually prone to so many tears."

She scoffed and wiped her tears embarrassed. "The circle of life. One leaves us as another arrives."

"Isn't it too soon?" he asked. "Are you well?"

She nodded. "Much sooner than desired yes, but you can't keep your hands off me, can you?" she said through sad and happy tears.

Lord Babington sighed. "I perhaps should learn to. I would not wish to risk your life too often."

Esther raised her delicate eyes to his. "Is that not my duty, to bear you a large family?" she asked.

He shook his head. "Good heavens no, I know my mother has said some ungracious things but your duty is to be by my side, always." he wrapped his arms around her. "After this one, we should be more careful."

She scoffed. "Ugh, don't speak to me of your mother." she sighed. "I am glad we shall spend most of our time here. The restoration plans of the Denham Place should include a large expansion." as she rubbed his hand.

He kissed her neck. "I quite agree. Of course, they will." he sobered. "On that subject would you like me to secure a townhouse in Sanditon. Denham's place will be an absolute mess for a while. I should secure a place as soon as possible or we will be forced to oversee the renovations from London."

Esther looked around. "I had thought to stay here with my aunt, but now that is not possible."

Babington nodded. "I will arrange it as soon as possible my love," he whispered.

She stepped away. "Good. I best request to bring up supper to Lady Denham. One must keep up appearances."

He stopped her. "Allow me," he said. "You don't need to go in there. I will take care of it."

Turning she gave him a kiss and nodded. "Thank you, the past days have been difficult. But you have been wonderful. I will rest for a short time."

Lord Babington nodded and went to the kitchens rather than hunt down a servant.

Sanditon Season 2: The River and the ManTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon