Lab Bunny (smut)

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Back at it again with Jungkook because I can't help myselfff~ his character is just so cute and fun to write 🥺🥺
"Shit- Jungkook don't drink that!" Yoongi yelled, reaching out to snatch the cup from Jungkook but it was too late and he had already taken a sip. He looked a little scared at first from Yoongi's sudden out break but then his face pulled into a look of disgust as the flavor of his drink settled on his tongue. His taste buds tingled and he grimaced even more, reaching beside him to steal a gulp from Seokjin's drink. It didn't exactly cover up the disgusting taste but it did dull it down enough for Jungkook to breath without smelling it too.

"That was not water." Jungkook said, a shudder washing over him and making him goosebump.

"Yeah, that was a fucking solution I was mixing up in the lab." Yoongi groaned, scrubbing his hand over his face before grabbing the cup with the deadly chemicals.

"Oh fuck- am I going to die?!" Jungkook screeched, standing up so quickly that he jostled the whole table and Seokjin's drink spilled onto his lap. The older gasped and shot out of his seat, liquid dripping off his trousers.

"Jungkook these are new pants!" He yelled, glaring at the younger.

"I literally just drank a death potion!" Jungkook responded, frowning angrily.

"That's Yoongi fault for setting the cup on the dinner table! I don't deserve this!" He said, gesturing at his pants. One pant leg was soaked through and sticking to Seokjin's muscular thigh while the other one was mostly dry, loose and clean.

"Alright just... okay, Seokjin, your pants are the least of our problems at the moment." Yoongi said, glancing at Jungkook and studying the look in his eyes. Jungkook eyed him strangely, still not sure if he was going to die or not. "Jungkook if that taste on your tongue suddenly gets really sweet then you need to come see me immediately."

"Well it's official." Jungkook said, throwing his hands in the air. "I'm literally going to die."

"You're not going to die." Yoongi huffed, collecting his cup to take it back to his lab. Seokjin stormed off to go change into a different pair of pants and Jungkook slumped in his chair, tongue feeling like the bottom of a dumpster.


The worst part about the effects was that they began to show up while Jungkook was sleeping. He wasn't able to notice the subtle switch from nasty to tasty in his mouth, is was just gross when he went to bed and delicious when he woke up.

With the yummy flavor in his mouth came matching urges and needs. Jungkook woke up with an odd pit in his stomach and he pouted, rubbing his tummy lightly. His skin felt more sensitive than usual and he remembered what Yoongi said, moving to slip out of bed.

The walk down the hallway was... eventful. Jungkook's legs had been weak since he first stood up and as he walked they got worse. He ached and wobbled and a few times he had to lean against the wall for support, silently begging for whatever this torture was to go away and leave him alone.

As he neared Yoongi's door Seokjin was coming from the other end of the hallway, his phone in his hands. Jungkook's hands were pressed to the wall, head hanging down as a sweat broke out on his neck.

Oh god.

This was it.

He was dying.

"Jungkookie?" Seokjin said, seeing his ill state and immediately rushing over to help stable him. One touch and he frowned, his hot skin like burning coals. "You should be in bed Jungkook, you're burning up."

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