Chapter 27

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Eliza looked around and huffed as she fanned her face. The crowd was oppressive but she tried to stay composed and remain agreeable to everyone. Sidney had been too right in the carriage when he told her that her behavior could be the very reason for her lack of acceptance among the society of late and she just hoped it was not too late to salvage.

She looked around and smiled. The false sensation exhausting when not genuine.

When had it all gone wrong? She had only realized a week after Sidney had left that something was terribly wrong. Even the Babington's had kept to their own company and only called on her once a week and that seemed only barely courteous. She realized that she had been very wrong in the park after their announcement of the impending child that rounded her delicate figure. It was now remarkably noticeable.

Lady Babington sat in a chair fanning herself. "It is hotter than hades in here my Lord Babington. I fear I will not be able to the last the night." she tilted back her long white neck seductively and had the desired effect on her pandering husband.

As if on cue Babington put his hand into hers. "My dearest, whenever you wish to leave I am at your service." He often was brought easily to heel and he loved her all the more for her power over him. This Eliza could see plainly. Lady Esther Babington had a husband that would fall on his knees for her. It had been long since Eliza had that kind of devotion aimed her way.

Lady Babington caught Eliza's eye and smiled. The regard looked triumphant to her but she was not sure. Esther had never made it a secret that she found Eliza beneath her. But she had acted imperiously to so many people but none cut her.

What made them so very different?

Lord Babington had a title, perhaps that was the trouble. Sidney was simply a Gentleman.

"I shall stay for the main event." Lady Babington told her husband. "This will be too much to miss and I can't bear to hear it second hand," she said quietly but Eliza could still hear the conversation.

Feeling disquieted Eliza looked around for Sidney and could not find him. He had said he would get some champagne but he had seemed to vanish.
Georgiana and Mrs. Griffith's stood beside her. The latter had a joyful face as she fanned herself. "Marvelous turn out to be sure." the older chaperone said looking out at the dancers in the room.

Eliza smiled stiffly and nodded. "Quite." it was too hot and her mood was souring quickly despite best efforts to be merry.

Making to move about the room she left her companions behind as she weaved herself.

Coming to a group of ladies she had been familiar with she tried to approach but found her blocked and she waved at herself frustratedly and left the room.

She was not aware that Lady Worcester was privy to her shame.

Lady Susan watched Mrs. Campion with an analyzing gaze. As she waved her fan she watched the woman react most pitifully to the judgment of the Ton. Cutting her had not been the intention, but merely arranging for Charlotte to have little occasion of encountering Mrs. Campion or the Parkers had ultimately struck the clock of society into motion and just like that Mrs. Campion seemed to be out of favor and indeed she was being viciously cut and perhaps that was not entirely warranted.

Georgiana passed her and approached, "I have not seen Charlotte." she said. "I must warn her-"

Lady Susan nodded to Charlotte on the dance floor now still in the arms of her cousin. "She is well informed and aware your guardian and his beautiful fiance are likely to be here." she fanned herself. "Fear not all is well in hand," she said. "Should you not also be enjoying yourself?" she asked.

Georgiana sighed. "How? When I know anyone who shows me interest is only thinking of my fortune." she crossed her arms glaring at the room around her. "It's too much to be born," she said with a sneer.

Lady Susan smiled. "My dear, laugh at them. Amuse yourself with their folly. My sweet girl, you are only young once. If they want your fortune, that is nothing... you don't have to give it to them." she fanned herself and sipped her drink. "A girl your age should laugh and dance and generally enjoy the youth you have while it lasts for the knees and ankles grow achy all too quickly."

"Where is Mrs. Griffiths your keeper?" Lady Susan finally asked knowing too well how aggressively the woman tailed Georgiana.

"I slipped from her easily in this crowd. She is easily amused at balls." Georgiana answered.

As if called a young man stood before Georgiana and bowed. "May I have the next dance Miss Lambe?" he asked. His tall form almost seemed comical and in the humor, she thought of Arthur and nodded.

"Yes you may," she said. Maybe amusement was worth a try. The young man bowed.

"Young Charles, do not neglect Mrs. Lambe." she smiled. "She has a very severe chaperone, and a fearfully intimidating guardian." she smiled conspiratorially with Georgiana. "She also has friends in very high places," she said knocking her shoulder.

He smiled bashfully. "Indeed, I will take very good care of her."

As Georgiana left her side she was joined by friends who fanned themselves and gossiped but her eye was roving the room taking careful calculation of all players involved.

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