Chapter 67

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Charlotte sat straight at the table as she ate her breakfast leisurely, sipping her preferred beverage and occasionally nibbling on a biscuit. Now on her third cup of coffee, she was feeling a little jittery.

"How was your night Miss Heywood? You seem tousled." Mrs. Campion asked her as she sipped her tea. Eliza wore a mobcap trimmed with lacy fringe to hide the hair that had not yet been dressed by a maid and looked far more refined despite neither of them spent the time on their head.

Charlotte's own hair still hung down her shoulders and back as it had since she had been awoken so early and she had not a moment for Bell to dress it. She felt suddenly wild and not of equal standing and her heart hammered out an anxious beat.

Charlotte shrugged. "I did not sleep well."

Mrs. Campion blinked. "You must have been up early tending to duties. It must be so tedious being a companion, dependent on the goodwill of your betters."

Captain Warrick who sat next to Charlotte cleared his throat. "Really, How inappropriately put..." he said simply.

Mrs. Campion feigned a shocked look and looked back at Charlotte. "Apologies, that came out wrong." she giggled. "I just mean how she must wish she could have slept in like all of us." she blinked innocently as she sipped at her cup again.

Sidney who enjoyed a cup of coffee himself leaned back. "On the contrary, Miss Heywood is an early riser often by choice, and has probably run circles about all of us as we slept this past evening." he smiled lightly at those around him and sighed knowing he again said too much.

Captain Warrick leaned forward. "I was thinking we could start this afternoon in Lady Denham's Library to discuss the play."

"Who will be acting?" Esther asked through half-lidded eyes. "I am not inclined to participate, I much rather observe the spectacle," she said with a droll tone.

Lord Babington leaned forward as he chewed his food. "I would be of a mind to play a small part. Are there any that would suit me but do not have yawning monologues?" he asked and took another bite off his fork.

Mrs. Campion nodded. "I am sure we will find you the perfect part," she said looking to Warrick with a smile then glanced at Sidney. "What about you my dear? What kind of part would you prefer?" she asked.

Sidney shook his head. "None, I want no part in it. I have far too much on my mind."

Mrs. Campion looked about to protest but Esther instead spoke. "Have you ever decided on what play you were thinking of?" she asked.

Mrs. Campion looked to Captain Warrick, "Well we had discussed The Mysteries of Udolpho." she offered.

Esther sighed and yawned. "Oh, how original," she said and sipped her cup.

Charlotte smiled. "Perhaps, Romance of the Forest." she offered. "It is also by Anne Radcliffe. Perhaps that suits tastes better."

Captain Warrick smiled and looked to Mrs. Campion. "We shall discuss all suggestions at length this afternoon will we not?" he glanced back to Sidney who was regarding Charlotte over his own cup.

He smiled. "And where will the rest of you all be off to today?" he asked the gathering.

Esther sighed. "I wish to just remain here and rest, that carriage ride was far from comfortable," she said looking to her husband.

Lord Babington smiled. "I was going to go into town with Sidney, but my back is also bothering me. I think perhaps I best rest for just today," he said.

Charlotte sighed. "I must get to town today, I have many errands to address for Lady Denham," she said quietly.

Sidney put his cup down loudly. "You can join me, I have my carriage." he looked to anyone to challenge him.

Charlotte just looked at him wide-eyed and then to Mrs. Campion who just frowned and glanced between them.

"I suppose so," Charlotte said uncomfortable with the very notion. "I best go ready myself," she said folding her napkin and pushed her chair out. "Excuse me."

Once up the stairs she broke into a run and groaned. Why did Sidney have to act like a complete and utter fool when it came to her and in front of other people no less.

He was sure to act in a way that would court scandal and now she was trapped. She could not make an easy escape either back to Willingden or London. Lady Denham needed, for the time being, so she could not go.

She felt a strange kinship to unfortunate Clara Brereton. She had been in a similar situation within the same walls. Charlotte winced at the thought of where the girl had gone and what had happened to her after her disgrace. But soon she tried to think of other things.

Bell entered a short time later.

"Difficult morning Miss?" she asked seeing the concern on Charlotte's face.

She nodded. "Difficult company." she looked at Bell in the mirror as she pinned up her hair in soft curl's and little rings fluffed out all over giving her a most Grecian look. "Any Gossip downstairs this morning?" she asked worried someone could have seen Warrick slip from her room.

"Of course Miss, everyone is talking about Captain Warrick and handsome Mr. Parker. The girls all downstairs fair swoon over those two." she giggled.

Charlotte laughed and looked down. What were the odds that both men seemed to be very much attached in some manner to her?

"How about the topaz cross today?" Bell offered as she went to the jewelry box. Many little baubles were passed on to her from Lady Susan but the Topaz cross had always been hers, but now it lay on a gold chain instead of a ribbon.

She nodded hoping it reminded her to be good, kind, and full of virtue and modesty all day long.

The cream-colored shall with bright blue embellishments complimented her reticule and bonnet and since it looked like rain she brought her black umbrella.

Her jacket she wore open and once finished she looked at herself nervously in the mirror. Why had she agreed to go with him to town? She was just as well to walk.

Looking out the window she frowned to see the skies were dark and threatened imminent rain so she reconciled herself to the engagement.

Sanditon Season 2: The River and the ManOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant