Chapter 145

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Mary looked about the house and frowned.

"Prudence?" Mary's voice called to her. The maid was sat at the table with the children but young Mabbin was not in sight. "Has Mabbin returned?" she asked.

Prudence nodded. "Been and gone. He said not a word."

Mary frowned. "Where would he go?"

The young woman shrugged her shoulders and looked back to the baby who was eating with help from a silver spoon she gently shoved into the greedy wiggling child's mouth.

Mary turned and went to the room he had been using and found the young boys things, meager though they were had been gathered and a small worthless blanket was missing at the foot of his bed.

She touched the quilt and then sat down shakily as she realized the boy had runoff.

Tom ran through the hall eagerly. "Mary, we have gathered in the sitting room to salute the day," he said brightly, but then saw her somber face. "And of course Lady Denham and her life's work," he said thinking Mary thought he lacked respect.

Mary shook her head. "How can I do that Tom? Mabbin has runoff."

Tom looked confused. "What?" he looked around. "Why would he do a fool thing like that?"

Standing Mary brushed past him with irritation. "You saw the state of him at Sanditon House, but you had to know about the will...I must go tell Sidney."

Stopping her Toms's hand shot out. "I will go look for him. Sidney only just had a lucky break. I don't want to trouble him with a missing boy that he left in our care."

Mary shook her head. "Then you best find him. Sidney is quite fond of him."

Arthur looked at him with smiles but noted that Tom's face had lost its levity. "I am pouring now. What a mad and peculiar day. It deserves a special toast I think. Come-"

Tom shook his head. "Hold mine. It seems Mabbin has gotten it in his mind to leave us."

Diana looked stricken. "Oh, the poor dear. Out there on foot. Where would he go?"

Putting his hat back on Tom shook his head. "North I dare say. That was where Sidney found him. Perhaps he is looking to return to where he was brought."

"Aren't you going to tell Sindey?" Diana asked her mouth still hanging agape.

Tom shook his head. "No time. Mabbin should not have a long lead on me and if I am fortunate I will be able to toast the good fortunes we have in but an hour."

Arthur put down his glass and followed.

"Where are you going?" Diana said in surprise. "Arthur, Tom can manage this on his own."

Her brother scoffed and reached for his long coat. "Yes, I suppose he could but I can manage to follow," he said. In the light, his fuller face had slimmed from their religious outings and the candlelight highlighted that all the more. "Besides, I would like to be of use for a change," he said seriously in contrast to his often more jovial nature.

Diana gaped and looked to Mary who's worried expression was infectious.

"Well, I think tonight will be a long one." Mary sighed. "I will have my maid put on a cup of tea I think," she said turning and leaving Diana to sit and think about the independent and assertive brother she was observing and wanted to cry.

Tom had always been the oldest and headstrong in his pursuits, and Sidney though close to her own age had been too busy for her or Arthur. Arthur had been the youngest and being without a mother at that point the caring fell to her. Now he was not taking her advisements or attention.

Mary entered and saw the crocodile tears flowing from her dear sister-in-law's eyes.

"Oh my dearest Diana, what is it?" she asked coming to sit.

Shaking her off she wiped her eyes as she looked up willing herself to stop her hysterics. "Oh, it's nothing."

Mary moved to allow the maid to put the tray down.

"I am sure it is not nothing," Mary said pouring her a cup. "I suspect it is Arthur asserting himself."

Diana sighed and looked at the tea disappointed. "He does not understand or know his limits. He could sicken, or injure himself very easily."

Smiling a softly Mary chuckled. "I hope you don't take offense to this, but I think it is you who underestimate him. Parker men are unlike any other men."

Frowning the depressed woman shook her head. "Arthur has always been so delicate, and in need-"

"Of you?" Mary asked. "My dearest Diana, Arthur is a man, full-grown. He will be married soon, perhaps, if he finds anyone that is his fancy."

Diana shook her head. "No, he told me he will be a confirmed bachelor."

Mary laughed. "Heaven forbid. My dear, you should also look for your own happiness."

Protesting she sniffed and drank her tea. "Oh no. I am too old."

Reaching across the table she took the woman's hand. "Diana, you are little older than your brother Sidney. Not even thirty yet."

"No one took an interest," Diana said in a quiet and shamed tone.

Mary nodded. "You never seemed available is my observation."

Diana looked at her with wide eyes. "I am not too dowdy, or ugly you suppose?"

Mary laughed. "Parkers are handsome devils and you are a parker. perhaps you never really tried to enhance your features." she smiled. "That all could be remedied quite easily."

Diana sniffed and looked at her astounded. "You think?"

Smiling as she looked to the clock she nodded. "I will help you if you like?"

"I hope young Mabbin is found." Diana sniffed now less overcome with emotion.

Mary nodded. "It has been a strange day. For all the good I will be glad when it is over and the menfolk return and young Mabbin back in bed where he belongs."

"You have grown fond of him," Diana said observing her tender sister-inlaws expression.

Nodding Mary stood. "The lad has had a hard life. So clever too from what I have seen."

"I know it was temporary, but are you intending on keeping him if he would but stay?" Diana asked.

Mary sighed and shook her head. "I don't really know what any of us intend to do. Just days ago Tom was trying to get us to pack our bags and leave and now everything is fine again. But I would very much like to keep Mabbin. I suppose we shall have to see how it all turns out."

Diana nodded as the ladies now quietly sipped at their tea awaiting with fluttering stomachs on Tom and Arthur's quest.

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