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Lila Hamilton
-Wednesday, dance studio

"How?" Shawn huffs in annoyance. It was the next day and he was not getting the hang of it at all.

"Okay let's sit, grab your water and calm down" I chuckle at his childish behaviour. He grabs his water bottle and perches himself on the steps, his long legs stretching ahead of him, his grey shorts riding up to show his thighs a bit more and his grey gym top going up to show his v-line which I'm sure is every girls weakness. Even his hands were attractive, the way he was gripping the bottle and bringing it to his lips-

Remain professional! I mentally tell myself off.

I stand up in front of him quickly taking back some water before I begin talking.

"So when you learn to dance, this is going to sound cringe but you have to feel it. You want to learn so act like it. Put everything you have into it. Whatever you're learning it for just think about that, imagine how good you'll be in the end" my voice slightly at a higher pitch as I try to be as enthusiastic and encouraging as I can.

His nods like he wanted me to carry on but I couldn't let any more words out while he looked at me the way he was looking at me; head tilted adorably, lips curve to a warm smile, his eyes crinkling. A look that I already liked on him.

He suddenly hops up and grabs my waist like I was his to hold. "Lila?" He asks. I chuckle humming back a "Yes" as he sways my body from my side to side and I let him for some reason.

"You're so kind"

My eyes flicker up at him. My heart warms up at his words. "So are you, now come on. Hold me properly and let's do this" I clap my hands together. "Fine but can we change the song or no song at all?" He asks.

"I'll just put on a slow dance playlist and whatever come on is fine" I tell him pressing shuffle. "Now, where do your hands go?" I ask him. He looks at me cheekily then places one hand on my waist and the other mine.

"Right here" he whispers gently.

"Just ask him on a date!" Carmen exclaims from the bathroom. She walks in sitting down at my vanity as I begin straightening her hair.

"Ew no" I shake my head at the thought of embarrassing myself when Shawn says no.

"God Lila, you're not sixteen. You are a beautiful twenty three year old woman who needs to experience love again" she smiles at me through the mirror. "I have experienced it and we all know how that turned out" I chuckle softly.

Long story short; this boy, Jake, complete and utter stunner broke my heart when I was twenty one after being in a three year long relationship. He slept with another dance instructor on my birthday and Carmen had to tell me since she was the one who found out. Let's just say I was locked up in my living room watching How To Get Away With Murder on repeat for a good three months.

"Tell me about him" she encourages. "No, he's just someone I'm teaching" I shake my head but she gives me the look making me huff. He's simply someone who wanted to learn how to dance... except for the fact everyone I've ever taught would be so serious but he was acting like a friend, a very flirty friend who I wanted more and more everyday.

"Fine. He's really nice, a guitarist and I can tell he likes it much more than dancing" I chuckle. Carmen smiles at me warmly wanting me to carry on. "Erm he's tall, like above six foot, I'm directly level with his lips. He's literally so handsome, god Carmen, it's overwhelming how good looking he is. He's got good hair too, I bet he barely does anything to it. He's funny too, has a laugh when he can't do something... he just seems like a good guy, just genuinely nice"

I feel myself envisioning his perfectly structured face in my head, his adorable giggle when I'd tell him off.

I need to calm down. I've known him maybe five days.

"He sounds wonderful" Carmen speaks up. "If he's such a nice guy then make a move" her encouraging voice putting thoughts in my head, what would be the harm in asking him on a date?

"I don't know. It's too early" I shrug. "Too early? Babe I slept with Eli on the first date and since then we haven't looked at other people and that was ages ago. And what if you leave it too later and regret the chance to know such an amazing guy? You'll just be wandering what if your whole life" she exaggerates throwing her hands in the air.

"You're so dramatic" I laugh. "Just let me work at my own pace please"

She sighs sitting back. "You'll regret it but as your friend I'll respect it"

Our Dance: Shawn Mendes ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat