Chapter 177

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Having hardly slept a wink she was awakened by an early morning cup of coffee with Lady Susan joined by Georgiana who had all the advice one could wish on what transpired between a man and a wife. Finding perverse humor they all laughed heartily to find Charlotte was well aware on account of her being a farmer's daughter which gave her more knowledge than most young girls on the subject of carnal intimacy.

Soon she was surrounded by the whole group of ladies, sisters, friends, and servants all hell-bent on early beautifications.

The bride had not the chance to take more than three bites of her breakfast before she was hustled to her bath and her hair brushed out by three maids as Lady Susan coordinated everything from the other rooms in regards to her clothes.

She felt like a ball passed to and fro the entire morning that she had little time to notice how the hours had ticked by or how tired she already was till she looked to a clock as the hour neared eleven.

Her father had smiled at her warmly and squeezed her hand as they made ready to enter the church. "I know I had my reservations." he started as they walked past the front of Sanditon House.

Charlotte smiled. "Did you father?" she asked playfully. "I hadn't noticed," she said with a sidelong glance.

"Now now," he had chided her with a smile as they made the little stroll to the little church. "I have come to see that Mr. Parkers is not the man I had been led to believe weeks ago by the ill-fated Sir Edward Denham," he said seriously now looking to his daughter's little feet that occasionally peeked out from the hem of her dress. He could still recall her bare toes in summer just a hand full of years before. How time flew he thought as emotion clouded his eyes.

"He cares little for your fortune and has concerns for those who count on him." Mr. Heywood said choking back tears that he would not shed. "I can't help but respect that."

Charlotte smiled and leaned over and kissed his cheek. Her heart was happy as he accompanied her to the altar with a father's honest blessing.

Captain Warrick and Mrs. Warrick were not in attendance, but the Captain made a point to be there, but outside looking on from the hedge line as the girl moved towards her heart's choice. He smiled reluctantly as her eyes found his for but a moment and he felt kicked in the gut as she flashed a grateful smile his direction. Something selfish in him hoped she knew how instrumental he had been in the making of this day for her. He longed for her to understand the sacrifices made on behalf of her happiness and good fortune.

Though he had jealousy in his heart Aiden was happy for her and hoped Mr. Sidney Parker was the man to remain faithful and kind for she deserved no less.

Looking down after her eyes caught the Captain's she blushed thinking of him. He had been charming and flirtatious and mostly improper but she knew he had done her many kindnesses in his own way. For that, she would be eternally grateful.

The groom stood proud and flashed the bride a relieved smile once their gaze met. She had never seen him so nervous or tongue-tied besides the time on the cliffs when they shared their first kiss. She might have laughed had she not been equally so.

Both recited the words spoken and exchanged the rings as they fumbled their way through the vows. Charlotte with tears in her eyes and Sidney with a tight throat as he made her his wife.

All who looked on could not help but cry or cheer for it was the happiest of occasions for all with the fortune to witness. I was also the most thrilling public display of marital affection anyone had seen and was likely going to be the talk of the town for many years with gossipy old women and giddy young girls hopeful for beaus to kiss.

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