"WoaAah." Yoongi exclaimed in surprise, pulling away quickly. Hoseok seemed to be in some sort of trance as he nibbled on his bottom lip. "Why did you do that."

"I could taste it Yoongi. It was... it makes my tongue tingle. I can feel my tongue tingle!" He jumped excitedly and twirled in a circle, clapping his hands together. Yoongi just stared at him.


"It felt so unusual Yoongi..."

"It was hot sauce. That tingle you felt on your tongue was because of the spice, it'll wear of soon."

"Woah..." Hoseok mumbled. Yoongi chuckled and shook his head, getting over the momentarily shock of Hoseok just licking his face and gestured for him to follow him, leading him away from the mall.


Hoseok and Yoongi hung out every chance they could get. Hoseok wanted to feel things and Yoongi felt bad saying no. He wanted to show Hoseok anyway.

Then went everywhere. And one time, Yoongi put a variety of sauces on the back of his hand and let Hoseok try them. He tasted every one of them and his reaction was precious each time.

They've known each other for two months now.

"Yoongiiiiii..." Hoseok whined.

"Oh my god what." Yoongi sighed, tossing his phone aside.

"I'm bored."

"Then go do something?"

"There's nothing to do."

Yoongi looked down at his lap where Hoseok's head was laying, glaring down at the younger. Ever since they met Hoseok always had to be touching Yoongi. And he couldn't blame him, a part of him though that Hoseok felt safe touching him, or maybe if he let go he'd be afraid Yoongi would just disappear and feel empty like everything else.

Yoongi sighed and raked his fingers through Hoseok's brown hair, lightly tugging on it. He watched as the younger's face relaxed.

"That feels good..."

"I know it does."

Hoseok's eyes fluttered shut and his mouth fell open a bit, and Yoongi stared at him, looking over his beautiful features.

And then suddenly Hoseok's eyes snapped open and he sat up quickly, and Yoongi snatched his hand away out of surprise.

"No more." Hoseok breathed.

"Why? What's wrong, did I do something? Are you alright?"

"Yeah it just... it was overwhelming you know?"

"What do you mean?"

"It just felt really good. Like, really nice."

"Hobi..." Yoongi mumbled. "If you can't handle that, how do you think you'll do with other things?"

"I'm... not sure. I just- I didn't want to make you uncomfortable or something? That makes sense right?"

"It would if I knew what you were talking about. I don't know what you could do to make me feel uncomfortable."

"I was afraid I'd make a noise... or... I don't know." Hoseok groaned, placing his head in his hands. "I'm so thankful for you. Not because I can feel you but because you're being so nice. You didn't know who I was when we met, and now you've introduced me to so much. But I feel selfish."

"Why? I said I'd show you. I wasn't lying."

"But I still want more Yoongi. I want to feel more."

"Okay? I'm sorry but you're confusing me. I said I'd show you, what don't you get."

"You! I want to feel you!" Hoseok said loudly. It was clear that he was frustrated but Yoongi didn't understand why. Then Hoseok stood up and paced, mumbling to himself until he stopped abruptly. "Y-Yoongi..."

"What? Hobi what's wrong?" He asked, standing up frantically. He didn't like how Hoseok's face had gone a shade paler and how his eyes were wide with a look he couldn't read. He reached for Hoseok's shaky hands and squeezed them, worried to a painful extent. "Hobi."

"I can feel my heartbeat. Before you touched me I could feel it."


"Yes. It felt... weird? It feels weird. Like it's going to pump out of my chest."

"It does that. That's normal. Don't worry."

"I know, I know, I'm just not used to it. It's overwhelming." He exhaled, chuckling nervously.

"Hobi if you can't deal with this then how will you deal with other feelings?"

"I... I don't know. But I'm going to try. I h-have too."

"You need to relax first okay? Here- Look... at me, look at me Hobi." Yoongi said, cupping Hoseok's face carefully. His eyes were as frantic as his quickly beating heart, but looking into Yoongi's eyes made it easier to breathe. And Yoongi leaned in. He wasn't sure if this would help Hoseok calm down or if it would make him freak out more, but he connected their lips anyways, kissing him softly.

For a split second, Hoseok's heart stopped. And then it picked back up again, relaxing to a mellow pulse as he lost himself in the kiss. The feeling was unlike anything's he's felt so far. It was soft but not in the way fabric could be, and it was warm and plush and his eyes fluttered shut.

When Yoongi pulled back Hoseok chased for his lips, wanting to capture them again to taste them more thoroughly. Yoongi obliged, letting Hoseok explore on his own. And when Hoseok seemed to grow hungrier, the older opened his mouth. Hoseok's tongue slid in naturally and Yoongi wrapped his lips around the wet muscle, sucking on it lightly.

Hoseok moved with hesitance as their tongues tangled and their hands gripped at each other's clothing, but it all felt so good. Everything Hoseok was thinking- every thought that invaded his mind flew out the window when Yoongi kissed him. It just felt so good. So hot to be touched like this.

Hoseok couldn't help but moan softly into the kiss, swiping his tongue over Yoongi's top lip.

"Y-Yoongi." He breathed. Yoongi pulled away, cheeks red and lips puffy as he gained his breath, swallowing deeply.

"That's enough for now I think. If we keep going... that's just something you'll have to get into later." Hoseok laughed and leaned in, placing one last kiss against Yoongi's pink lips.

"Can't wait."

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