Chapter 105

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Rain splashed against the carriage as Charlotte bumped along the path to Gretna Green as she tried to rest. She had little sleep for the driver and horses were changed at nearly every stop. She had found Georgiana just passed the halfway point and was unable to convince her friend to change her mind for her sake.

They piled into the larger carriage and allowed Lady Susan's driver to return to London, then on to Sanditon to be returned along with a message of her finding Georgiana but not persuading them to turn back for it was obvious that they both were blissful in each others company.

"You look tired Charlotte," Georgiana observed.

She sat up, her hair had fallen down and looked natural as she had many months before when she did not have the reliable use of a ladies maid.

Charlotte shook her head. "Weary and scared," she confessed.

Mr. Molyneux smiled. "I think we all are. I keep looking over my shoulder to see if Mr. Sidney Parker is riding to the unnecessary rescue."

Georgiana slapped him playfully. "I will have you know I very much needed rescue that time. And I don't believe I ever thanked him either."

Mr. Molyneux smiled brightly at his intended. "Well we must remedy that as soon as possible when we return to London," he whispered.

Charlotte frowned as she saw the rain was lightening to a drizzle and it was now pitch black outside beside the lanterns on either side of the carriage.

"Will we ride through the night?" Charlotte asked.

He shook his head in the dim carriage lamp. "We are almost there I think. But it will likely be far too late for a ceremony. We should all be able to get a few hours of sleep before sunrise. But we should not delay my dear." he kissed Georgiana's hand and then glanced out the window. "Indeed I believe I see the lights of the village just over that rise."

Charlotte looked out and felt a tightening in her gut. She could never talk them out of the marriage and now it would look even worse, that she had actually supported it. Sidney had every reason to think badly of her all over again. But she did support them. Charlotte wanted to be happy for their triumph, but it meant being less in the eyes of her own beloved.

"Don't worry so much Charlotte, you and I will share a room tonight while my love finds other accommodation." she smiled to him coyly.

Charlotte nodded. "I would be welcoming a pillow. it feels so long since I felt such comforts."

"I am sorry you are missing the last week in Sanditon for the special season." Mr. Molyneux said, "I know from Captain Warrick that you are an asset there."

Charlotte blushed. "Oh I am relied on to a degree but I do hope they can manage without me. The Prince Regent was supposed to come, and I am afraid I have missed his arrival."

"Well, I am selfish and I am glad for a bridesmaid," Georgiana said simply. "Evil deeds led to fulfilling a wish of mine however inadvertently." she smiled and looked between then. "I am with my two favorite people."

Charlotte smiled tensely as they rolled up to sign that read The Queen's Head Inn. She found that a strange name and wondered if it had some gruesome connection to Mary Queen of Scotts who lost her own head a few centuries before.

Mr. Molyneux exited first in the haze of the rain and held out his hand to Georgiana first and Charlotte followed and rushed inside out of the darkness.

Her clothes felt damp and confining. It would be the first opportunity to strip off the dress and allow her skin to breathe in four days.

Entering the small Inn main room the "Ordinary" they were greeted by a female keeper.

Charlotte could not help but notice a blacksmiths anvil lay in the center of the main hall while men and women folk enjoyed a drink and conversation at tables around it. There was a lull when they entered as the establishment came to a halt to see two dark-faced newcomers and a disheveled well-dressed ladies enter.

"Be needing rooms young weary travelers?" the ample rosy-cheeked woman greeted them.

Mr. Molyneux nodded. "Yes, but first, is there a priest available to wed us before?" he asked taking off his hat as he pulled Georgiana's arm into his. "We do not wish a delay."

She laughed. "O'ch they never do! Rushed love." she threw the comment over her shoulder to the patrons of the inn and they all cheered with mirth. "Mr. Elliot is likely home in his nightcap and gown, ye'r are no likely to pull him from the bed at this hour, or in this wet Scottish weather." She continued laughing boisterously as did the assembly.

"You do have rooms?" Otis scanned the crowd and feared they would not have space.

Her loud laugh made them all blush as she turned from them. "O'Course we have rooms we are an inn you know, most everyone here is local anyway," she said with a thick Scottish accent. "One room for the Lassies and one for you I wager," she said over her shoulder to them as she led them up. "Best to start wedded bliss on the right foot," she said holding out her hand. "That will be six crowns," she said with a smile. "I will have linens sent up and if you like I can send you up your supper or you could freshen up and come down here."

Mr. Molyneux nodded and fished out the requested coins and she smiled as she jingled them.

"Never had a black one before. We got two this night." She smiled warmly with only kindness and a bit of teasing in her eyes. "There are fireplaces in both rooms, you can dry out your clothes well and make yourself presentable by morning. I can inform Mr. Elliot that you have need of an Anvil Priest services after he has eaten his breakfast. He will require prompt payment o'course."

Mr. Molyneux nodded and smiled. "We are perfectly prepared for those terms." he looked to Georgiana who smiled. "Tomorrow you will be my wife."

Charlotte felt choked up as she followed them up the stairs. She felt their happiness pour out of them both and she just felt jealousy. It wasn't that she was not happy for them. She most surely was. She just also keenly felt the loss of her own hope, for now, she could not even hope for his good opinion once this ceremony was concluded.

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