Chapter 178

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three years later

An iconic green carriage rolled along the gentle slope of the hill upon approach to the burgeoning town of Sanditon. The dirt and mud road which at this spring season was muddied and difficult in the four and five years before had been carefully tended for the comfort and ease of the most influential and wealthy residents and visitors. Potholes were filled and muddy bogs were dried and diverted.

In the home of Charlotte and Sidney, there was a calm before the storm. Charlotte sipped at her tea as her husband entered from a morning swim.

"Ah my dear," he greeted her his hair still damp. "I had hoped you would join me," he said suggestively.

Charlotte blushed and rolled her eyes. "It is becoming much too hard to join you when there are children to tend to," she said as their maid brought in the youngest.

"Ah, my little Suzie P," he said taking her before the nursemaid could hand her off. "How is papa's littlest one today?" he said lifting her in a jolly manner.

"Papa!" came the voice of their eldest toddler who came scooting down the stairs.

"Jeffery, my lad. You must have slept in, clever boy." he ruffled the boy's dark hair as he moved the smaller child to the crook of his arms.

Coming to Charlotte he kissed her lightly and frowned. "You look pale," he said worriedly.

Sighing softly Charlotte nodded. "I am a little unwell this morning."

He saw that besides the children they were alone. "I should let you sleep more." he smiled tenderly.

She blushed. "I am afraid we will be having more sleepless nights ahead." She said quietly.

He looked to their beautiful girl with her soft downy hair. At only four months old she was already openly smiling to all who even glanced at her and reaching out to touch her parent's faces. "Oh she will learn to sleep through the night like Jeffery." he sat down to eat with his wife still not even thinking to put down his daughter who he loved to hold.

Charlotte tried to smile but she looked worried.

"What is the matter?" he asked as he bit into his sausage. "It is the event I have everything well in hand. The guests are arriving as we speak." he shrugged. "Sadly Georgiana and Otis cannot make it. Business in London."

She sighed. "It is not that." she shook her head and sighed not able to eat. "I will take Suzie up with me while I ready myself," she said as she took the infant from her confused husband.

He turned and watched her with interest but proceeded to eat until there came a knock at the door.

"Arthur," he greeted.

"Morning Sidney, I have just run into young Mabbin and thus I come in all haste to tell you that Lady Susan's carriage has been spotted."

His brother had slimmed down considerably in the past years on account of religious walks and Diana no longer coddling him on account of her marriage two years before the Constable Mr. Cuppin. Though he was not as slender as Tom, or as muscular as Sidney, Arthur had a charm to him that had suddenly been noticed by the ladies but it had not been noticed by him.

"Good, Glad to hear it," he said welcoming him in.

Arthur perked up. "Oh, toast. I always love a good toast. Do you mind?" he asked. "I am famished. I entirely forgot to eat this morning. I hate to put my cookout since she only cooks for me."

Sidney shook his head. "No help yourself. I seem to be eating with young Jeffery here."

The boy babbled but was entirely incoherent to either of them.

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