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Lila Hamilton
-three months later

"You're so adorable" I hear Shawn whisper in his adorable baby voice.

I keep my eyes shut, just wanting to hear Shawn talk to Haven, and haven responds in squeals and cute babbling.

"And look how beautiful Mummy looks, I know she's awake but let's pretend she's still asleep" Shawn chuckles. Haven squeals loudly then I feel him being placed on my chest.

I giggle tiredly, opening my eyes to be immediately met with Haven's bright eyes. His small body perched on my chest, his mouth wide open.

"Hi bubba" I bop his nose making him screech. I laugh turning to Shawn and my heart races. He looked even more handsome these days if that's possible, his hair was a little wild from what we did last night, his cheeks flushed with vibrant colour, his eyes filled with happiness and his lips plump that I so desperately wanted to kiss.

"Morning sexy" Shawn's voice lowers, he turns his naked body towards me, his hand snaking across my stomach under the duvet.

"Morning, come kiss me" I flutter my lashes in attempt to lure him in but of course he leaps into me, planting a big kiss on my lips.

Haven wafts his arm at Shawn's cheek making him back away.

"Someone's jealous" I lift Haven in the air making him erupt into giggles making me feel all giddy. I bring him down kissing his soft tummy and chubby cheeks.

Shawn shuffles up to my side, pressing himself against me.

"I love him" I giggle, havens huge smile made me feel the same way I felt about dancing and Shawn.

Shawn hooks his thigh over me and traps me in his arms, pressing feathery kissing on my shoulder. "You okay there?" I ask Shawn as i continue to kiss all over havens face.

"I'm perfect baby girl, are you?" His voice dripping with seduction making my stomach flip.

"Hmm he's going to fall asleep soon after all this giggling" I inform Shawn. "Oh yeah?" I feel Shawn smirk against my skin.

"Yeah" I hum. "Well then I look forward to it" Shawn leans his head against my shoulder as we continue to giggle with our baby boy.

It was already time for another nap, I put Haven in the moses basket in my room, leaving the door open a little. I walk down the hall and past Shawn's office/studio space that he had been in all day and for the majority of the last three months, which I didn't mind.

I raise my hand knocking lightly.


I open up the door smiling like an idiot when I see he's shirtless and has a guitar resting on his lap, using it to lean his notebook on.

"You don't need to knock honey, come sit with me" he puts his guitar down and faces me. I sit on the other chair and he pulls me closer to him.

"What's up darling?" He gives me his full attention. "Oh it can wait if your busy-"

"No, go on" he nods. I just figured I should tell him now.

I take a deep breath and reach for his hands, clutching them. "So erm, well we talked about my situation before Haven was born, you know about the dancing and stuff"

He nods slowly. "Yeah we had a plan"

"Well, plans can change you know?" I say cautiously biting on my bottom lip. "And How has this plan changed?" He questions.

"You know I have money saved and I've been missing dancing so much and I feel good right now and I've found a studio, it's so perfect and I really want it" I let out.

"Can I see it?" He asks. "Well" I bring my bottom lips between my teeth anxiously. "What did you do?" He questions with squinty eyes.

"There's like a tour, viewing kinda thing tonight, I was hoping we could go"

"Tonight?" He raises his eyebrows, his voice slightly falling. "I know it's last minute-"

"It's not that honey, I was gonna go out tonight but I can cancel-"

"No don't cancel. It's okay, I'll go with Haven. It's at half six and we'll be back at like half seven" I tell him. "I'll just come with you-"

"You don't have to" I shake my head. "It's okay baby, I wanna come" he pulls me on to his lap. I grin hooking my arms around his shoulders. "Are you sure?"

"A hundred percent" he nods.

Haven squeals loudly, he was set in his stroller looking up at me as we walked around the studio with a lady, Alex, who was talking us through everything.

Shawn waves down at haven and he erupts into giggles.

"He's adorable" Alex compliments. "He's also very loud" I chuckle. Shawn takes the stroller from me, for some reason he looked so hot right now. He was dressed in some black ripped jeans and a short sleeved white polo shirt making his physique look incredible. And then he picked up Haven, who Shawn dressed in a blue dinosaur onesie which he looked adorable in.

"So, theres three back rooms, they're the same size, all of them including mirrors and they're sound proof" she tells me as we walk further along. Shawn trails behind me and I hear him talking to Haven making him giggle adorably. After a couple minutes of walking around a little more I feel Shawn lace his hand with mine.

"So I'll give you guys a few minutes to discuss anything and if you like it we can start the paper work immediately" she smiles walking away.

"What do you think so far?" He asks me. "I really like it" I grin looking up at him.

"You want it?"

I nod moving in closer, smiling like an idiot. "Get it then" he chuckles kissing my forehead. "I'm so excited" I bring my hand to Havens chubby cheek and he babbles away at me.

"Me too, now let's close this thing up and get some food. Me and Haven are hungry, aren't we buddy" Shawn goes into his baby voice.

I put a blanket over my shoulder and drape it down over Haven as he feeds. Shawn puts his arm around my waist and brings up a few fries to my mouth feeding me then he eats himself.

"Is he almost done under there? I want to play with him" Shawn chuckles lifting the scarf to dip his head under it. "Shawn!" I hit his arm laughing. He pops back up smirking.

"Sorry, couldn't help it" he kisses my cheek. I hear havens adorable little babbles and he starts shuffling around whining.

"You disturbed him now" I huff picking haven up. Shawn moves closer towards me and puts my top and bra back in place as I fix up havens bib. "I got you babe" he winks.

I chuckle handing him Haven then I lean into him. "Thank you" I kiss his arm softly since it was closer to me. "What for huh?" He softly rubs havens back.

"Just being so supportive and kind" I shrug. "I always am going to be" He kisses the top of my head sending my heart wild.

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