Chapter 79

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Charlotte danced on the arm of a Duke who had taken permission from Lady Denham before she retired for Charlotte's hand in the dance and she could see Sidney with Eliza and Captain Warrick with Lady Susan circling each other and then they switched partners, Eliza was with Warrick and Lady Susan was with another partner for a turn. Her hand found Sidney's and her heart fluttered as he looked down at her intently.

He wasn't saying a word it was just his expression, so as the night in London when they first danced together and it meant something. she got the vaguest feeling that he was savoring it because when it came time to let go of her hand he held it tighter for just a moment. It was imperceptible to onlookers but she felt it.

"You look well tonight," he whispered as she stepped close and their arms moved above their heads and his gut dropped to the floor to feel her stand so close then she was spun away in a moment and he breathed.

She smiled. "Lady Susan ordered this dress before I left London. The compliment should go to her."

He shook his head hit deep brown eyes holding hers. "You wear it well," he whispered and smiled as he cast her back off to the duke and his fiance was back in his arms.

"You spoke with her?" she asked.

He nodded. "I said two sentences and she the same." he smiled. "Respectable enough for you?" he asked irritably.

She smiled. "I have gone back and forth about the idea of you and her carrying on discretely," she said under her breath.

He held her but the dance continued regardless of him wanting to step away.

"Discrete..." he squinted. "She is a gentleman's daughter," he said seriously as she moved close to him her chest pressing in the same way Charlotte's almost did but Eliza stepped closer.

She laughed near his mouth. "So, you will be a very rich and powerful man will you not?" she asked looking at the ballroom. "This party is a smashing success and you will be the talk of London.

He shook his head. "Lady Denham expects me to maintain her reputation and I do as well."

She laughed. "Her reputation..." she laughed. "Half of London thinks she could be the Prince Regents mistress and the other thinks she is the mistress of both Captain Warrick and Lady Worcester. You do agree their attentions are very strange."

He shook his head. "No more than Tom and Mary when she helped them and in turn they invited her for the season. If there are rumors there is no truth to them."

She shrugged. "I just want us to find...some footing of ease in our partnership. If not Miss Heywood then there will be someone eventually I suppose."

He clenched his jaw in the thought of it. "I suppose one day there may be. But for now, that is not where my head is at." He now held Eliza again in his arms and felt nothing but impatience for the blasted song to end soon.
She laughed. "Course not. You are obsessed with making Sanditon a success." Eliza's voice was cold.

He frowned. "I am sure you would not wish your fortune wasted," he replied.

She shook her head. "No, now more than ever I want it to grow. It had better." she looked around. "Dukes, Machonesses, Lords, Barons, Rich Naval Captain's..." her voice trailed off and Sidney noted it. "My social circle grows."

"And it is all thanks to Miss Heywood," he said through clenched teeth. "You remember that."

She scoffed. "Oh I know, but it has not been for my benefit has it? she asked. "It has been for you."

He shrugged. "It has been for Sanditon."

The song mercifully came to an end and he bowed then turned to get some air. There were the fireworks to check on, and he wanted to smoke.

Lady Worcester came out on to the terrace with Charlotte on her arm.

"Oh Mr. Parker," she said in way of greeting. "I was just talking with Charlotte about Sanditon and how many interested clients there are already and they are soon to be lining up for a chance to let for the summer. What do you say to that?" she asked.

Sidney smiled and blew out his smoke and went to put it out to be polite.

"Oh do not stop on my account. I always loved the smell," she said smiling all the way up to her eyes.

Charlotte blushed thinking of the time she tried it with him at the theater.

He nodded and puffed again. "I have no contracts as yet, but I am sure they will come," he said.

Charlotte looked away distractedly and found a young gentleman came forward.

Lady Susan smiled a greeting. "Young Theo, I see you are admiring Miss Heywood, do allow me to introduce you. Miss Heywood this is Young Theo Bestile. His father Lord Charles Bestile is in the west indies, and has a large production there."

He blushed looking inexperienced with women but fairly handsome.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance," he said and looked nervous. "Could I perhaps escort you a turn around the floor?" he asked eagerly.

She blushed and nodded. "I suppose one more dance before I see to my duties would not hurt." she took his arm and allowed him to lead her off.

"Nor would his fortune when his father dies." she sipped at her champagne. "Hurt that is," she said to Sidney casually. "Come now," she said. "Have you not yet resigned yourself to your choice?"

He looked away and blew the smoke out frustrated. "It is not a position one can easily resign themselves to."

Lady Worcester nodded. "No, I suppose it isn't. Is the wedding still in early summer?"

Clenching his jaw he cleared his throat. "It has not been discussed but I am sure Eliza has made some preparations." he looked back in through the wide windows and could see Charlotte on the young Theo Bestle's arm.

"Sidney!" Came a holler.

Mary pulled on his arm. "My love you really must stop shouting his name across a wide distance." she reminded him.

Tom looked beside him as if she was an afterthought to the task at hand.

"Oh Sidney, We have only just arrived," he said breathlessly as Arthur and Diana joined them out of breath and entering from the back.

Sidney frowned. "Why didn't you come in through the front and be announced?" he asked.

Tom waved him off. "Rather skip the unhappy tradition this time," he said with a shaming red hue across his cheek and neck.

Arthur dabbed at his sweaty face. "Has Miss Lambe arrived, I know I should find a willing dance partner with her," he said cheerfully. "Oh, madness! The entire house looks to be alive with activity," he said joyously. "What a party it will be."

Sidney turned and looked to see the dance was energetic and bouncing. He could then see Charlotte and her smile gracing her face and he groaned as he put his smoke out.

"Let us hope so Arthur," Sidney said with a serious expression.

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