Chapter 87

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"Well, that seemed almost too easy." Lady Denham said from her balcony where the ladies played crochet on the green.

Charlotte had come to her side after giving yet another letter to Captain Warrick from Georgiana to give to Otis. So far there had been daily letters and her head spun at the idea of that being the norm till the end of their visit.

It was dangerous too. People may think that they were sharing letters of a romantic nature and that perhaps an understanding had been made, which was not remotely the case.

It felt like she was betraying Sidney, but how could she not? Otis and Georgiana could have a happy ending if only enough people got out of the way.

"Mr. Sidney Parker has done well, and so have you, my dear." Lady Denham said cheerfully and eyed Charlotte. "I have observed something peculiar between Mrs. Campion and Captain Warrick. What do you make of it?" Lady Denham asked bluntly.

Charlotte looked on to the gathering on the green and frowned. "Captain Warrick is a flirt and many women are not immune to his more aggressive charms and looks."

Lady Denham nodded. "No indeed..." she nibbled on her little cake and then sipped her tea. "But you are not Miss Heywood," she said looking to her.

Charlotte blushed. "I find him handsome, captivating in his way, rugged...agressive... But I passingly acknowledged it. He is not a team player... He is a...."

"Captain. He is not used to an equal partner." Lady Denham finished for her. "And that is what you want my dear?" she asked.

Charlotte nodded. "It is what was shown to me as a child. Of course, my father didn't manage the house but he and my mother discussed and even argued at times over things. I am afraid my mother may be why many consider me outspoken."

Lady Denham laughed. "I should have liked to meet her, but as it is I think I am not terribly long for the world anymore my dear."

Charlotte put her hand on her arm. "But Lady Denham you have rallied since the ball," she said.

The old woman shook her head. "No no, I have not. I just have everything finally well in hand and I am no longer fearful of my beloved Sanditon falling from the precipice we attempted to raise it to, or the care of my asses." she said. "the precious milk will do wonders for those that visit." she laughed. "It is the dawning of a new age of Sanditon and the people of it, and the sunset of my own."

Charlotte began to protest but lady Denham rode over that.

"I do wish I could go into town and see the merchants and their wares, all the fine people walking the muddy street which will be cobbled in a matter of years I dare say," she said.

"I am sure that could be arranged. Maybe just by carriage if you haven't the energy for anything else." she offered.

Lady Denham nodded. "Maybe day after tomorrow if I am still of a mind for it. I will enjoy the cricket match." she looked back at her. "Do you intend to play?" she asked.

Charlotte blushed. "Would you disapprove."

She shrugged. "If I did you wouldn't care a whit," she said with a teasing tone.

Giggling Charlotte protested. "Of course I would."

Lady Denham watched as Esther lazily hit her ball with her stick and miss. "That girl never tries for anything besides my money once." she laughed. "Esther understands that now that she is taken care of she has no use of it anymore and is softer, and more comfortable in her position as Lady Babington." she nodded. "And we found a more honest relationship because of it."

Charlotte frowned recalling Esther saying she knew the fortune of Lady Denham would not be falling to her but was worried it would go to Edward or Miss Brereton.

"I saw Edward in London a few times," Charlotte admitted.

Lady Denham nodded. "I tried to nab him a rich heiress too but he bungled that up real good."

Charlotte laughed. "He didn't stand a chance with Miss Lambe. She was already in love with someone else."

Lady Denham scoffed. "Love..." and rolled her eyes. "It is more often a folly, but in most, it is a tragedy. He won't be getting my money either," she confessed looking down on the green. "Lord Babington has offered for Denham Park," she said sadly. "It has fallen into such disrepair he is lucky someone wants to take it off his hands."

"Really?" she asked surprised. "Esther has not said a word."

Lady Denham nodded. "Now he wouldn't would he... I think he intends to surprise her with it all fixed up in the end."

Charlotte grinned. "I would not breathe a word." she looked to the man who laughed at the play his wife just did and she swatted at him. "Does he intend on settling her?" she asked.

"I am not sure how Esther will feel about such a notion of living once again at Denham Place, but they are already taking apartments for the summer in the terrace pavilion. The children should grow up on sea air. It makes for a stronger constitution."

Charlotte nodded. There was something renewing about the place and she could not find reason to disagree.

"So tomorrow's luncheon is ready?" Lady Denham asked.

Charlotte nodded. "The menu has been approved and it will be alfresco."

Lady Denham rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes...for it is the fashion now is it not?" she asked.

Charlotte nodded. "Yes."

She noted Captain Warrick caught her eye from the field and she waved and he responded in kind.
"Will you not join us Miss Heywood?" he asked.

"Oh yes please do!" Lady Worcester called.

Lady Denham patted her hand. "Go on, join them, my dear. Give me something to watch for they are a bumbling pack of dandies."

Charlotte nodded. "I will be right down." she raised her voice and turned before turning to tenderly kiss Lady Denham on the cheek leaving the woman blushing and giggling from the gesture.

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