Chapter 50

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Lady Susan watched from her seat at the corner of her box. But she was not looking at the stage, nor the milling audience taking their time to find their seats. No, the real show of the night was right in the box with her.

She had been surprised at the initiative her cousin Aidan showed inviting Mr. Parker and Mrs. Campion but she had found it amusing. Aidan seemed just as intrigued by the romance as she had been the night she met Charlotte.

Mrs. Campion took a seat slightly behind her with Mr. Parker right behind Charlotte and she bemoaned the fact that she would not be able to watch the true characters once the play began.

"Have you been to the theater lately Mrs. Campion?" Lady Susan asked her. Talking to Eliza free' ed Mr. Sidney Parker up from needing to be careful of his gaze and Lady Susan saw it wandering hungrily over Charlotte. He was a man in agony and heaven. She could see by the look on his face that it pained him greatly to be there but he wanted it no other way.

The woman smiled and looked her direction. "No Lady Worcester, I have been not nearly as active socially as I would like to be." Mrs. Campion replied. "I am so glad you have extended the invitation for us to join you. It is such a splendid treat to come to the theater," she said looking down below. "From up here, you can see what is fashionable and what is not."

Lady Susan glanced at Charlotte who was looking around still in awe and her eyes scanned the boxes and milling crowd below. People came to the theater not just for the acting, but also for the aristocracy that was present and on full display. But so many eyes were locked on her box this night.

Just as Susan had planned all along she made a sensation of Charlotte. Anyone who saw her could see her glowing figure and elegance under the gaslighting. Fanning herself disappointedly she sighed. "Indeed from here one can see everything, and everyone can see us," she replied to Mrs. Campion. But they were not looking at them, they were looking at Charlotte, the penniless beauty that had captured the heart of so many.

Soon the curtains started to open and the crowd started to clap indicating both appreciation and acknowledgment that the show was about to begin.

Charlotte hardly noticed the acting. She looked up at the ceiling and the light of the room while Captian Warrick leaned over and whispered into her ear. Lady Susan could see the frustration that radiated off Mr. Parker.

Ten minutes into the play the acting ceased and everyone turned to look in their direction and the entire theater stood and applauded.

With a smile, Lady Susan turned and stood herself. She knew who had come.

The Prince Regent stood wearing a deep blue suit with a white sash with a number of ornaments on the front.

He looked serious and looked at the crowd with irritation but bowed to his people. Leaning himself forward slightly he looked to the occupants of the box next to him.

"My dearest, it is splendid to see you tonight. Warrick," he said with a wink. "Oh and you brought Miss Heywood." the Prince Regent said with a wide smile. "How delectable you look too my dear!" he laughed jovially. The hint of frustration and irritation now gone.
The assembly was watching their ruler and his interaction with keen interest.

"Come, I have tedious company tonight and I would insist on stealing Miss Heywood for the length of an act or two," he said with a sparkle in his eye.

Lady Susan fanned herself. "Your highness, I must insist on a chaperone. This beautiful creature's honor must never be in question." She whispered.

The Prince Regent smiled and laughed. "I would have it no other way, indeed. Such perfect innocence must be protected with every care," he said under his breath.

Lady Susan stood. "Come, my dearest Charlotte," she said taking her hand and leaving her private box to enter the Prince Regents.

Noting the shocked expressions on both Mr. Parker and Mrs. Campion was enough to make her chuckle. The two of them had no notion that Charlotte had already met the Prince Regent and had quickly made an impression as any beautiful and witty woman was known to.

The Prince greeted both women formally and had them sit on either side of him. Once all was concluded the actors continued as if no interruption had ever happened.

Captain Warrick looked to Mrs. Campion and leaned over. "Are you enjoying yourself, Mrs. Campion?"

She smiled and her blue eyes sparkled with delight. "Yes, immensely."

Sidney just looked to the box next to him and marveled at Charlotte, just like she had wormed her way into his heart she had climbed all the way up the social latter in the span of a few months. He had never seen anything like her in his entire life. She looked uncomfortable but yet so interesting. The way her eyes soaked up the environment had always caught his attention.

He was not paying attention at all to the conversation happening right next to him or the play happening below that brought occasional laughter from the crowd below. He wanted to memorize every second for the memories of her were few, and the sweeter ones fewer still.

"Sidney never likes to come to plays," Eliza said looking to him as if he had been paying attention.

"Excuse me?" He said and looked at her confused.

She frowned and cocked her head. "I said you never like to come to plays."

He nodded. "But perhaps it could grow on me," he said distractedly. "Please excuse me," he said standing and going out to the saloon hall just outside of the private boxes. He needed a smoke if he was going to refrain from drink.

Outside he sat shakily and lit the smoke. Charlotte was far more well connected than he ever imagined her to become. She was once mocked by Eliza for not having anything in common with people of high society but there she was snatched up and floated away higher than any of them. Indeed it was a marvel to behold. Trouble was, he could not feel happy for it. He just felt shame. Sucking down the smoke from his long cigarette holder and puffed it out in frustration and tried to allow the calming effects to take over.

He looked back to the box and wondered if he would have to look at every man now as a potential rival for Charlotte's attention and love. He felt like a lovesick fool. It reminded him too much of what had happened before. Now that she had moved beyond him would she ever choose him again if given the opportunity? Eliza didn't when given a richer choice.

He breathed and closed his eyes. He should be happy for her. It wasn't like he was free or expected to be either.

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