Barely Know You (smut)

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"No, Namjoon, I don't think you realize how big this is."

"Seokjin, please stop talking about it."

"But you literally slept with JEON JEONGGUK!"

"You're so loud-"

"You have to tell me what it was like! Did his godly sex skills make you forget about your ex??"

"I should've never went to that party."

"No, I think you've yet to realize how stunningly astronamical this very moment is. He's in love with you if he let you under him!"

And that's when Namjoon left. Because no, Jeongguk was the one crying all night long.

That day started with Namjoon standing awkwardly in front of his mirror, holding random shit he pulled out of his roommate's closet up to him. Why did Seokjin even own a pink shirt with a flamingo stitched to the pocket? Whatever his reasons, Namjoon put the damn thing on and made it the center piece of his ridiculous ensemble.

If you were to ask Kim Namjoon what the fuck he was doing, he'd say he was living the college dream. And then, if you told him, 'yo, joon my dude, you despise college stereotypes and practically gag when you hear the word keg stand' he'd just say he was in it for the experience. And if you continued with how out of character he was being, he'd ignore you, because you were right.

No, Kim Namjoon wasn't going to the biggest frat party of the year because he wanted to cross it off his bucket list, he was doing it to get wasted. Whether that be on alcohol, drugs, or someone else, he didn't care.

He just wanted to live without the pain of heartbreak for one single night. It was exhausting going to bed, staring at the wall, and thinking about what he no longer had. And what he spent so much of his time on.

So to solve the issue, he decided to waste even more time on a personal pity party.

The frat house was just like the movies. Banners, big windows, passed out drunks on the lawn wearing clothes so tiny it couldn't possible count. Namjoon was surprised to see almost every girl wearing a bikini and shorts. Like, why?

Inside, there was a group of dudes showing off their poor backflips. To the right, the dance floor, where people only did one move that Namjoon liked to call the Sloppy Joe. Seriously, did people not know what to do with their hands?

The air smelled atrociously stale. But Namjoon thankfully grew accustomed to it quickly.

He swerved around a pile of people who fell over on his way to the table of glorious drinks. Cheers and laughs erupted around him but he had no intention to figure out why. Selecting a can of beer, Namjoon found an empty spot on the couch and started sipping casually. He tried to not touch the odd stain on the armrest, but at the same time, he was heavily disgusted by the three people simultaneously making out next to him. For god's sake, they sounded like hungry hippos.

Namjoon scanned the crowd of swaying bodies. In the middle he scouted a boy with a bright red bucket hat. Jung Hoseok. Everybody knew him.

Next to Jung Hoseok was Park Jimin wearing a crop top. Everyone knew him too. Hoseok and Jimin were like three peas in a pod, the third pea being their combined obnoxious personalities.

Namjoon couldn't complain too much though. The shit he was currently witnessing was so bizarre and absurd that it completely erased his ex from his mind. And maybe the slight buzz was helping.

He finished his first can there on the couch, and with the second in hand, he joined the mass of people on the dance floor. Now, Namjoon wasn't a good dancer, but he wasn't that bad. He didn't step on feet, he minded his own business and let the loud bass take him away from reality for a moment. Appearantly he had some sense of movement when he was tipsy.

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