"Let me take you somewhere....I always go there when I'm stressed...." Taehyung sounded behind me as he stopped walking.....

"Okay..." I turned around and gently smiled....

I never thought after 2 years I'll be walking here with the person....the person I never thought I would see again....but....I don't want him to get the wrong idea.....it's too late.....

"Ugh we've been walking forever...." I groaned....

"Well you wanted to walk out of there..." he said as he chuckled and continued walking...

"We're here..." he sounded as he came to a stop...

"Finally..." I sighed as I looked up to see beautiful pink poui trees that ran along the pathway....it had cute little benches under the trees....

it had cute little benches under the trees

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Wow..." I exclaimed as my eyes glistened at the sight...

"I found this place when I came back to Korea....I come here when I'm stressed or when I'm writing songs it's really peaceful..." he said as he flashed his boxy smile.....

He pulled me towards the cute bench that laid under the tree... "I usually sit here..." he said as he sat down...

I sat beside him as I looked around the area...

"So y/n...." he said as he turned to me....

"Taehyung...I-" I tried to say but he cut me off...

"Let's start over....I can make it up to you....I promise....give me another chance...." he begged....

"Taehyung....it's been 2 years....Jungkook and I..." he cut me off once more...

"I know married...but he doesn't care....he's only going to hurt you y/n....he doesn't know anything about love...." Taehyung said as he looked at me in the eyes....

"Taehyung...I know...but I'm doing this for my dad....maybe things between Jungkook and I could work out.....I don't want to be seen as you know......" I said as I looked down....

"Just one more chance y/n..." he begged once more.... 

"It's too late Taehyung....I don't....l-love you anymore...." I said as I looked down...I had to be strong....I hated to admit the fact that I still loved him....but I can't...do that anymore....he could do the same thing again.....

"Y/n...look at me..." he said as he cupped my face and lifted my face up to see him....
"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me y/n...." he said as his voice cracked....

"I-.." I stuttered as I looked in his teary eyes...he was searching for the answer in my eyes....he knew for a fact...I still loved him....but...I can't....I need to be strong....

||          ||

I knew he would bring her here...just like all the girls he broke in the past 2 years....but...wait...was y/n the girl Taehyung has been looking for?? I questioned myself as I looked at the two of them sitting on the bench.....It can't be....he was going crazy for her.....that's why he used all those other girls as rebounds but none of them felt like her......it must be y/n....she is the girl......

My eyes widened as I looked up to see Taehyung cupping y/n's face....tears fell from his eyes...I couldn't hear what they were saying so I walked closer....
To be continued....
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Hope you enjoyed....
What do you think is jungkook's plan???
Why can't he let her go so easily???
Leave you reviews in the comments...
(Also Happy Taekook day 😊💜💜)

•Unexpected Love• | Jeon Jungkook ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ