Chapter 80

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Charlotte had finished her dance with Young Theo and had to take a moment to catch her breath. He had asked for another but she had to make polite excuses and went up to check Lady Denham who had left the party and was needing to rest.

From one dance the young man seemed besotted and talked of his father's palatial palace in Antigua and said he hoped one day she would see it.

She had blushed and smiled but truth be told the idea of traveling so far from England held only adventure appeal which for the time being she had enough of adventure. She also needed some distance for fear he would make a proposal that very night.

"They all came Charlotte." the old woman said feebly as she laid on her bed trying to rest. "I wish I could see it all." she sighed. "My old body seems to be failing me." Lady Denham whispered.

Charlotte shook her head and laughed. "I think you will outlive us all Lady Denham," she said trying to fluff up the woman's pillow.

"I thought so at one time, but increasingly the angel of death cometh closer still." She took a deep rattled breath and coughed. "I can't breathe deeply anymore and I am always tired. I should be down there, hosting the ball of the year but instead, I must be kept up cloistered away like an old hag."

Charlotte sat on the bed and shook her head. "You will never be a hag. You are far too grand a person for that." she smiled and Lady Denham grabbed her hand as the music played below.

"When I am gone at least I hope for one to think well of me," she said with tears in her eyes.

Charlotte shook her head. "But I would think well of you," she said with a smile.

Lady Denham sighed. "I suppose you will. I can always count on your honest opinion." she laughed. "Old widow without any children I have lived many years without attachments and kindnesses for the sake of it." she waved off protests from Charlotte. "Esther is an unexpected comfort to me, as are the children...but that was only a recent miracle." she took Charlotte's hand.

Charlotte squeezed it tightly in hers.

"My money has corrupted the hearts and souls of my relations and kills true love and affection. I wish...when I am gone what I have left do the opposite. I want to see my money create opportunities for the people of Sanditon and grow it's potential. That is why I funded Tom's mad plan but the man is a fool."

She closed her eyes and Charlotte reached to pour the woman some wine.

"Mr. Sidney Parker is the better man, but his compass is flawed attached to such a viper. I can see how she will corrupt it all," she said thinking of Mrs. Campion and how she never spoke well of Sanditon even when prompted. "Men must be steered, and I am afraid being torn between love and money will send him adrift and Sanditon will suffer," she muttered as she breathed anxiously.

There was silence for a moment and Charlotte wanted to protest but to disagree with someone like Lady Denham when she was in such a state was not something she wished to do.

"Do you wish me to send for Dr. Fughs?" she asked. The Doctor had been convinced by Sidney to return and had come only two weeks before to set up his practice again.

Lady Denham shook her head. "No, he is the one who told me the angel is near at hand. I don't want him to tempt the inevitable closer yet." she reached for her blanket and turned.

There was a long silence where both women listened to the revelry down below. She could actually hear Tom below call "Sidney!" and she nearly rolled her eyes.

"That fool." Lady Denham muttered. "Didn't even have the courage to be announced properly I wager." she sighed. "All the better, for if I had occasion to speak to the man I might shuffle off this mortal coil on the spot."

Charlotte smiled. "He isn't a bad man." she defended Tom.

Lady Denham scoffed and rolled her eyes as she tried to settle. "No, Tom Parker is a fool, and is far more dangerous than a smart devil." she nodded. "No, it is good his brother has found a way to curb him and his outrageous spending. It would be too much to expect him to learn from his mistakes, and I assure you he has not." she coughed and reached for the laudanum.

"Careful. Not too much, you don't wish to miss the spectical," she said to Lady Denham who waved her off.

"I won't go down for that. I will watch from my private veranda and my maid will help me to it." she smiled. "I want to see you having fun my dear for I will have a view," she said. "Go, before I have to order you out."

Charlotte sighed and shook her head. "You know I would much rather stay with you."

Lady Denham frowned. "I know you love to dance. Besides, this is happening because of you," she told her.

Shaking her head she laughed. "No Lady Denham. This is all happening because of you." she kissed the woman on the top of her head and patted her. "Rest, so that you can be more a part of the festivities. We want you."

Lady Denham breathed in a clear and slow breath. "No, I am afraid I cannot participate much more. Just this week I feel has stolen a decade from me."

Charlotte did not know how to comfort her, but just leaned down and hugged her without decorum.

"Please rest Lady Denham. You have ever so many people that count on you." she felt tears come to her eyes. If Lady Denham was right what would happen to Sanditon?

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